In this entertaining eBooklet, renowned deep thinkers Jimmy Russell and Jack Goldstein discuss the ten greatest inventions they believe humankind has ever seen, using their own unique perspectives on the world in which we live. The result is an entertaining read, and - being careful to distinguish between inventions and discoveries - many readers may be surprised at what appears on the list and what does not. Informative, fun and vaguely educational, this is a great title which will create debate and discussion.
In this entertaining eBooklet, renowned deep thinkers Jimmy Russell and Jack Goldstein discuss the ten greatest inventions they believe humankind has ever seen, using their own unique perspectives on the world in which we live. The result is an entertaining read, and - being careful to distinguish between inventions and discoveries - many readers may be surprised at what appears on the list and what does not. Informative, fun and vaguely educational, this is a great title which will create debate and discussion.