Your marketing strategy should consist of how you will show customers that your cleaning service is better than any other cleaning company. How is your service unique? You must figure out how you will promote your cleaning business. Make it stand out above all others, and keep your current customers coming back. In this book we will teach you 101 ways to reach new customers with new marketing techniques that will get your phone to ring. These marketing ideas have been used by our company to solicit quality contracts throughout the years. If you implement just a few of these ideas you will crack the marketing code and triple you’re cleaning business. Do not be afraid to try new things, when you are marketing your cleaning business you are only limited by your own imagination. With these ideas in hand you will succeed. Get your copy now, before your competition does!
Your marketing strategy should consist of how you will show customers that your cleaning service is better than any other cleaning company. How is your service unique? You must figure out how you will promote your cleaning business. Make it stand out above all others, and keep your current customers coming back. In this book we will teach you 101 ways to reach new customers with new marketing techniques that will get your phone to ring. These marketing ideas have been used by our company to solicit quality contracts throughout the years. If you implement just a few of these ideas you will crack the marketing code and triple you’re cleaning business. Do not be afraid to try new things, when you are marketing your cleaning business you are only limited by your own imagination. With these ideas in hand you will succeed. Get your copy now, before your competition does!