A world forged in war...Inan. A planet where the nation states have been at war for over half a millennium. So are they ready for peace?In a world where magic and technology have become intertwined, the Mages of each nation state - the ultimate wizards - have become the ultimate weapons. So what happens when one of them is abducted, and the planet is threatened with a new war that could lead to global annihilation?The ultimate weapons will meet the ultimate warrior.Dreams of Inan is an exciting new fantasy series, mixing high technology and magic, set in a world of adventure, intrigue and action.
A world forged in war...Inan. A planet where the nation states have been at war for over half a millennium. So are they ready for peace?In a world where magic and technology have become intertwined, the Mages of each nation state - the ultimate wizards - have become the ultimate weapons. So what happens when one of them is abducted, and the planet is threatened with a new war that could lead to global annihilation?The ultimate weapons will meet the ultimate warrior.Dreams of Inan is an exciting new fantasy series, mixing high technology and magic, set in a world of adventure, intrigue and action.