A seventy-five year-old man finds himself reliving his life. He embarks upon a career as a scientist but also wishes to be a writer. He attempts to improve his behavior in his second life but finds that it isn’t so easy. Recollections from his first life become ever fainter as his second life progresses. Finally he does achieve a better understanding of himself and finds his place in the world. Improvements in life over his life span have been staggering and he mulls over the life his parents led with all its attendant hardships. The improvements are invisible to the present generation. In both his lives he attempts to lead the life of a Christian
A seventy-five year-old man finds himself reliving his life. He embarks upon a career as a scientist but also wishes to be a writer. He attempts to improve his behavior in his second life but finds that it isn’t so easy. Recollections from his first life become ever fainter as his second life progresses. Finally he does achieve a better understanding of himself and finds his place in the world. Improvements in life over his life span have been staggering and he mulls over the life his parents led with all its attendant hardships. The improvements are invisible to the present generation. In both his lives he attempts to lead the life of a Christian