The relationship between Emma Maugham and the mysterious Charles Delmonte takes an unexpected turn, both torrid and intense. But Emma is determined to break through the mystery and discover Charles' secret wound, at the risk of losing everything.Charles Delmonte is fascinating...but who is he really?This novel is the third volume of Olivia Dean's sensual saga, A Possessive Billionaire.A Possessive Billionaire is the most sensational sensual novel to have been released since Fifty Shades of Grey.
The relationship between Emma Maugham and the mysterious Charles Delmonte takes an unexpected turn, both torrid and intense. But Emma is determined to break through the mystery and discover Charles' secret wound, at the risk of losing everything.Charles Delmonte is fascinating...but who is he really?This novel is the third volume of Olivia Dean's sensual saga, A Possessive Billionaire.A Possessive Billionaire is the most sensational sensual novel to have been released since Fifty Shades of Grey.