With a thought-provoking insight into the possibility of life beyond Earth within the universe, the story explores the history of our past, present and the future ahead. It helps our understanding of the ages of the Galaxy, the Solar System and other planetary systems in the Milky Way that could answer mankind’s all speculations on life beyond Earth. This book is an ode to all the great achievements of humanity and to those courageous brave men and women who dared to venture into the mysterious space that is beyond our planet to discover other unknown worlds and rewrite the history of mankind. Answer is Blowing in the Wind also portrays the current developments in space science and technology and space discoveries that are unfolding many unknown secrets of the Universe today.
With a thought-provoking insight into the possibility of life beyond Earth within the universe, the story explores the history of our past, present and the future ahead. It helps our understanding of the ages of the Galaxy, the Solar System and other planetary systems in the Milky Way that could answer mankind’s all speculations on life beyond Earth. This book is an ode to all the great achievements of humanity and to those courageous brave men and women who dared to venture into the mysterious space that is beyond our planet to discover other unknown worlds and rewrite the history of mankind. Answer is Blowing in the Wind also portrays the current developments in space science and technology and space discoveries that are unfolding many unknown secrets of the Universe today.