"The Archies Return to Beverly Hills": After their first thrilling adventure in Beverly Hills (from December 2008's ARCHIE'S DIGEST #250), The Archies have returned for more fun in the "Golden State!" This time, they're playing a gig at the fabled Beverly Hills Hotel's Crystal Ballroom, where many a movie star, president and other dignitaries have been entertained throughout the years! Of course, they plan to make time for some of the city's other famous landmarks, too, including the Fountain Coffee room - home of grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches and the famous "Orange Freeze" drink, and the many shops on Rodeo Drive, including Guzzi and Dolsay & Cabana! "Do the Right Thing": Archie faces his biggest dilemma: do what's right (keep his date with Betty) or rock 'n' roll all night (at a concert with Veronica)! "Loving the Library": Girls can read boys like open books - especially when those boys (like Archie) volunteer at the library just to meet girls! PLUS: Other new and classic tales!
"The Archies Return to Beverly Hills": After their first thrilling adventure in Beverly Hills (from December 2008's ARCHIE'S DIGEST #250), The Archies have returned for more fun in the "Golden State!" This time, they're playing a gig at the fabled Beverly Hills Hotel's Crystal Ballroom, where many a movie star, president and other dignitaries have been entertained throughout the years! Of course, they plan to make time for some of the city's other famous landmarks, too, including the Fountain Coffee room - home of grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches and the famous "Orange Freeze" drink, and the many shops on Rodeo Drive, including Guzzi and Dolsay & Cabana! "Do the Right Thing": Archie faces his biggest dilemma: do what's right (keep his date with Betty) or rock 'n' roll all night (at a concert with Veronica)! "Loving the Library": Girls can read boys like open books - especially when those boys (like Archie) volunteer at the library just to meet girls! PLUS: Other new and classic tales!