In this issue of Barty the Kid, Barty escaped the Mechanics Wizard Academy only to find himself in another prison...and with a strange young wizard, Liam, who grabbed onto Barty as he tumbled down the stairs into darkness. Stolen wand in hand, Barty and Liam attempt to find their way out only to make a horrible discovery: they are trapped beneath the streets of Boston in "Old Boston." Set upon by the Warden's agents, Barty looses Liam only to find himself face-to-face with a horde of angry ghosts
In this issue of Barty the Kid, Barty escaped the Mechanics Wizard Academy only to find himself in another prison...and with a strange young wizard, Liam, who grabbed onto Barty as he tumbled down the stairs into darkness. Stolen wand in hand, Barty and Liam attempt to find their way out only to make a horrible discovery: they are trapped beneath the streets of Boston in "Old Boston." Set upon by the Warden's agents, Barty looses Liam only to find himself face-to-face with a horde of angry ghosts