Beaverland is a magical tale of a young girl, who while living an ordinary life, has a most remarkable experience. In Beaverland, we meet Jessica Chapman, a smart and funny 12 year old girl. On Christmas morning, she is thrilled to receive the ice skates she’s want for so long! Her parents warn her that the ice on the pond isn’t ready for skating, but the next morning, Jessica cannot resist the temptation of her new skates. She sneaks down to the pond and falls through the ice! She awakes confused, in a small dark room, not having any idea where she is and finally realizes she is inside a beaver’s dam! She was rescued by beavers, and they nurse her back to health. With the beavers, she experiences the magic and beauty that is their world, and she learns valuable lessons about responsibility, and taking care of the people and animals that you love. When she finally gets back home through the help of the beavers, she takes these lessons with her, into her adult life.
Beaverland is a magical tale of a young girl, who while living an ordinary life, has a most remarkable experience. In Beaverland, we meet Jessica Chapman, a smart and funny 12 year old girl. On Christmas morning, she is thrilled to receive the ice skates she’s want for so long! Her parents warn her that the ice on the pond isn’t ready for skating, but the next morning, Jessica cannot resist the temptation of her new skates. She sneaks down to the pond and falls through the ice! She awakes confused, in a small dark room, not having any idea where she is and finally realizes she is inside a beaver’s dam! She was rescued by beavers, and they nurse her back to health. With the beavers, she experiences the magic and beauty that is their world, and she learns valuable lessons about responsibility, and taking care of the people and animals that you love. When she finally gets back home through the help of the beavers, she takes these lessons with her, into her adult life.