According to many studies, the average church-attending young person is more likely to not stay, than to remain. Before They Say Goodbye is a proactive project to help parents, leaders, and pastors prepare their youth do deal with many of the challenges of faith which are causing this trend. David Sawler discusses many of the reasons why so many have said they are leaving or have left. However, this book is not intended to just state obvious problems. Instead this is a book of stories, advice, and ideas on how to reach, protect, prepare, and keep this generation. Along with David's writing, twenty world youth leaders, authors, and pastors were asked to give ideas and advice on how you can deal with many of the issues raised. Also, included are many resources, books, ministries, and websites which you can find more help on many of topics. This is the book every pastor, leader, and parent should read to help prepare their youth, and those they work with, to remain strong in their faith.
According to many studies, the average church-attending young person is more likely to not stay, than to remain. Before They Say Goodbye is a proactive project to help parents, leaders, and pastors prepare their youth do deal with many of the challenges of faith which are causing this trend. David Sawler discusses many of the reasons why so many have said they are leaving or have left. However, this book is not intended to just state obvious problems. Instead this is a book of stories, advice, and ideas on how to reach, protect, prepare, and keep this generation. Along with David's writing, twenty world youth leaders, authors, and pastors were asked to give ideas and advice on how you can deal with many of the issues raised. Also, included are many resources, books, ministries, and websites which you can find more help on many of topics. This is the book every pastor, leader, and parent should read to help prepare their youth, and those they work with, to remain strong in their faith.