In Beware, Pirates!, the debut title in the Canadian Flyer Adventures series, friends Matt and Emily discover the Canadian Flyer, a magical time-traveling sled, in Emily’s attic. The magic sled transports them back to the year 1577 where they find themselves aboard Martin Frobisher’s ship, The Aid. Adventure beckons, and Emily and Matt are happy to follow. Until, that is, they encounter a crew of pirates! Author Frieda Wishinsky weaves well-researched and accurate historical facts into her compelling, kid-friendly storytelling, while Dean Griffith’s evocative illustrations situate readers perfectly in place and time. At the end of their adventure, Emily and Matt share additional facts about pirate ships, Nunavut, and Martin Frobisher, and Wishinsky gives additional facts here too, in an informative Q&A format.
In Beware, Pirates!, the debut title in the Canadian Flyer Adventures series, friends Matt and Emily discover the Canadian Flyer, a magical time-traveling sled, in Emily’s attic. The magic sled transports them back to the year 1577 where they find themselves aboard Martin Frobisher’s ship, The Aid. Adventure beckons, and Emily and Matt are happy to follow. Until, that is, they encounter a crew of pirates! Author Frieda Wishinsky weaves well-researched and accurate historical facts into her compelling, kid-friendly storytelling, while Dean Griffith’s evocative illustrations situate readers perfectly in place and time. At the end of their adventure, Emily and Matt share additional facts about pirate ships, Nunavut, and Martin Frobisher, and Wishinsky gives additional facts here too, in an informative Q&A format.