123S category: 4999 books

Cover of 交通工具小繪本:大船開!噗噗噗~
by 楊郁薇
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 21, 2018

Cover of Wij Houden van Schoon Zijn
by Atilla Alan
Language: Dutch
Release Date: February 9, 2019

De Blije Vlinder is een schattige en nieuwsgierige karakter die het leven verkent. Dit is een eenvoudig boek om het hart van uw kind te doordringen met veel liefde, dankbaarheid en mededogen.
Cover of Yalanı Sevmeyen Cingöz
by Seçkin Tabar
Language: English
Release Date: March 6, 2019

Değerlerimizi öğreten, okumayı pekiştiren eğlenceli harika öykülerdir. Dik Temel Harflerle okumayı öğreten ve hızlandıran kitaplardır. Her kitapta okuduğunu anlama soruları mevcuttur. 19,5x27,5 cm ebadında ve her kitap 16 sayfadır.
Cover of L'imagier rigolo des véhicules - Ouistiti dès 18 mois
by Me Florence Langlois
Language: French
Release Date: March 7, 2019

Un imagier surprise plein de fantaisie pour apprendre les noms des véhicules de façon originale ! Une double-page d'imagier et une devinette : "A ton avis, petit ouistiti, que va-t-il se passer maintenant ?" L'enfant peut s'amuser à faire plein de propositions... 8 doubles pages...
Cover of La meva família
by Cristina Losantos, Dexeus Mujer
Language: Catalan
Release Date: March 21, 2018

En Pau està a punt de tenir un germanet, la Martina es pregunta per què ella només té mare i en Joan recorda quan va ser adoptat... Amb les famílies passa el mateix que amb les persones: totes són diferents, no n’hi ha dues d’iguals. Però totes tenen un tret comú, allò que fa que la nostra...
Cover of Mr. Books Story
by Judy Camby
Language: English
Release Date: May 28, 2008

"I bet everyone wishes they were like me. Im the most important letter!" Bragged Mr. S. Join Mr. Book as he tells the story of the alphabet and their fight to see who was the best. Children will learn the importance of working together and learn their own worth. Recommended age group: Kindergarten - Second Grade.
Cover of Donavan's Word Jar
by Monalisa DeGross
Language: English
Release Date: December 31, 2018

The classic story about the power of words Donavan Allen doesn’t collect coins, comics, or trading cards like most kids. He collects words—big words, little words, soft words, and silly words. Whenever Donavan finds a new word, he writes it on a slip of paper and puts it in his word jar. But...
Cover of Je fais des sciences - Dokéo dès 4 ans
by Cécile Jugla
Language: French
Release Date: August 16, 2018

La science à la portée des petits ! Avec des expériences faciles à faire à la maison ! L'air a-t-il un poids ? L'eau est-elle toujours liquide ? Peut-on construire avec du papier ? Nos yeux nous trompent-ils ? À travers 38 questions d'enfants, ce livre propose de découvrir des principes...
Cover of Happy Louis gets lost at the beach
by Happy Louis
Language: English
Release Date: September 13, 2018

Happy Louis is going to the beach with his parents and gets lost… Follow his adventure and learn with him!
Cover of B is for Bitcoin
by Graeme Moore
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2018

B is for Bitcoin teaches readers their ABCs using terminology used in the Bitcoin world like Altcoin, Bitcoin, Consensus, and more! Show off your love for Bitcoin by reading this book to your child, your friend, or even a nocoiner. Leave it on your coffee table so that you can explain what...
Cover of Tomorrow Most Likely
by Dave Eggers
Language: English
Release Date: April 2, 2019

Every night we say goodnight. But tonight we also ask, "What will tomorrow bring? An odd-sounding song? A worried-looking bug? A mysterious rock?" Most likely, all of the above. In a modern take on the classic goodnight book, rather than focusing on going to bed, this little boy contemplates...
Cover of Bulldozer's Shapes

Bulldozer's Shapes

Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site

by Sherri Duskey Rinker
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2019

Time for the construction site to SHAPE UP! Little construction fans will love learning their shapes by watching Bulldozer CIRCLE around, clearing away TRIANGLES of dirt until the perfect building spot has been SQUARED away. It's all in a day's work for the trucks of the bestselling Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site!
Cover of Weather and the Seasons
by DK
Language: English
Release Date: January 22, 2019

Nature-loving and crafty 3-5 year olds will love finding out all about weather in this charming crafty science book. From sun and snow, to thunder and lightning, children will find out what goes on up in the sky, and why. They'll discover simple answers to difficult questions - What makes a...
Cover of The Snack Shop
by Lisa Greathouse
Language: English
Release Date: June 18, 2018

Learn basic subtraction at the snack shop! This charming title uses familiar examples of children buying snacks at a snack shop to make learning subtraction and number operations easy and fun! If there were four lollipops, but a girl bought three, then one lollipop is left! With the help of practical...
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