Ailments category: 10428 books

Cover of Squeeky, Melissa y la Diabetes
by Joe Cardozo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 12, 2018

Melissa, una niña de 9 años, es diagnosticada con Diabetes tipo 1. A partir de ese momento la vida de Melissa y sus padres cambiaría y mientras intentaban adaptarse a su nueva condición de vida, el ambiente en su casa empeoraba haciendo que la diabetes de Melissa se descontrolara cada vez más....



Language: English
Release Date: August 19, 2015

Little Asia learns the sad news that mommy has breast cancer. Her family fights to keep it together and  bravely face the disease as one. Then, suddenly it happens - Where's Mommy's Hair? The Ever Digital Media Group, LLC is proud to announce the release of our new children’s book,...
Cover of NLD from the Inside Out

NLD from the Inside Out

Talking to Parents, Teachers, and Teens about Growing Up with Nonverbal Learning Disabilities - Third Edition

by Michael Brian Murphy
Language: English
Release Date: June 21, 2016

Written by and for teens and young adults with Nonverbal Learning Disabilities (NLD), as well as for their parents, teachers, therapists, and others who care about them, and backed by the latest neuropsychological research, NLD from the Inside Out offers hundreds of useful tips on: - Organization and...
Cover of Kathrin parle avec les yeux - La vie d'un infant handicapée
by Kathrin Lemler, Stefan Gemmel
Language: French
Release Date: November 17, 2015

Bien que Kathrin ne puisse pas parler, elle a beaucoup de choses à dire. C'était son souhait de montrer ce qui est important pour elle. À l'âge de dix ans elle raconte sa vie quotidienne à l'école et à la maison. Huit ans plus tard Kathrin prépare son baccalauréat et nous fait savoir lors d'une interview ce qu'elle pense et comment elle se sent maintenant.
Cover of The Great Big Book of Diseases : Concussions, Diabetes, Flu and Cancer | Biology Book for Kids Junior Scholars Edition | Children's Diseases Books
by Baby Professor
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2019

What are concussions, diabetes, flu and cancer? Gain a better understanding of these diseases by reading about them in this giant ebook. You are giving your child a copy of this resource not because you want him/her to be little doctors but because you want to set a good foundation of hygiene, nutrition and regular checkups. Go ahead and grab a copy today.
Cover of Hukum Bunuh Diri & Eutanasia Dalam Syariah Islam
by Muhammad Vandestra
Language: Indonesian
Release Date: October 29, 2017

Pandangan Syariah Islam Terhadap Bunuh Diri Dan Eutanashia, bersumberkan dari Kitab Suci Al-Quran & Al-Hadist. Suicide and Euthanasia from Islamic Perspective Based from The Holy Quran & Prophet Al-Hadith In Indonesia Languange. Dalam berbagai ayatnya, Al-Qur’an menegaskan...
Cover of Can Your Guts Get Tied In A Knot? | A Children's Disease Book (Learning About Diseases)
by Baby Professor
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2017

Here’s to opening the medicinal world to your children. This book is intended to all the kids out there who must learn a thing or two about proper hygiene and how to avoid diseases. This Children’s Disease Book is a reference guide to make your children aware of common diseases, how to not get near them and ways to cure them. Get a copy now!
Cover of Fighting the Big C : What Cancer Does to the Body - Biology 6th Grade | Children's Biology Books
by Baby Professor
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2017

What is cancer and why do so many people succumb to it? This biology book for sixth graders will discuss what happens to the body when cancer cells attack. Where does cancer come from and how can you beat it? Can you really and truly beat it? Read this book to find out the answer today!
Cover of 第21個學生
by 徐嘉澤
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 17, 2017

§ 這是一本讓孩子提早認識「失智症」的繪本 § 這位新同學好不一樣! 「她的背比一般同學還要駝、眼睛比一般同學還要瞇, 頭髮比一般同學還要白,皺紋還比許老師多!」   我們都叫許老師「晴男」,最近許老師常請假,聽說是家裡出了些問題;有天,許老師說要介紹一位新同學給我們……這位新同學是我們的第二十一位同學,而且她……非常「不一樣」!   從《第21個學生》體會同理不同、感受家人失去記憶而帶來的不便、懂得珍惜與至親相處的每分每秒…… -- 高雄市市長 陳菊、高雄市文化局長 尹立 台灣失智症協會秘書長 湯麗玉、 圖文暨設計創作者 Croter 還有還有……陳滿足的同學們 溫暖推薦 --   「一本難得的書。我發現「宣導」失智症有關的正確觀念是最重要的!許多困境源自不了解或一知半解,導致延遲就醫、誤會、衝突、排斥、意外事件,甚至家庭的悲劇。」 台灣失智症協會秘書長 湯麗玉 「很多難題的解法通常是愛。」 圖文暨設計創作者 Croter 來自陳滿足同學的感心推薦 「我希望阿嬤能早日恢復健康出院,我知道『阿茲海默症』是一種不會好的病,但還是希望陳滿足也能身體健康,一直快快樂樂地當我們的同學,就算一直叫許老師爸爸也沒關係。」 《聯合文學》雜誌總編輯 王聰威 「我想,如果我是這故事裡的孩子之一,我會扮演類似櫻桃小丸子裡的野口那樣平時沉默、觀察力卻很敏銳的角色,最後就像是童話故事《國王的新衣》的孩子一樣,說出一句關鍵的話戳破大人世界的假象,讓那些大人們感到羞愧而無地自容。」 導演 楊力州 「而陳滿足...
Cover of L'amore a nudo

L'amore a nudo

50 sfumature di Amore. Esperienze, testimonianze e immagini dalla Love Revolution.

by Ilaria Farulli, Alfredo Meschi
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 1, 2015

Un viaggio attraverso pratiche e immagini che propongono una visione positiva della sessualità, oltre la mercificazione, per la riappropriazione del piacere, del desiderio e della libertà. Dicono gli autori: "Quelle che seguono sono 50 sfumature di una rivoluzione in atto. Sfumature...
Cover of Manuale dei cibi fermentati
by Michela Trevisan
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 2, 2016

Come preparare olive in salamoia, sidro, kefir, dosa, formaggio di mandorle Uno dei vantaggi della fermentazione è di garantire un lungo periodo di conservazione agli alimenti. Il manuale tratta i vari tipi di fermentazione, da quella lattica a quella alcolica, acetica e propionica per deliziare...
Cover of What is Cancer? Kids Book About Cancer
by Baby Professor
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2017

What is the Big C and why is everyone is afraid of it? This educational resource will explain what cancer is and what it is not. The information may not be as comprehensive as doctors would explain it, but it includes all the essential and interesting facts about the disease. The addition of images will only make this book a much more interesting read. Grab a copy now.
Cover of Assessing AIDS Prevention

Assessing AIDS Prevention

Selected papers presented at the international conference held in Montreux (Switzerland), October 29–November 1, 1990

Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

In most countries, primary prevention programmes against the HIV / AIDS epidemic have been implemented. Broadly speaking, three levels of intervention can be identified: - national campaigns directed to the general population; most of them are multi phase campaigns aimed at providing information about...
Cover of I Got the Flu! What is Influenza? - Biology Book for Kids | Children's Diseases Books
by Baby Professor
Language: English
Release Date: March 15, 2017

Everybody has had the flu at least once in their life. It’s one of the most common diseases known to man. In order to understand what the disease does to your body, you first have to learn its origins. And that’s what this book is all about. Written especially for young learners, this book is easy to understand and love. Grab a copy today!
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