Antiquities category: 284 books

Cover of Digging through History

Digging through History

Archaeology and Religion from Atlantis to the Holocaust

by Richard A. Freund
Language: English
Release Date: September 28, 2012

Digging through History follows rabbi and archaeologist Richard Freund's journey through some of the most fascinating archaeological sites of human history—including the mysterious Atlantis, Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the long-buried Holocaust camp Sobibor. Each chapter takes readers through...
Cover of Que se sabe de... La Biblia desde la arqueología
by González Echegaray, Joaquín
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 1, 2010

Las investigaciones arqueológicas en el Oriente, ya desde el siglo XIX, siempre han ido acompañadas de un entorno de aventura y riesgo. Pero más allá de la historia anecdótica y romántica, los arqueólogos nos han descubierto multitud de ruinas y valiosos objetos, que permiten reconstruir el...
Cover of The Priestly Blessing in Inscription and Scripture

The Priestly Blessing in Inscription and Scripture

The Early History of Numbers 6:24-26

by Jeremy D. Smoak
Language: English
Release Date: November 2, 2015

The Priestly Blessing found in Numbers 6:24-26 left a deep imprint upon Jewish and Christian religious practice and tradition. The various ways in which the blessing was incorporated into these liturgical traditions, for example, are well documented in a variety of written sources from the past two...
Cover of Man and the Divine: New Light on Man's Ancient Engagement with God and the History of Thought
by Thomas Yaeger
Language: English
Release Date: August 12, 2018

This is my second collection of essays on philosophy and ancient history. Like my first collection, 'Understanding Ancient Thought', it expands further on the arguments of 'The Sacred History of Being', which appeared in November 2015. A theme of my work is that abstract philosophical thought was...
Cover of Il Santuario della Madonna di Galloro in Ariccia
by AA. VV.
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 11, 2015

Il volume ricostruisce le vicende del noto santuario mariano di Galloro dalla costruzione ai giorni nostri. Sono presentate importanti novità sugli eventi del primo trentennio, individuando l’architetto progettista della chiesa – Andrea Carone – e gli artefici di altri interventi, e sono puntualizzate...
Cover of Mikedem
by Oreste Chiarion
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 10, 2014

La misteriosa sparizione di manufatti risalenti all’antico Egitto induce le forze dell’ordine a riunire una task force di scienziati, per valutare se vi sia un collegamento fra gli eventi e scoprirne i responsabili. Il consesso è l’occasione per confrontare diversi saperi ed arrivare così...
Cover of La Religion des Celtes
by Georges Dottin
Language: French
Release Date: November 23, 2014

Ce livre comporte une table des matières dynamique. Il est parfaitement mis en page pour une lecture sur liseuse électronique.   La Religion des Celtes est un livre écrit par Georges Dottin (1863 - 1928) et publié en 1904.   Extrait :   Tous les renseignements...
Cover of Galilee in the Late Second Temple and Mishnaic Periods
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2014

This first of two volumes on ancient Galilee provides general surveys of modern studies of Galilee and of Galilean history followed by specialized studies on taxation, ethnicity, religious practices, road system, trade and markets, education, health, village life, houses, and the urban-rural divide. The...
Cover of The Book of Gates

The Book of Gates

A Magical Translation

by Josephine McCarthy
Language: English
Release Date: April 22, 2018

***The Book of Gates ***is a rich and epic magical translation of a little-known Ancient Egyptian funerary text that contains a wealth of mystical and magical secrets. Unlike its more famous cousin, The Book of the Dead, *The Book of Gates *was meant for the living as much as the deceased, and...
Cover of The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Archaeology
Language: English
Release Date: December 20, 2018

The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Archaeology brings together expert work by leading scholars of the archaeology of Early Christianity and the Roman world in the Mediterranean and surrounding regions. The thirty-four contributions to this volume survey Christian material culture and ground the...
Cover of Deus, AlÁ E God
by Neiriberto Silva De Freitas
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: April 12, 2018

Cover of Adonvdo Yona (Bear Spirit) Mountain

Adonvdo Yona (Bear Spirit) Mountain

An Ancestral Awakening

by Matthew Howard
Language: English
Release Date: August 6, 2018

Adonvdo Yona (Bear Spirit) Mountain: An Ancestral Awakening is the memoir of a man who received a spiritual promise when he was younger and goes on to discover his American Indian roots as the path to turn this promise into a reality. The author shares the details of his life with his rediscovered...
Cover of More Stones Bear Witness

More Stones Bear Witness

Archaeology in Jerusalem

by Michael Lane
Language: English
Release Date: May 19, 2018

Following the publication of The Stones Bear Witness, the second book in this series takes the reader on a tour of biblical Jerusalem. On this journey, the reader will again encounter many places and artifacts providing support that the Bible is not a book of myths and fables but a special revelation...
Cover of Writing on the Wall

Writing on the Wall

Graffiti and the Forgotten Jews of Antiquity

by Karen B. Stern
Language: English
Release Date: June 19, 2018

Few direct clues exist to the everyday lives and beliefs of ordinary Jews in antiquity. Prevailing perspectives on ancient Jewish life have been shaped largely by the voices of intellectual and social elites, preserved in the writings of Philo and Josephus and the rabbinic texts of the Mishnah and...
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