Applied Psychology category: 2264 books

Cover of Writing in Psychoanalysis
Language: English
Release Date: June 17, 2013

A beautiful and thoughtful collection of essays on reading, writing and learning, Writing and Psychoanalysis grows out of a colloquium.  The results are wondrous and impact on the reader at many different levels.  In the act of writing, we all discover something about what we know previously unknown...
Cover of 深井效應:治療童年逆境傷害的長期影響


The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity

by 娜汀.哈里斯(Nadine Burke Harris)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 1, 2018

TED演講超過400萬人點擊瀏覽。亞馬遜讀者4.7顆星好評支持。 這是一本震撼世界的革新之作!幫助我們治癒自己、孩子,以及全世界! 童年的傷和壓力,身體會記住,成為一顆不定時炸彈! 本書教你辨識自己身上是否有這顆炸彈和拆解之道。 7歲的小男孩,沒有發育不良,卻從4歲後停止生長…… 43歲的男子,無不良嗜好又熱愛運動,某夜突然中風右邊癱瘓…… 3歲的小女孩,一直想辦法要增重卻失敗,卻只要爸爸出遠門就會稍微變重…… 42歲的女子,半夜會夢遊狂嗑猛吃,造成嚴重過胖…… 如果你是醫生, 發現來看病的100名病人都取同一口井的水,其中有98人開始腹瀉, 那麼你該一直開抗生素治療?還是停下來問:「那口井裡到底有什麼鬼東西?」 你我都暴露在這種常見卻不曾察覺的危險之中, 因為那口深井裡藏著的不是可見的有毒物質,而是:你我的童年逆境經驗。 童年逆境經驗對我們不只有心理層面的影響,還能改變細胞讀取DNA和複製的方式,長期改變我們的身體。不僅出現學習或行為問題的機率是其他人的32.6倍、曾試圖自殺機率也高達12.2倍、罹患冠心病、癌症、肺部疾病、中風、糖尿病的機率都高達近3倍、憂鬱等心理疾病更突破4.5倍。 作者當了好幾年的醫學偵探,終於找到戰勝童年逆境經驗的方法,並在書中提出六大治療重點。我們不該把童年逆境經驗視為悲劇或童話故事,也不須克服、怪罪或選擇遺忘自己的童年。而是該找到直視這個問題的勇氣、打破惡性循環,進一步獲得能治癒一個人、一個社區的工具,從而逐步改善整個國家、整個世界的健康。 【各界推薦】 華人創傷知情推廣團隊召集人,胡嘉琪博士...
Cover of The Why Axis

The Why Axis

Hidden Motives and the Undiscovered Economics of Everyday Life

by Uri Gneezy, John List
Language: English
Release Date: October 8, 2013

Can economics be passionate?… Can it center on people and what really matters to them day-in and day-out.… And help us understand their hidden motives for why they do what they do in everyday life? Uri Gneezy and John List are revolutionaries. Their ideas and methods for revealing what really...
Cover of Humanity on a Tightrope

Humanity on a Tightrope

Thoughts on Empathy, Family, and Big Changes for a Viable Future

by Paul R. Ehrlich, Robert E. Ornstein
Language: English
Release Date: December 16, 2010

When we think of family, we most often think of our sisters and brothers, our cousins and grandparents, rather than our world family or even our community connections. We still identify with our differences more than our similarities, unless it's convenient to do otherwise. Here, two seasoned authors...
Cover of Your Body at Work

Your Body at Work

A Guide to Sight-reading the Body Language of Business, Bosses, and Boardrooms

by David Givens
Language: English
Release Date: August 31, 2010

HOW DO YOU MAKE IT IN BUSINESS? STOP LISTENING AND START WATCHING Your Body at Work is a guide to seeing past the words that fill the hallways, conference rooms, and e-mails of your workplace, and to deciphering the hidden meanings that lie behind them. Through real-life examples from...
Cover of 9/11 as a Collective Trauma

9/11 as a Collective Trauma

And Other Essays on Psychoanalysis and Society

by Hans-Juergen Wirth
Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2013

Hans Juergen Wirth, a leading German psychoanalyst and editor of the journal Psychosozial, brings cultural breadth, historical perspective, and analytic astuteness to bear in considering the "collective trauma" of 9/11.  His meditation, which brings into its compass the psychic structure...
Cover of Resistenze. Sul concetto di analisi
by Jacques Derrida
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 16, 2014

Lavorando nei margini de L'interpretazione dei sogni, Jacques Derrida penetra tra le pieghe del testo freudiano portando in luce la natura disseminale del concetto di resistenza all'analisi. Ma, se non si dà una nozione univoca di resistenza, anche il concetto di analisi vacilla, si decostruisce,...
Cover of Dimagrire è facile

Dimagrire è facile

Niente diete. Elimina i pesi mentali. Solo così ritorni in linea

by Raffaele Morelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 16, 2015

Il sovrappeso nasce dalla mente, da un innaturale modo di essere, impostoci da noi stessi e dagli altri. Da qui hanno origine l'insoddisfazione e la mancanza di gioia di vivere. Mangiare diventa l'unica via per riassaporare il piacere che non ci concediamo in altro modo. I "dieci comandamenti"...
Cover of The Collective Silence

The Collective Silence

German Identity and the Legacy of Shame

Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2013

The silence surrounding the Holocaust continues to prevent healing - whether of the victims, Nazis, or the generations that followed them.  The telling of the stories surrounding the Holocaust - all the stories - is essential if we are to understand what happened, recognize the part of human nature...
Cover of 59 Seconds

59 Seconds

Think a Little, Change a Lot

by Richard Wiseman
Language: English
Release Date: December 29, 2009

A psychologist and best-selling author gives us a myth-busting response to the self-help movement, with tips and tricks to improve your life that come straight from the scientific community. Richard Wiseman has been troubled by the realization that the self-help industry often promotes exercises...
Cover of Seeing What Others Don't

Seeing What Others Don't

The Remarkable Ways We Gain Insights

by Gary Klein
Language: English
Release Date: June 25, 2013

A renowned cognitive psychologist reveals the science behind achieving breakthrough discoveries, allowing readers to confidently solve problems, improve decision-making, and achieve success. Insights-like Darwin's understanding of the way evolution actually works, and Watson and Crick's breakthrough...
Cover of The Smart Habit Guide

The Smart Habit Guide

37 Small Life Changes Your Brain Will Thank You for Making

by I. C. Robledo
Language: English
Release Date: December 23, 2014

The Smart Habit Guide is an International Bestseller with over 250 Five-Star Reviews on Amazon and Goodreads, across four translations. Think Smarter. Work Smarter. Be Smarter. Imagine if there was a secret that all of the smart people in the world were keeping from you. And this meant...
Cover of Body Language For Dummies
by Elizabeth Kuhnke
Language: English
Release Date: January 9, 2012

Say what you mean, without opening your mouth Actions really do speak louder than words, but you've got to be able to understand them. That's where Body Language For Dummies, Second Edition comes in handy. If you find yourself puzzled by other people, or want to improve the impression you give,...
Cover of Marathon Willpower

Marathon Willpower

Self-Control Guide to Faster Runs

by Kirk Mahoney, Ph.D.
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2015

Do you want to know how faster runners apply self-control and discipline? Do you have questions like these about willpower and your marathon training and racing? How do commitment and progress affect my willpower? Is there such a thing as too much willpower? How do pride, shame, and guilt...
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