Applied Psychology category: 2264 books

Cover of Pensiero rivelato

Pensiero rivelato

Il manuale del dentista mentalista

by Giuseppe Ranaldo, Michela Baroni
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 28, 2013

Negli ultimi anni il cinema e la televisione hanno proposto frequentemente storie di personaggi accattivanti e al contempo affascinanti esperti della mente umana. In serie tv come “Dr house”, “The mentalist” e “Lie to me” i protagonisti non sono più semplici medici, detective o psicologi...
Cover of Psychoanalysis and Motivation
by Joseph D. Lichtenberg
Language: English
Release Date: June 17, 2013

Carrying forward his inquiry into the nature and conditions of normal and abnormal development, Lichtenberg focuses on motivation. His goal is to offer an alternative to psychoanalytic drive theory that accommodates the developmental insights of infancy research while accounting for the entire range...
Cover of Uit onbetrouwbare bron

Uit onbetrouwbare bron

de veldgids om leugens, manipulaties en misvattingen te doorzien

by Daniel Levitin
Language: Dutch
Release Date: September 24, 2016

VERBETER JE KRITISCH DENKVERMOGEN! In een wereld waarin je voortdurend wordt overspoeld met informatie is kritisch blijven denken belangrijker dan ooit. Met name op internet vliegen de misleidende data, halve waarheden en regelrechte leugens je om de oren. Maar hoe maak je onderscheid tussen feit...
Cover of Uit je burnout
by Carien Karsten
Language: Dutch
Release Date: November 1, 2017

Burn-out is de beroepsziekte van deze tijd. De voordelige herziene midprice-editie van deze raadgever helpt je om er binnen een maand vanaf te komen. Met achtergrondinformatie, praktijkvoorbeelden, oefeningen en tips biedt Uit je burn-out een effectief stap-voor-stapprogramma dat al duizenden mensen...
Cover of Je bent wat je doet

Je bent wat je doet

van zelfkennis naar gedragsverandering

by Roos Vonk
Language: Dutch
Release Date: January 5, 2019

Wie kent het niet: je neemt je iets voor en er komt niets van terecht. We willen wel, een betere versie van onszelf is heel dichtbij, maar het komt er niet van. 'Later', zeggen we dan. En we sjoemelen vrolijk door. Dat dit een bekend probleem is, bleek wel uit het succes van de bestseller 'Je bent...
Cover of Confidentiality


Ethical Perspectives and Clinical Dilemmas

by Charles D. Levin, Allanah Furlong, Mary Kay O'Neil
Language: English
Release Date: April 4, 2014

The distinguished contributors to Confidentiality probe the ethical, legal, and clinical implications of a deceptively simple proposition: Psychoanalytic treatment requires a confidential relationship between analyst and analysand. But how, they ask, should we understand confidentiality in a psychoanalytically...
Cover of Lay Analysis

Lay Analysis

Life Inside the Controversy

by Robert S. Wallerstein
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2013

Lay Analysis: Life Inside the Controversy chronicles the history of nonmedical analysis in absorbing detail. It begins with the events of 1910 in Europe and America that initiated their divergent attitudes and policies regarding lay analysis, proceeds to the unfolding struggles over this issue on...
Cover of Icon Code Therapy

Icon Code Therapy

Using "Quick-Fix Empowerment Protocols" to Resolve Issues, Balance Life Energies and Reducing Stress

by Zeljka Roksandic, Robert Gerard
Language: English
Release Date: August 29, 2016

The primary purpose of this Icon Code Therapy Program is to reduce the negative force fields within you as expressed by your doubts, hesitations, depressions and fears. The Icon Code Therapy Program parallels the philosophy and materials of the Divine Quick-Fix Healings book, and addresses the training...
Cover of Conversing With Uncertainty

Conversing With Uncertainty

Practicing Psychotherapy in A Hospital Setting

by Rita W. McCleary
Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2013

Conversing with Uncertainty is a unique chronicle of why therapists must use theory while resisting the allure of theory, maintaining a double vision that allows them to appropriate theory only to break it open to enlarge the interactive and interpretive possibilities of therapy. But McCleary offers...
Cover of [Not for Spies] What Is a Human Being?
by Christian Kiss
Language: English
Release Date: June 19, 2015

A decentralised security structure of up and low rated securityzones are controlledwith an artificial intelcoma by decentralised groups. Which exploit sheep #matrix is.. rogue agents hiding inthe sewer system of a city,eat eachothers wank undermined by infiltrators since need new members? Where...
Cover of Anxiety as Symptom and Signal
Language: English
Release Date: September 5, 2013

The concept of anxiety has long held a central place in psychoanalytic theories of mind and treatment. Yet, in recent years, data from the neurosciences and from pharmacological studies have posed a compelling challenge to psychoanalytic models of anxiety. One major outcome of these studies is the...
Cover of Problem Solving: Come Risolvere Ogni Problema
by Max Fisher
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 8, 2012

il Problem Solving viene insegnato e applicato con successo in vari ambiti, ad esempio, in azienda e nel counseling come metodo di lavoro per migliorare la capacità di risolvere i problemi. Anche se gli strumenti di Problem Solving si differenziano a seconda delle diverse aree di applicazione, i principi di base rimangono gli stessi.
Cover of Le langage du corps

Le langage du corps

La communication non verbale décryptée

by Collectif des Editions Ebooks
Language: French
Release Date: December 21, 2014

Le Savez-Vous est une encyclopédie d'informations et conseils pratiques. Retrouvez dans ce tome les secrets du langage du corps décryptés, de façon à pouvoir comprendre et utiliser à son profit le langage non verbal. Ce guide théorique et pratique répond à beaucoup de...
Cover of L'Anxiété


Le Cancer de l'âme

by Louise Reid
Language: French
Release Date: December 16, 2011

Dans cet essai dont le sujet est tout à fait passionnant, l'auteure et psychothérapeute Louise Reid nous entretient des cancers psychologiques, des ravages qu'ils peuvent faire à moyen et long terme, et surtout de la façon de les éliminer. Ces cancers de l'âme et de la pensée sont en fait des...
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