Beauty category: 1411 books

Cover of El libro de la moda
by Nina Garcia
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 7, 2012

""La moda viene de saber quién eres y quién quieres ser en el mundo."" Cada vez que te vistes, afirmas tu identidad. Con tu estilo, le cuentas al mundo tu historia. De esa manera, la moda te brinda la oportunidad de pensar en tu apariencia como parte de tu personalidad creativa. El Libro de la Moda...


Ringiovanimento e Bellezza ottenuti esercitando razionalmente i muscoli del viso

by Autori Vari
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 11, 2015

Vi siete mai posti questa domanda: — Perché le rughe compaiono in certe parti del viso e del corpo, e non compaiono mai in certe altre, neppure nella più tarda vecchiaia? Perché le rughe invadono la fronte e non la punta del naso, le guance e non le labbra, le natiche e non la schiena,...
Cover of Lazy Nail Art: How to Create Red Rose Decorations in 10 Minutes?
by Tanya Angelova
Language: English
Release Date: June 13, 2018

Would you like to create red rose manicure in just 10 minutes? This is very simple innovative nail art technique to create rose flower nails fast. If you look at this "out of the box" method to create those roses, probably you would consider this "crazy," but it works. You...
Cover of Half Stroke Nail Art Technique: How to Create Half Stroke Flowers with Metallic Effect?
by Tanya Angelova
Language: English
Release Date: June 13, 2018

Would you like to create beautiful flower decorations with metallic effect by using the half stroke nail art technique? Half stroke method comes from one stroke painting, but instead of using one stroke, we alter the method to use just half of what it is. Meaning, half stroke is just a simplification...
Cover of Une idée de Parisienne par page

Une idée de Parisienne par page

Un guide beauté empreint d'humour

by Rose Nicolle, Ligaran, Ligaran
Language: French
Release Date: February 22, 2016

Extrait : "La partie de notre corps pour laquelle nous avons des soins attentifs, non pas journaliers mais de toutes minutes, si fréquents qu'ils deviennent inconscients comme de véritables réflexes, c'est notre visage. Avoir un beau visage, quelle fierté ! Avoir un vilain visage, quelle disgrâce...
Cover of Les vertus miraculeuses du miel
by Catherine Crépeau
Language: French
Release Date: April 22, 2013

Voici un livre qui vous invite à découvrir les différents visages du miel. Son histoire, ses vertus médicinales et cosmétiques, mais surtout, des remèdes et produits de beauté maison, des conseils pour mieux l'intégrer à votre alimentation et de nombreux trucs qui vous permettront de faire de...
Cover of I Am BLONDE! How to Have Beautiful Blonde Hair Color
by Tracy Hill
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2014

It’s easy to understand why hair color and anti-aging potions are big businesses these days -- everyone wants to look good, and ultimately, to feel good. Whether we like it or not, looks do count. Appearance is an obsession for both women and men, alas; this concern only intensifies as we age.Our...
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2015

Life is not a mathematical equation of do's and don'ts. Rather it is an intricate adjustment of opposing forces of good health and ailments that represent living a life. The road to good health entails living with moderation in habits and attitudes. Now say goodbye to illness and disease; power yourself...
Cover of A Smoother You

A Smoother You

Cellulite Secrets Revealed

by Ara Wiseman
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2016

Why does your body develop cellulite and what does it reveal about the state of your health? In this book, Ara Wiseman explores the science behind how the food we eat affects our body’s ability to repair itself at the cellular level. Everything we eat, drink, breathe, think or apply to our...
Cover of Aromathérapie - 99 recettes aux Huiles Essentielles
by Alexis Delune
Language: French
Release Date: November 16, 2012

Découvrez 99 secrets pour combattre facilement les maux les plus divers. Les Huiles Essentielles sont utiles en de nombreux domaines du quotidien. Composez des recettes santé… non chimiques et naturelles, simples à réaliser, à l’efficacité reconnue, agréables à utiliser. Pour...
Cover of Oil Pulling Revolution

Oil Pulling Revolution

The Natural Approach to Dental Care, Whole-Body Detoxification and Disease Prevention

by Dr. Michelle Coleman
Language: English
Release Date: March 16, 2015

Oil pulling has received a ton of coverage in media in the past year for its health benefits There is only one book out on oil pulling and it sells very well despite being many years old Author works as a natural health expert and regularly teaches patients about oil pulling
Cover of How To Get Rid Of Arm Hair
by Dawn Bradley
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2013

How To Get Rid Of Arm Hair Arm hair gives a nice touch when displayed by guys. The hair strands highlight their masculinity, which some women find attractive. On the flipside, the lush growth of hair on their arms don't look flattering. You don't like it and so do the guys. So what can you...
Cover of Curing Cystic Acne
by Vickey Ragon
Language: English
Release Date: March 24, 2013

Cystic acne is a painful skin condition that often leads to scarring of the face. It's caused by bacteria and large amounts of sebum under the skin. The more you pick at cystic acne on your face, the more likely it'll spread and scar..... Scroll up... and click on "Buy Now" to deliver almost instantly to your Kobo or other reading device.
Cover of How To Relieve Constipation With Fruits
by Rudy Silva
Language: English
Release Date: November 3, 2017

How To Relieve Constipation With Fruits provides you with a unique way to deal with your constipation.  Can it be that Fruits are all you need for treatments of constipation?  There are 6 basic foods – meat, vegetables, grains, nuts, diary, and fruits. All provide the basic nutrients your body...
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