Business Law category: 3875 books

Cover of Reconstructing Contracts
by Douglas G. Baird
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2013

Douglas Baird takes stock of the current state of contract doctrine and in the process reinvigorates the classic framework of Anglo-American contract law, showing that Oliver Wendell Holmes’s set of principles, properly understood, continue to provide the best guide to contracts for a new generation of students, practitioners, and judges.
Cover of Tolley's Managing Email & Internet Use
by Lynda Macdonald
Language: English
Release Date: November 3, 2009

Email and Internet use is increasingly topical as employers and employees test the boundaries of acceptable use of new communications technology in the workplace. The potential legal liabilities make this a crucial decision-making area for all involved in human resources management. Tolley’s...
Cover of Öffentliches Wirtschaftsrecht
by Jörg-Dieter Oberrath, Alexander Schmidt, Thomas Schomerus
Language: German
Release Date: April 19, 2016

Jetzt noch besser! Das im Studium Erlernte auf den konkreten Klausurfall anzuwenden, fällt nicht immer leicht. Hier setzt das Arbeitsbuch an. Es gibt den Studierenden zahlreiche Prüfungsschemata für die gängigsten Klausurkonstellationen an die Hand und zeigt die Punkte auf, die für die Fallbearbeitung...
Cover of The US LLM: From Whether to When, What, Where and How
by Desiree Jaeger-Fine, Toni Jaeger-Fine
Language: English
Release Date: January 17, 2014

Many foreign law graduates are interested in pursuing a US Master of Laws (LLM) degree but find themselves overwhelmed with the mass of disorganized information spread across the Internet. Deciding to apply for, selecting, and finally pursuing an LLM program can be broken down into simple to follow...
Cover of Intellectual Property Strategy
by John Palfrey
Language: English
Release Date: October 7, 2011

How a flexible and creative approach to intellectual property can help an organization accomplish goals ranging from building market share to expanding an industry. Most managers leave intellectual property issues to the legal department, unaware that an organization's intellectual property...
Cover of Guide to Intellectual Property
by Tim Yearneau
Language: English
Release Date: February 13, 2011

As an Adjunct Professor I taught a survey business law course on the United States Intellectual Property System. I found that very few people understand even the basics of our system. What's a patent? What's a copyright? What's a trade secret? What's a trademark? What about the international situation?...
Cover of Redefining the Market-State Relationship

Redefining the Market-State Relationship

Responses to the Financial Crisis and the Future of Regulation

by Ioannis Glinavos
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2013

This book offers an interdisciplinary overview of the role of law in modern capitalism in the context of financial crisis. In this work, the reader will find a discussion of key issues relevant to the crisis that have occupied the pages of the financial press since 2007 including an assessment of...
Cover of Secrets of Productive Contracts
by Verity White
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2017

What does a productive contract look like? After years of testing different contracting techniques and many contract negotiations and disputes, it's clear the best contracts look like a Reverse Sandwich. Important stuff on the outside, general stuff on the inside. This book comes with for partner...
Cover of The Breeder's Exception to Patent Rights

The Breeder's Exception to Patent Rights

Analysis of Compliance with Article 30 of the TRIPS Agreement

by Viola Prifti
Language: English
Release Date: June 2, 2015

This book is the first to analyze the compliance of different types of a breeder's exception to patent rights with article 30 of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights. This type of exception allows using protected biological matter for breeding new varieties of plants. The...
Cover of Paralegal Practice & Procedure Fourth Edition

Paralegal Practice & Procedure Fourth Edition

A Practical Guide for the Legal Assistant

by Deborah E. Larbalestrier, Linda Spagnola, Esq.
Language: English
Release Date: July 7, 2009

The completely revised and updated fourth edition of the most trusted paralegal desk references on the market. Now fully revised and expanded: the bestselling desk reference for paralegals at any level. Each chapter has been completely updated to include the latest step-by-step instructions...
Cover of Informatikrecht


Grundlagen, Rechtsprechung und Fallbeispiele

by Karl Wolfhart Nitsch
Language: German
Release Date: June 13, 2017

Dieses Buch bietet eine umfassende und praxisbezogene Darstellung des IT-Rechts. Anhand zahlreicher Fallbeispiele und Urteile werden in verständlicher Form alle wichtigen Aspekte des Rechts im elektronischer Geschäftsverkehr behandelt. Das Buch wendet sich an IT-Praktiker in Unternehmen und Verbänden;...
Cover of Praxiskommentar Transparenzgesetz (LTranspG RLP)

Praxiskommentar Transparenzgesetz (LTranspG RLP)

Grundlagen des LTranspG und das Verhältnis zum Informations- und Datenschutzrecht

Language: German
Release Date: December 21, 2018

Der Praxiskommentar stellt kompakt und lösungsorientiert die Vorschriften des Landestransparenzgesetzes und der aktuellen Rechtsprechung und Literatur zur Transparenz als Säule des Open Government zusammen. Ausgewählte Bereiche, wie die Zwecke von Transparenz oder die Schranken des Informationszugangs,...
Cover of Beratung, Organisation und Vertragsgestaltung nach dem Honorar-Anlageberatungsgesetz
by Lea Spiegelberg
Language: German
Release Date: March 14, 2018

Unter Berücksichtigung der europäischen Vorgaben erläutert dieses Buch die Auswirkungen des Honorar-Anlageberatungsgesetzes auf die aufsichtsrechtlichen und zivilrechtlichen Anforderungen an eine ordnungsgemäße Honorar-Anlageberatung. Die europäische Finanzmarktrichtlinie MiFID II verfolgt unter...
Cover of Responsabilita' da reato ex D.LGS. 231/2001 e gruppi di societaŐ
by Francesca Chiara Bevilacqua
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 22, 2010

La responsabilit da reato degli enti, introdotta allŐinizio degli anni Duemila, rappresenta una novit rivoluzionaria per lŐordinamento giuridico italiano, capace Đ almeno sulla carta Đ di conferire maggior vigore ed efficacia alla prevenzione e alla punizione della criminalit dellŐimpresa lecita,...
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