Business Software category: 1949 books

Cover of Künstliche Intelligenz

Künstliche Intelligenz

Mit Algorithmen zum wirtschaftlichen Erfolg

Language: German
Release Date: September 3, 2018

Dieses Buch soll dabei helfen, die neuen Technologien und Anwendungspotenziale der künstlichen Intelligenz besser zu verstehen und einzuordnen. Neben einer ausführlichen und verständlichen Vermittlung grundlegender Kenntnisse und ökonomischer Effekte der künstlichen Intelligenz enthält es viele...
Cover of First Steps for Building SAP UI5 Mobile Apps
by Robert Burdwell
Language: English
Release Date: January 11, 2018

Overwhelmed with the options for building mobile apps with SAP UI5? This guide offers a comprehensive introduction to SAP UI5 mobile apps in Eclipse, SAP Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Visual Studio. Explore how to build business and data-driven applications using different platforms to deploy hybrid...
Cover of La Contabilità a Colori. Guida per Comprendere, Memorizzare e Applicare la Contabilità Generale. (Ebook Italiano - Anteprima Gratis)
by Michele Della Valle
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 1, 2014

Programma di La Contabilità a Colori Guida per Comprendere, Memorizzare e Applicare la Contabilità Generale COME IMPARARE A GESTIRE I CONTI CON I COLORI Che cos'è il piano dei conti e come è strutturato. Quali sono i colori che favoriscono la memorizzazione dei conti. Come legare i colori...
Cover of Multi-Cloud for Architects

Multi-Cloud for Architects

Grow your IT business by means of a multi-cloud strategy

by Florian Klaffenbach, Markus Klein, Suresh Sundaresan
Language: English
Release Date: January 31, 2019

Your one-stop guide to work with multiple cloud service providers Key Features A practical step-by-step guide that will teach you to architect effective Cloud computing solutions and services efficiently You will learn the key differences in both platforms and how you can interconnect them to...
Cover of How Information Systems Can Help in Alarm/Alert Detection
Language: English
Release Date: November 12, 2018

Alarm or alert detection remains an issue in various areas from nature, i.e. flooding, animals or earthquake, to software systems. Liveness, dynamicity, reactivity of alarm systems: how to ensure the warning information reach the right destination at the right moment and in the right location, still...
Cover of Powershell Core 6.2 Cookbook

Powershell Core 6.2 Cookbook

Leverage command-line shell scripting to effectively manage your enterprise environment

by Jan-Hendrik Peters
Language: English
Release Date: April 19, 2019

Make use of hands-on recipes for many tasks that are typically encountered in both the on-premises as well as the cloud world. Key Features A recipe-based guide to help you build effective administrative solutions Gain hands-on experience with the newly added features of PowerShell Core Manage...
Cover of Sviluppare applicazioni Web con Google Apps Script ed AngularJS
by Massimo Coletti
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 18, 2016

Utilizzando la piattaforma Google Apps Script è possibile realizzare, col linguaggio Javascript, delle applicazioni web che interagiscono con tutti i documenti ed i servizi di Google: Documenti, fogli di calcolo, Google+, Calendari, tabelle Fusion, ecc. Il framework AngularJS aiuta invece a costruire...
Cover of Tips and Tricks
by Abhinav Gupta, Ankit Arora
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2013

" Tips and Tricks" is not a complete reference guide for the platform development but it is a time-saving tips and tricks book that can be very helpful and handy for novice as well as experienced developers. This book would be very useful for developers who want to extend...
Cover of Comprendre et appliquer le SQL en ABAP
by yann szwec
Language: French
Release Date: December 18, 2013

Livre en couleur, format A4, plus de 400 pages. Livre pédagogique pour apprendre le SQL en ABAP (langage de programmation SAP). A mettre dans toutes les mains, des consultants fonctionnels comme techniques. Table des matières Objectifs de l’ouvrage    3 Remerciements  ...
Cover of Ghid WordPress pentru începători
by Nicolae Sfetcu
Language: Romanian
Release Date: August 18, 2015

WordPress combină simplitatea pentru utilizatorii şi editori cu complexitate suportului software pentru dezvoltatori. Acest lucru îl face mai flexibil, fiind în acelaşi timp uşor de utilizat. Simplitatea sa face posibilă instalarea şi publicarea online rapid. Nimic nu ar trebui să...
Cover of Les référentiels du système d'information

Les référentiels du système d'information

Données de référence et architectures d'entreprise

by Pascal Rivière, Joël Bizingre, Joseph Paumier
Language: French
Release Date: July 3, 2013

Les systèmes d'information, tout en occupant une place de plus en plus stratégique dans l'entreprise, se complexifient. Pour y remédier il est important d'en optimiser la structure et notamment de les subdiviser en blocs homogènes et cohérents. Or cette urbanisation du SI passe nécessairement...
Cover of Intégrer Google Apps dans le SI
by Médéric Morel, Pascal Cadet, Pirmin Lemberger
Language: French
Release Date: September 8, 2010

L'arrivée du Cloud Computing et des solutions SaaS (Software as a Service) est un tournant majeur pour les entreprises. Google est un des pionniers sur ces architectures et sa solution collaborative Google Apps offre un ensemble d'outils bureautiques (messagerie, agenda, traitement de texte, tableur...)...
Cover of Panoramica Cloud
by George Smolinski
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 7, 2016

Descrizione del libro: Hai bisogno di un modo migliore per organizzare la tua vita. Questo libro ti farà vedere come! Negli ultimi dieci anni, le rivoluzioni tecnologiche hanno permesso di migliorare drasticamente la velocità e l'efficienza con cui operiamo. Una rivoluzione importante è stato...
Cover of SharePoint Kompendium - Bd. 2: Design
Language: German
Release Date: January 14, 2015

Das neue SharePoint Kompendium möchte die diversen Aspekte der aktuellen Einsatzmöglichkeiten von SharePoint vorstellen und spannt den Bogen von Business Solutions, Managementkonzepten über die Entwicklung bis hin zur Administration. Aktuell wird viel von UI und UX, von Mobile und Web gesprochen....
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