Collections category: 673 books

Cover of Cookie Recipe Scrapbook
by Howard Kirsch
Language: English
Release Date: February 12, 2013

Cookies, A sweet cake, typically round flat and crisp and one of the fastest and easiset things to make and every one just love to have a bite of it. A collection of popular cookie recipes, chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies, peanut butter cookies and all the other favorites from around the world in one book.
Cover of L'art du nu au XIXe siècle. Le photographe et son modèle (Paris - 1998)
by Encyclopaedia Universalis
Language: French
Release Date: September 1, 2016

Le succès obtenu par L'Art du nu au XIXe siècle. Le photographe et son modèle, exposition présentée à la Bibliothèque nationale de France du 14 octobre 1997 au 18 janvier 1998 a consacré cet établissement comme un des lieux majeurs de la recherche sur la photographie ancienne... À...
Cover of Victoria Findlay Wolfe’s Playing with Purpose
by Victoria Findlay Wolfe
Language: English
Release Date: June 4, 2019

Take a deep look inside the evolution of one of today’s most important modern quilt artists. Always fascinated by color, pattern, and design, Victoria Findlay Wolfe found her life’s true joy in quiltmaking. Her diverse and exciting body of work stirs quilters worldwide to dig deeper, take risks,...
Cover of Fine Art Abstracts and Flowers 2012 Calendar A Year with 366 Days

Fine Art Abstracts and Flowers 2012 Calendar A Year with 366 Days

United States Holidays and Phases of the Moon

by Marie Christine Belkadi
Language: English
Release Date: September 15, 2011

This special digital edition of Marie Christine Belkadi aka MCB’s Fine Art 2012 Calendar features her recent Art Collection of Abstracts and Flowers. The monthly calendar is easy to navigate and includes the main US Holidays and Phases of the Moon. Fun Trivia: The year 2012 has the peculiarity to be...
Cover of Original Art for sale Volume 9
by Elisabeth Dubois
Language: English
Release Date: January 28, 2013

a collection of 12 paintings by Elisabeth Dubois, some of the ones created in 2012
Cover of Palimsesto Urbano

Palimsesto Urbano

De la formalidad a la informalidad, procesos de informalidad urbana en barrios de origen formal

by Autores Varios
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 8, 2014

La presente investigación hace parte de la convocatoria que el Departamento de Investigaciones de la Universidad Piloto de Colombia adelantó el año 2010 y que, con el conjunto de las propuestas presentadas por el Programa de Arquitectura al interior del Grupo de Investigación Practica Urbanoarquitectónica...
Cover of Bosslet Chisme-Heavy Duty
by Eberhard Bosslet, Mark Gisbourne, Eberhard Bosslet
Language: German
Release Date: November 1, 2015

Bosslet – Chisme – Heavy Duty, TEA 2014, 140 Seiten, 24x28 cm, 207 farbige Abbildungen, PDF 7,4MB, epub, Mit einem Text von Mark Gisbourne in drei Sprachen: englisch, spanisch und deutsch Das ebook dokumentiert Bosslets Werke die in der Ausstellung Bosslet – Chisme – Heavy Duty im Museum TEA...
Cover of the aois21 annual 2016
by Adam Wallick
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2016

A compendium of poetry, short stories, essays, book excerpts, photography and art. Launched thanks to a successful Kickstarter and even more successful month of submissions. Contributors from across the globe joined our creatives in assembling this literary magazine.
Cover of Expressionnisme


Les Grands Articles d'Universalis

by Encyclopaedia Universalis
Language: French
Release Date: February 13, 2017

Partez à la découverte de l'expressionnisme avec ce Grand Article Universalis ! En France, l'expressionnisme a longtemps été rejeté, comme une calamité germanique et brumeuse. Soulignant l'attraction qu'exerçait le Paris brillant des années folles sur l'internationale cosmopolite des...
Cover of Le Futurisme à Paris (Paris - 2008)

Le Futurisme à Paris (Paris - 2008)

Les Fiches Exposition d'Universalis

by Encyclopaedia Universalis
Language: French
Release Date: September 1, 2016

À Paris, le Centre Georges-Pompidou présentait, du 15 octobre 2008 au 26 janvier 2009, une exposition consacrée au Futurisme à Paris, significativement sous-titrée, d'après Mikhaïl Larionov, «une avant-garde explosive». Elle se transportera ensuite à Rome (Scuderie al Quirinale) puis...
Cover of We Return Fighting

We Return Fighting

World War I and the Shaping of Modern Black Identity

by Nat'l Mus Afr Am Hist Culture, John H. Morrow Jr., Krewasky A. Salter
Language: English
Release Date: November 5, 2019

A richly illustrated commemoration of African Americans' roles in World War I highlighting how the wartime experience reshaped their lives and their communities after they returned home. This stunning book presents artifacts, medals, and photographs alongside powerful essays that together highlight...
Cover of Anna Caruso

Anna Caruso

Sei se ricordi

by AA. VV.
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 29, 2016

Catalogo della mostra presso la galleria AnnaMarraContemporanea «Siamo quello che ricordiamo – ripete spesso Anna Caruso –e saremo ciò che ricorderemo». La componente temporale è, quindi, necessaria ed essenziale per comprendere il complesso impianto narrativo e l’iconografia sofisticata...
Cover of Lithian Ricci

Lithian Ricci

Arbitrio e immaginazione

by AA. VV.
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 7, 2016

Lithian Ricci compie felici incursioni nell'umano, con ritratti connotati da fine intuito psicologico, in un connubio fra dato e metafora, seduzioni pittoriche e dovizia fantastica. La sua sensibilità funge da medium fra mondo reale e immaginario, ci guida, senza soluzione di continuità, nel cuore...
Cover of Toko Shinoda. La linea e lo spazio

Toko Shinoda. La linea e lo spazio

Catalogo mostra (Istituto Giapponese di cultura a Roma - Triennale di Milano)

by Concetta Branciamore, Davide Rampello, Kazufumi Takada
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 3, 2016

Considerata dalla critica una delle più grandi pittrici del XX secolo, Toko Shinoda è emersa all'interno della movimentata scena artistica newyorkese tra gli anni '60 e '70, quando fu scoperta dalla famosa commerciante d'arte Betty Parsons. Da quel momento in poi i suoi quadri sono stati esposti...
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