Creative Ability category: 443 books

Cover of Nurturing Children's Talents: A Guide for Parents
by Kenneth A. Kiewra
Language: English
Release Date: January 4, 2019

Explains steps that parents can take to help their child develop talent in any activity that has sparked his or her interest. •Chronicles the talent experiences of Olympic medalists, professional athletes, award-winning artists, high-school phenoms, child prodigies, champion coaches, master...


Ein Motivations-Ratgeber für jeden, der schreibt

by Ruprecht Frieling
Language: German
Release Date: August 18, 2015

»Der Mensch« ist laut Nietzsche »ein Wesen, auf dem Rücken eines Tigers in Träumen hängend«. Mit Hilfe der richtigen Schlüssel kann er sein Bewusstseinszimmer verlassen und in Abgründe hinab steigen, um die Feuer des Unbewussten zu suchen. Unter der...
Cover of Die Kunst des Kaffeesatzlesen

Die Kunst des Kaffeesatzlesen

Zeitangaben & Symbolerklärungen

by Andrea Celik
Language: German
Release Date: June 16, 2014

Kaffeesatzdeuten ist nicht schwer, vielmehr gewährt der Fragende eine Sicht in dessen Seele. Vermutlich spielt Intuition eine Rolle, doch darüber hinaus, kann jeder die Technik erlernen und zum Wahrsager werden. In diesem Buch erfahren sie über die Zubereitung des Kaffees bis hin zur Deutung Schritt...
Cover of Heimkehr zum wahren Sein. Energiearbeit, Phantasiereisen und kreative Meditation

Heimkehr zum wahren Sein. Energiearbeit, Phantasiereisen und kreative Meditation

Blockaden auflösen. Seelenqualitäten integrieren. Die schöpferischen Kräfte der Chakren entfalten

by Monika Mahr
Language: German
Release Date: April 20, 2013

Künstler und Kreative haben meist eine reichhaltige Phantasie, ein hohes Konzentrationsvermögen und eine natürliche Begabung für Energiearbeit. In der Meditation können sie ihr ausgeprägtes Vorstellungsvermögen einsetzen, um sich von Blockaden zu befreien, Inspirationen...
Cover of La favola congiunta
by Tiziana Capocaccia
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 5, 2014

La favola congiunta è un'attvità semplice ed utile di cui descrivo alcuni ambiti di applicazione. Uno strumento pratico per l'educatore, lo psicologo, il creativo, l'insegnante, ma anche il genitore che abbia voglia di sperimentarsi in un'attività coinvolgente e divertente con il/i figlio/i. Ogni...
Cover of Se il cuore è una rosa...
by Maria Teresa Filieri
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 22, 2014

Il racconto narra il rapporto genitoriale compromesso da evidenti problemi neurologici di una giovane madre,e della sua figlia,che diventa sostegno e ragione di vita,insieme ad un'amica fedele e un eterno giardino di rose. La figura di un padre ragazzino,diventa dolore e abbandono,motivo di ansia...
Cover of Improvvisazione


Il rivelarsi dell'inatteso

by Mauro Maldonato
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 21, 2017

In questo saggio pubblicato exclusivamente in formato e-book, il medico psichiatra e professore di psicologia generale presso l'Università della Basilicata Mauro Maldonato lavora i temi della creazione e dell'improvvisazione. Improvvisazione: il rivelarsi dell'inatteso parte dall'universo della musica,...
Cover of Il Ragazzo che inseguiva i Sogni
by Silvia F. M. Pedri
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 16, 2016

Il Ragazzo che inseguiva i Sogni è uno. Ed è TUTTI NOI, che inseguiamo le Stelle a occhio nudo e piedi scalzi, inciampando e correndo, al ritmo del nostro cuore… Non so se esiste la categoria "narrativa terapeutica scritta in seconda persona". Se esiste, questi racconti di formazione ne fanno parte.
Cover of Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci

"A Psychological Study of an Infantile Reminiscence"

by Sigmund Freud
Language: English
Release Date: April 6, 2015

  Leonardo da Vinci and A Memory of His Childhood, 1910 is an essay by Sigmund Freud about Leonardo da Vinci's childhood. It consists of a psychoanalytic study of Leonardo's life based on his paintings.   Freud provides a psychoanalytical interpretation of Leonardo's The Virgin and Child...
Cover of Corso di Art Counseling

Corso di Art Counseling

Esercizi e riflessioni per un Counseling a indirizzo artiterapico

by Francesca Valentina Salcioli
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 20, 2016

Introduzione all'Art Counseling. Dall'autostima alla coppia, dalla famiglia al team: esercizi e riflessioni per un Counseling a indirizzo artiterapico. Il libro comprende un link per la fruizione gratuita di un relativo corso online, completo di test di autovalutazione di comprensione dei contenuti....
Cover of Hall of Virtues

Hall of Virtues

Freedom, #5

by Chidi J. Anaenye
Language: English
Release Date: April 19, 2019

Virtues are like flowers. Values are the fruits. A man planted an orchard to grow, blossom and enliven his own home. His neighborhood was enriched by its fragrance and nourished by its fruits. A man's virtues may primarily edify his own mind but the values serve to enlighten and empower his generation....
Cover of From Flam to Fab

From Flam to Fab

Simple step to transform your body in 28 days

by Stanley Rabbit
Language: English
Release Date: June 17, 2019

First, you need to stop hating your body. Way too many women have negative images of themselves. They feel that they’re fat and ugly while all the other women are better. You are not your mistake. Acknowledge, correct it, and avoid future mistakes and KEEP MOVING FORWARD. That is the...
Cover of Beyond the Power of Your Subconscious Mind
by Jensen, C. James
Language: English
Release Date: February 14, 2012

Beyond the Power of Your Subconscious Mind is a book filled with the incredible promise for those readers who may better understand the TRUE relationship between the conscious and subconscious areas of the mind. The reader will be taken on a journey toward a doorway that opens a life of expanded opportunities...
Cover of L'Art de vivre de ses passions !

L'Art de vivre de ses passions !

Le guide pour vivre les meilleurs moments de votre vie ...

by Jessica Neuville
Language: French
Release Date: April 9, 2019

DESCRIPTION DE L'EBOOK Cet ebook mêle le développement personnel et le marketing afin de moniétiser ce que vous aimez : Vos passions ! Il va droit à l’essentiel tant sur le plan théorique que sur la mise en pratique et il vous donne « une check-list pratique et récapitulative » ! TABLE...
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