Creativity category: 1277 books

Cover of Vaincre la page blanche

Vaincre la page blanche

Écrivez votre propre fiction en un mois !

by Olivier Rebiere
Language: French
Release Date: February 11, 2019

Vaincre la page blanche. Enfin. Écrire de la fiction est un désir profond qui vous hante depuis longtemps. Quelque chose d’intérieur, qui vous travaille, vous fascine, vous attire. À bien y penser, depuis que vous vous connaissez, vous dévorez littéralement les livres de fiction: romans...
Cover of Comment publier son livre papier sur Amazon
by Olivier Rebiere, Cristina Rebiere
Language: French
Release Date: March 4, 2016

Des outils pour les auteurs : publier son livre papier sur Amazon Vous venez de finir d'écrire votre roman, votre essai, votre recueil de souvenirs, vos mémoires. Ce fut une épreuve longue et parfois douloureuse, pleine d'embûches: vous avez passé des semaines, des mois à fournir cet effort...
Cover of The Ten-Minute Daily Writing Prompt
by Kathy Finfrock
Language: English
Release Date: June 27, 2017

Imagine a room with ten people sitting at a table. One sentence is scrawled across a whiteboard hanging on the wall. A large clock is counting down. The people at the table are focused on the paper or whatever writing implement they have chosen. The minutes go by. The scribbling pen picks up speed....
Cover of Effective Persuasion Skills
by V.T.
Language: English
Release Date: April 18, 2014

You are not good at talking, especially when it comes to sales talk, presentation or when you need to persuade people to follow. You know you have to do something fast. This ebook can help you. It compiles tons of tips from REAL speakers around the world, sharing their tips on effective persuasion....
Cover of Handbuch für Schatzsucher
by Reinhold Ostler
Language: German
Release Date: February 28, 2014

Rund 70.000 Menschen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz haben sich der Schatzsuche verschrieben. Ihnen gibt das "Handbuch für Schatzsucher" Tipps, die im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes sehr wertvoll werden können. Die gute Nachricht vorneweg: unglaubliche Schätze liegen rund um den...
Cover of Das Bastelbuch für alle, die sich im Büro langweilen

Das Bastelbuch für alle, die sich im Büro langweilen

Arbeitszeit und Büromaterial effektiv verjubeln

by Viola Krauß, Martina Kiesel
Language: German
Release Date: March 24, 2014

Bastellust statt Arbeitsfrust! Nichts ist schlimmer als Frust und Langeweile am Arbeitsplatz – aber KEIN Arbeitsplatz ist auch keine Lösung. Doch wie dem eintönigen und zermürbenden Büro-Alltag etwas Freude abgewinnen? Ganz einfach: Nutzen Sie Ihre Arbeitszeit, um mit eigenen Händen...
Cover of Da Schiavo a Imprenditore Come ho creato la mia propria impresa
by Franklin A. Díaz Lárez
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 18, 2018

L'avventura di un uomo disperato in cerca di soluzioni ai suoi molteplici problemi economici. Dopo un lungo processo di riflessione autocritica, il protagonista decide di lasciare il suo posto di lavoro per crearsi una sua propria impresa. E ci riesce, non prima di aver superato decine di scogli,...
Cover of Spanning in verhalen

Spanning in verhalen

over het schrijven van spannende boeken

by René Appel
Language: Dutch
Release Date: October 31, 2009

Spanning is een van de sleutelingrediënten van het schrijven. Het bepaalt of een lezer verder leest dan de eerste alinea's, pagina's of hoofdstukken. Maar hoe doe je dat: een verhaal onder spanning zetten? René Appel laat zien welke inzichten, technieken en instrumenten de schrijver kan gebruiken...
Cover of Schrijven is ritme
by Thomas Verbogt
Language: Dutch
Release Date: October 31, 2009

Zonder vorm geen inhoud. En zonder stijl geen verhaal. Om een tekst een gebeurtenis te talen worden is dynamiek nodig, en die is alleen voelbaar door een strak gedoseerd ritme. Schrijven is, los van het verhaal, vooral ritme: het ritme van zinnen, passages en personages - de afwisseling van rust en...
Cover of Everyday Tarot

Everyday Tarot

Unlock Your Inner Wisdom and Manifest Your Future

by Brigit Esselmont
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2018

Using the methods of renowned reader Brigit Esselmont, Everyday Tarot blends mysticism with actionable self-help to create a method for building the life you want, using the ancient wisdom of Tarot. This approachable guide, from the founder of the incredibly popular website Biddy Tarot, brings...
Cover of Creatively Independent

Creatively Independent

Life on Your Terms with Play, Community and Awareness

by Jess Pillmore
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2013

THIS INTERACTIVE MANIFESTO IS A CALL TO ACTION: to creatively sculpt the world around us through play, community and awareness; to stop giving weight to life-limiting fears that keep us from taking life-enriching risks; and to start embracing that which makes each of us unique and invaluable. At any...
Cover of Not the End of Metaphoric Madnes
by Harish Kumar
Language: English
Release Date: July 7, 2015

Is googly a metaphor for surprises of all sorts? Can hat tricks turn contrarian to transform into a metaphor for successive defeats? Where do you use umpire and referee as metaphors? Are they really two different metaphors? As you sprint towards the finish line, as the start line becomes a mere blur...
Cover of Mind in Motion

Mind in Motion

How Action Shapes Thought

by Barbara Tversky
Language: English
Release Date: May 21, 2019

An eminent psychologist offers a major new theory of human cognition: movement, not language, is the foundation of thought When we try to think about how we think, we can't help but think of words. Indeed, some have called language the stuff of thought. But pictures are remembered far better...
Cover of Creatività per tutti.

Creatività per tutti.

60 tecniche di gruppo per stimolare nuove idee e risolvere problemi

by Francesca Romana Gianandrea
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 11, 2016

Finalmente un libro di creatività a portata di mano! Dal formatore al direttore creativo, dal responsabile finanza e controllo all’area manager vendite, dal politico all’autore televisivo: tutti saranno in grado di mettere un gruppo in condizioni di produrre idee in modo rapido ed efficace per...
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