Divorce category: 1320 books

Cover of La grande fugue
by Fanny Chesnel
Language: French
Release Date: July 28, 2015

Solène vit une semaine sur deux. Le reste du temps elle lutte, crocs et griffes dehors, contre l’Ex qui lui vole ses 112 centimètres de bonheur et ses 16 kilos de raison d’être. La petite Anaïs est habituée à plier bagage, hop ! Un week-end tu ris chez maman, un autre chez papa. Seulement Solène,...
Cover of A Womans Guide to Getting Your Ex Back for Good
by Sarah James
Language: English
Release Date: January 25, 2019

Do you feel remourse or regret about breaking up with your EX? Do you want to give your previous relationship or marriage a second chance?   If you want the best odds of getting back with your EX then this guide is for you.   We use the most tested strategies and a step...
Cover of Bitter, Broken, Blessed
by Nora Alexander
Language: English
Release Date: August 11, 2017

Life contains intense battles. When it has been infiltrated by heartache, suffering, and evil how does one move past it and leave the trauma behind? When our faith and belief clash with reality and crush us between the two, how in the world does one survive the force? Bitter, Broken, Blessed...
Cover of This Is Not My Life!

This Is Not My Life!

Coaching the Past to Help Your Future

by S. Love
Language: English
Release Date: February 18, 2016

The ugly details about an intimate relationship on blast is what S.M. Love gives us in This Is Not My Life. She pores out the details nobody ever wants to talk about in a relationship. She even admits the part she played in the dysfunction. The book takes us through her past, and gives coaching advice...
Cover of Tips For Divorced Dads
by Susan Lewis
Language: English
Release Date: April 25, 2014

Being divorced can have its ups and downs. Trying to deal with visitions , ex wife and the kids.
Cover of The Lime Green Plastic Covered Couch

The Lime Green Plastic Covered Couch

Insight for women who struggle to find lasting love

by Marion Baker, RTC
Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2014

After suffering through years of unsuccessful blind dates, meet and greets and internet dating, Marion Baker was still single in her mid-forties and at her wits end. She was fed up with packing her last remnants of dignity to leave yet another failed relationship. What was the secret to lasting relationships?...
Cover of Da me a me
by Anthony M. Paglia
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 15, 2013

“Da me a me” è la storia di un incontro tra Giacomo, un notaio sessantenne, e Giulia, una bella e ricca diciassettenne, anoressica, appena uscita da un tentativo di suicidio. Giulia viene affidata a Giacomo sino al compimento della maggiore età. I mesi che trascorreranno insieme, nella villa sull'Argentario, porteranno ricordi, confessioni, eccessi, bugie e indicibili desideri.
Cover of Uomini, questi amati stronzi
by Cecilia Piccinini, Elena Giulia Montorsi
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 24, 2014

Il libro parla dei rapporti tra uomini e donne; si racconta di casi di vita vissuta, perchè si vuole parlare di vita vera. Dall'esame dei diversi rapporti di coppia, si trae spunto per proporre critiche: a volte ironiche, a volte molto serie. Si propone anche un capitolo medico-scientifico in cui...
Cover of L'amore è bello finché dura. Scusami tesoro, pensavo fosse amore...
by Marco Colantoni
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 14, 2015

Giorgio, Rossella e Luigina sono persone qualunque, svolgono vite regolari, hanno profili comuni e affrontano la vita e i conseguenti problemi in modo silenzioso, solitario, introspettivo, lontano da qualsiasi tipo di cronaca o palcoscenico. Giorgio è un padre separato, in lotta per veder riconosciuti...
Cover of Amore e altre combinazioni
by Stefania De Matola
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 15, 2016

Viola, Bianca e Margherita, tre amiche inseparabili dei tempi del liceo, finiscono per dividersi in seguito a un meritato ed eccitante viaggio in Spagna dopo l’esame di maturità. Quel legame giovanile, apparentemente forte, non riesce a superare le difficili prove a cui le giovani donne vengono...
Cover of Marriage issues
by Emmanuel Chukwu
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2017

You deserve nothing less than the best. That is why in this edition of Marriage issues Vol. 1 offers you nothing less. Enough of emotional trauma and crisis. It is time to ignite life in your relationship and rebrand your love life. This book is packed with interesting and life transforming...
Cover of Mein Leben war in seiner Hand

Mein Leben war in seiner Hand

Geschlagen und gedemütigt. Wie mein Zuhause zum Albtraum wurde

by Morgane Seliman
Language: German
Release Date: June 28, 2017

Morgane ist sich sicher, mit Yassine ihren Traummann gefunden zu haben. Der Halbägypter kocht für sie, er wäscht - und liest ihr jeden Wunsch von den Augen ab. Doch dann wird sie schwanger, und Yassine verwandelt sich: Gemeine Demütigungen, brutale Misshandlungen und die wachsende Isolation von...
Cover of Second Arc of the Great Circle
by Peter B Cannon
Language: English
Release Date: October 30, 2013

While the First Arc covered ages 21-33, during his search for answers to life, the Second Arc of the Great Circle is about "Letting go" and letting God. This book brings us up to the present, with yacht deliveries out of Fort Lauderdale to Key West and to Lake Michigan. After meeting an...
Cover of Not My Amish Father’S Wishes
by Marie Black
Language: English
Release Date: August 9, 2011

She grew up near Kokomo, Indiana in a small Amish community. At a young age she knew she wanted to go to college because she saw how her dad struggled to make ends met and feeding a family of six on a sixty acre farm wasnt an easy task. Her first obstacle was the fact she knew no English when she...
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