Eating Disorders category: 671 books

Cover of México, un país obeso
by Martí Quintana Badosa
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 15, 2009

En México, siete de cada diez adultos y tres de cada diez niños tienen sobrepeso u obesidad, una enfermedad propia de países ricos que impacta gravemente en esta nación emergente y llena de desigualdades, donde el 46,2% de la población es pobre. Son cifras que marean y esconden detrás una cruda...
Cover of The Etiology Of Bulimia Nervosa

The Etiology Of Bulimia Nervosa

The Individual And Familial Context: Material Arising From The Second Annual Kent Psychology Forum, Kent, October 1990

Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2013

First published in 1992. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Cover of Beyond Dieting

Beyond Dieting

Psychoeducational Interventions For Chronically Obese Women

by Donna Ciliska
Language: English
Release Date: May 24, 2013

Published in 1990, Beyond Dieting is a valuable contribution to the field of Psychiatry/Clinical Psychology.
Cover of Quería volar

Quería volar

Cuando comer era un infierno

by Espido Freire
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 5, 2014

Los trastornos de alimentación siguen siendo un problema oculto en una sociedad que los observa con condescendencia y los alienta con comportamientos erróneos. Unos trastornos tradicionalmente asociados a las adolescentes, y que ahora padecen también muchos hombres y mujeres adultas, que no se...
Cover of En forma y sin kilitos de más

En forma y sin kilitos de más

Come sano, mejora tus hábtios y recupera tu vitalidad

by Diane Pérez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 9, 2017

Un manual indispensable: te garantiza que comer rico y bien, no debe ser un sufrimiento. Un libro indispensable para cambiar tus hábitos alimenticios, mejorar tu salud, prevenir las enfermedades derivadas de la mala alimentación y mantenerte en forma. El consumo sin medida de grasas,...
Cover of 3 Faces Of Obesity: Sex, Drugs, And Politics In The Age Of Mass Laziness
by Pauly Jansen
Language: English
Release Date: August 31, 2012

Here is a daring new explanation for obesity. Don't let the facts stand in the way of junk food science. Just grab some chips and start reading. 3 Faces of Obesity takes a light-hearted look at a heavyweight subject in bad need of some fresh attention. Praise for this edition: "Jansen...
Cover of Detox, Big Time.
by Caroline Benson
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2014

Why this detox diet for body and mind can protect you from the assaults of modern living?You can choose to be healthier.A cleansing diet that detoxes at the cellular level helps you:- Boost your immune system on a long-term basis.- Lose weight.- Reduce pain and inflammation significantly.The...
Cover of Weight Loss: A No-Nonsense Approach. Part 1 The Facts
by Myrvin Chester
Language: English
Release Date: June 14, 2012

Are you really motivated to lose weight? This is a record of my personal success in losing weight. I hope that the reader will find it useful, informative, and motivating. This book is about what I did to lose that weight, which I managed in much less than the allotted time. There was no magic...
Cover of Planet Lactose: The Best of the Planet Lactose Blog, volume 1
by Steve Carper
Language: English
Release Date: August 2, 2011

Steve Carper is the Internet’s leading expert on lactose intolerance. He learned he was lactose intolerant back in 1978 when the condition was virtually unknown. With no books or resources readily available, he plunged into the necessary research and wrote No Milk Today: How to Live with Lactose...
Cover of The Super Elusive Triple Digit Weight Loss Diet
by Sal Colascione III
Language: English
Release Date: April 23, 2017

Successful body recomposition is far more complex than diet and exercise alone. There are various psychological and physiological aspects that must be analyzed, considered, and taken into account. These things vary greatly from person to person. Super Elusive Triple Digit Weight Loss can surely be...
Cover of I disturbi depressivi
by Daniele Gigli, Giacomo De Vincenzi, Gessica De Cesare
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 27, 2012

Parlare di una sindrome come la depressione vuol dire riferirsi a conoscenze mediche, ricerca neurobiologica e competenze psicologiche, argomenti, questi ultimi, che si intrecciano per cercare di spiegare e soprattutto curare uno dei mali più diffusi nel mondo occidentale. Il disturbo depressivo,...
Cover of Come vincere la fame nervosa

Come vincere la fame nervosa

Cosa si cela dietro il bisogno costante di cibo e come superarlo

by Doreen Virtue
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 12, 2013

Se soffri di fame compulsiva, se ogni volta che ti senti teso vai verso la cucina, se lo stress si calma solo riempiendo lo stomaco, questo è il libro che fa per te. Imparerai come interpretare e risolvere le spinte verso la cioccolata, gli snack, i carboidrati, il formaggio, il gelato e molti altri...
Cover of Psiconutrizione
by Maria Derto
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 20, 2016

La fame è una spinta istintiva che porta alla ricerca del cibo e induce l’uomo ad assumere alimenti ogni giorno, più volte al giorno. Si tratta di un fenomeno complesso e variegato che trova le basi nella dimensione neurofisiologica ma che per la sua natura multifattoriale coinvolge anche le dimensioni...
Cover of La voce del corpo
by Elisa Rasotto
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 26, 2010

Imparare ad ascoltare i segnali che il corpo trasmette è fondamentele per chi soffre di patologie alimentari e l’Art-Counseling, supportato dalla psicoanalisi relazionale, può rivelarsi uno strumento adeguato. Si tratta di offrire esperienze corporee concrete, sperimentare linguaggi espressivi...
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