Eating Disorders category: 671 books

Cover of Health - How Americans Lose It
by Christian Bartels
Language: English
Release Date: January 15, 2012

The United States of America statistically rates among the highest in medical expenditures, highest in rates of cardiovascular disease, highest in most disease categories and numbers of chronic condition cases, yet lowest in in effectiveness for management of chronic conditions particularly.  This quandary...
Cover of Le piccole cose che fanno dimagrire

Le piccole cose che fanno dimagrire

Tutte le mosse vincenti per perdere peso senza dieta

by Istituto Riza di Medicina Psicosomatica
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 5, 2015

Per perdere peso una volta per tutte non servono diete. Il segreto è negli atteggiamenti di ogni giorno che spostano il nostro sguardo dal cibo a noi stessi. Così impariamo a dimagrire naturalmente, senza fatica e ritrovando la nostra autenticità.
Cover of Anoressia delle passioni
by Serena Libertà
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 27, 2013

Anoressia, malattia sociale e psicologica, tragicamente diffusa tra gli adolescenti e i giovani e ancora molto difficile da affrontare e curare. Difficile è soprattutto la convivenza con questa patologia, sia da parte di chi ne è affetto, che da parte di familiari e amici. Il libro si rivolge a...
Cover of Anoressia: Analisi e Cure
by Silvana Lauro
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 10, 2012

I Disturbi del Comportamento Alimentare, nelle varie espressioni che li distinguono, rappresentano la patologia più diffusa nella società occidentale. Tra questi, l’anoressia è una patologia che rappresenta lo specchio deformante della società in cui appare. L'Anoressia, più di ogni altra,...
Cover of Ho mangiato abbastanza

Ho mangiato abbastanza

Come ho perso 60 kg con la meditazione (e altri segreti)

by Giorgio Serafini Prosperi
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 23, 2017

In Italia più di un terzo della popolazione adulta è in sovrappeso, e una persona su dieci è obesa. Sono i numeri di una pandemia silenziosa che nasconde sofferenza e disagio, come sa bene chi ha vissuto questo inferno interiore. L’autore è stato un bambino “morbido”, un adolescente...
Cover of La boulimie

La boulimie

Des théories aux thérapies

by François Nef
Language: French
Release Date: October 24, 2013

Quelles sont les pathologies liées aux troubles de l'alimentation ?La boulimie est un trouble des conduites alimentaires assez fréquent. Elle se caractérise par des épisodes incoercibles de suralimentation, suivis de comportements compensatoires. Elle s’accompagne d’une forte insatisfaction corporelle...
Cover of How to Stop Your Cigarette Addiction Naturally
by Jemie Denney
Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2018

Arе уоu a nicotine addict? Thе unmatched рrореrtу that diѕрlауѕ thе аddiсtivе nаturе of nicotine iѕn't hоw hard or hоw simple it iѕ tо ѕtор, nor iѕ it how hard оr еаѕу it iѕ fоr a реrѕоn to ѕtау оff niсоtinе. Thе one true рrореrtу thаt рrеѕеntѕ...
by oswin dacosta
Language: English
Release Date: December 18, 2014

In this book Rapid Tips For Weight Loss, it will cover the various proven ways to loose unwanted body fat fast and effectively. We will cover the strategies to go about looking at weight loss and attacking it the correct way. There are various delicious recipes in the book including meals and smoothies...
Cover of One-Day Miracles
by Michael Steven Purles
Language: English
Release Date: October 21, 2013

Think differently to master your weight - think yourself thin. Bring an end to the “yo-yo” cycle of losing weight, regaining it, losing it again . . .One-Day Miracles has done what you would do – convert brain change science into proven effective and simple to use tools for long-term...
Cover of Live healthy & Live Long
by Baldeo Sahai
Language: English
Release Date: April 24, 2013

Body and mind, and spirit, all combine, to make the Creature, human and divine.” - Ella Wheeler Wilcox We all desire to lead a long and happy life. It can be achieved only through a harmonious development of body, mind and soul. This is exactly what this book offers. Running throughout the book like...
Cover of A Workbook of Acceptance-Based Approaches for Weight Concerns
by Margit Berman
Language: English
Release Date: June 12, 2018

This three-part workbook offers a concise and forgiving research- based guide to clients’ diffi culties with sustained weight loss. Part 1 is a review of your client’s previous efforts at weight control and image change, as well as information and a review of research to help your...
Cover of Die heimliche Sucht, unheimlich zu essen

Die heimliche Sucht, unheimlich zu essen

Bulimie - Verstehen und heilen

by Maja Langsdorff
Language: German
Release Date: February 11, 2011

Der "Bulimie"-Klassiker, aktualisiert und auf dem neusten Stand der WissenschaftDer kollektive Schlankheitswahn fordert seine Opfer. Abertausende von Frauen hängen an der Alltagsdroge Essen. Maja Langsdorff beschreibt Zusammenhänge und Hintergründe der Esstörung und zeigt: Ess-Brech-Sucht...
Cover of Der Wechsler Von Gewohnheiten, von Sofortige Veranderung
by Clayton Redfield
Language: German
Release Date: December 6, 2017

Dies ist das kleine, aber mächtige Buch von Clayton Redfield, das das Geheimnis eines Single Thought Process® für die Verhaltensänderung von jeglichem kognitiven Verhalten enthüllt, das Sie heute, gerade jetzt, erreichen können. Der Single Thought Process® (STP) ist die innovative Methode,...
Cover of Tout sauf Ana

Tout sauf Ana

Voyage dans la tête d'une anorexique

by Cynthia Laferrière
Language: French
Release Date: March 11, 2013

Qu'est-ce qui fait que des jeunes filles en viennent à se détruire par la maigreur morbide ? Pourquoi tant de gens se font berner par des messages publicitaires qui prônent la minceur comme seule définition de la beauté ? En quoi un acte aussi banal et inné, une fonction vitale – le fait de...
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