Econometrics category: 430 books

Cover of Turismo: cambiamo tutto!

Turismo: cambiamo tutto!

Capire l’industria dell’ospitalità per tornare primi

by Antonio Preiti
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 9, 2014

Persino la parola stessa, turismo, è sbagliata. Esiste l’industria dell’ospitalità non il turismo, che è un fenomeno sociale come altri. Siamo allora sicuri di sapere abbastanza del turismo? O semplicemente è una di quelle parole, quasi usurate, che tutti ripetono, ma di cui nessuno davvero...
Cover of Impact Evaluation

Impact Evaluation

Treatment Effects and Causal Analysis

by Markus Frölich, Stefan Sperlich
Language: English
Release Date: March 21, 2019

In recent years, interest in rigorous impact evaluation has grown tremendously in policy-making, economics, public health, social sciences and international relations. Evidence-based policy-making has become a recurring theme in public policy, alongside greater demands for accountability in public...
Cover of Linear Programming and Resource Allocation Modeling
by Michael J. Panik
Language: English
Release Date: October 25, 2018

Guides in the application of linear programming to firm decision making, with the goal of giving decision-makers a better understanding of methods at their disposal Useful as a main resource or as a supplement in an economics or management science course, this comprehensive book addresses the...
Cover of Technical Product Management according to Open Product Management Workflow

Technical Product Management according to Open Product Management Workflow

The Product Management book for technical Product Managers and Product Owners that explains tasks and roles as well as prioritization of requirements

by Frank Lemser
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2019

The book »Technical Product Management« is the continuation of the series Product Management according to Open Product Management Workflow and is aimed at Technical Product Managers and Product Owners. Note: the tools and templates, which are mentioned in the book, are deliberately not included,...
Cover of Multivariate Analysemethoden

Multivariate Analysemethoden

Theorie und Praxis mit R

by Andreas Handl, Torben Kuhlenkasper
Language: German
Release Date: August 3, 2017

Das Lehrbuch führt in die Analyse multivariater Daten ein. Behandelt werden neben den klassischen auch neuere Verfahren wie Klassifikationsbäume. Jedes Verfahren wird anhand eines realen Problems dargestellt. Darauf aufbauend wird die Zielsetzung des Verfahrens herausgearbeitet, theoretische und...
Cover of Zeitalter der Beschleunigung und Entgrenzung

Zeitalter der Beschleunigung und Entgrenzung

Wer seine Stärken nicht kennt, verpasst die Gelegenheit, sie zu nutzen

by Jörg Becker
Language: German
Release Date: January 23, 2019

Die durch Digitalisierung maximierten Möglichkeiten stellen die Gesellschaft vor neue Anforderungen. Denn vernetzte Lebensweisen sind nicht nur flexibel und grenzüberschreitend, sondern auch anspruchsvoll und anstrengend. Wenn alle immer online sind, so ermächtigt diese Konnektivität nicht nur,...
Cover of Calculation of Equilibrium Price, Demand and Supply
by Homework Help Classof1
Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2013

Consider the following graph in which demand and supply are initially D and S, respectively. What are the equilibrium price and quantity? If demand increases to D1, what are the new equilibrium price and quantity? What happens if the government does not allow the price to change when demand increases?
Cover of China’s Provincial Economic Competitiveness and Policy Outlook for the 13th Five-year Plan Period (2016-2020)
by Jianping Li, Minrong Li, Yanjing Gao
Language: English
Release Date: January 25, 2019

This book focuses on the competitive situation and policy outlook of China’s provincial economy in the 13th five-year period. It begins with a general evaluation report on the country’s provincial comprehensive Economic Competitiveness, followed by analyses at the international, national and regional...
Cover of Cosa misura l'economia?

Cosa misura l'economia?

Ricchezza e povertà nel paradosso degli indicatori economici

by Paolo Gila
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 5, 2013

Che cosa misurano gli economisti quando osservano la realtà che li circonda? Come fanno le loro ricerche - e soprattutto - come costruiscono i dati e gli indicatori che poi diffondono al pubblico attraverso i libri, gli articoli scientifici, i giornali e le televisioni? Una puntuale e inquietante...
Cover of Analisi predittiva

Analisi predittiva

Sapere in anticipo chi clicca, compra, mente o muore

by Eric Siegel
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 10, 2015

Oggi è possibile registrare ogni clic, ogni pagamento, ogni telefonata, ogni spostamento, ogni crimine, ogni malattia e una enorme quantità di altre cose – non solo è possibile, viene effettivamente fatto. Enormi quantità di dati che possono essere analizzati per capire che cosa è effettivamente...
Cover of Personalfachkaufmann/-frau (IHK)

Personalfachkaufmann/-frau (IHK)

Arbeitshilfe zur Prüfungsvorbereitung

by Daniela Reinders, Frank Thönißen
Language: German
Release Date: September 25, 2018

Ziel der Aufstiegsfortbildung zum geprüften Personalfachkaufmann bzw. des Studienganges Bachelor Professional of Human Resources Management CCI ist gemäß Prüfungsordnung eine verantwortliche Funktion in der Personalwirtschaft eines Unternehmens, in der Personalberatung sowie bei Projekten der...
Cover of Trendwärts - Die Zukunft des Geldes

Trendwärts - Die Zukunft des Geldes

12 Schlüsseltrends aus der Finanzbranche

by Eike Wenzel
Language: German
Release Date: July 11, 2011

Die Krise ist keineswegs zu Ende, die Umwälzungen im Finanzsektor gehen weiter: Wird der Euro auch noch in zehn Jahren unsere Währung sein? Auf welche 'Grundwerte' wird sich das Finanzsystem der Zukunft berufen? Fest steht: Volatile Finanzmärkte und starke Konjunkturschwankungen werden die nächsten...
Cover of Demokratie-Illusionen


Der gute Staat - Zufall? Grenzen demokratischen Verhaltens

by A. Neuberg
Language: German
Release Date: August 8, 2019

Seit Dekaden erleben wir schwerwiegende politische Fehler in den Demokratien. Gemeinsamkeit, Rationalität, Verantwortung, treten in den Hintergrund, bedrohen Wohlstand und soziale Gerechtigkeit, bewirken extreme Gruppierungen, lösen Zukunftsängste aus. Unsere Privilegien zu sichern wird schwieriger,...
Cover of Empirische Ökonomie

Empirische Ökonomie

Eine Einführung in Methoden und Anwendungen

by John Komlos, Bernd Süssmuth
Language: German
Release Date: September 15, 2010

Das Buch führt anhand einfacher und zugleich origineller Anwendungen aus Gebieten wie Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Humankapitaltheorie oder Biologie in die Methoden der klassischen Ökonometrie ein. Da auch grundlegende Konzepte der beschreibenden und schließenden Statistik behandelt werden, sind keine...
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