Emigration category: 2215 books

Cover of Boston's Immigrants
by Michael Price, Anthony Mitchell Sammarco
Language: English
Release Date: October 30, 2000

Boston is a city rich in the history of residents from all walks of life, every country and every ethnicity imaginable. From 1840 to 1925, Boston's diversity created a city with a thriving nexus of people who wove together a community that reflected their own unique heritage. In this lavishly illustrated...
Cover of AsiaTown Cleveland

AsiaTown Cleveland

From Tong Wars to Dim Sum

by Alan F. Dutka
Language: English
Release Date: October 28, 2014

For years, Cleveland's Chinese residents struggled to find a secure place in the city. Immigrants came with dreams of building a better life, but without English proficiency, prospects dimmed, and emigres often earned poor pay for long hours of strenuous work. In 1925, Cleveland police responded to an...
Cover of Integration


Ein Protokoll des Scheiterns

by Hamed Abdel-Samad
Language: German
Release Date: April 10, 2018

Millionen Muslime sind in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten als Gastarbeiter überwiegend aus der Türkei, als Flüchtlinge aus Syrien und anderen Staaten des Nahen Ostens nach Deutschland gekommen. Hamed Abdel-Samad rechnet ab mit der Politik, die die Integration zu lange konterkariert und der Muslime,...
Cover of Arizona Firestorm

Arizona Firestorm

Global Immigration Realities, National Media, and Provincial Politics

Language: English
Release Date: June 7, 2012

In 2010, the governor of Arizona signed a controversial immigration bill (SB 1070) that led to a news media frenzy, copycat bills in twenty-two states, and a U.S. Supreme Court battle that put Arizona at the cross-hairs of the immigration debate. Arizona Firestorm brings together well-respected experts...
Cover of Éviter les bosses lors du trajet d'intégration
by Merling Sapene
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2018

Ce cahier d'activité porte sur vous, les braves qui sont prêts à prendre une risque et à changer votre vie et celle de ceux qui vous entourent en commençant une nouvelle vie dans ce pays merveilleux et bien-aimé qu'est le Canada.   En expliquant le parcours d'immigration et les...
Cover of Ethnic Elites and Canadian Identity

Ethnic Elites and Canadian Identity

Japanese, Ukrainians, and Scots, 1919-1971

by Aya Fujiwara
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2012

Ethnic elites, the influential business owners, teachers, and newspaper editors within distinct ethnic communities, play an important role as self-appointed mediators between their communities and “mainstream” societies. In Ethnic Elites and Canadian Identity, Aya Fujiwara examines the roles of...
Cover of The Constructed Mennonite

The Constructed Mennonite

History, Memory, and the Second World War

by Hans Werner
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2013

John Werner was a storyteller. A Mennonite immigrant in southern Manitoba, he captivated his audiences with tales of adventure and perseverance. With every telling he constructed and reconstructed the memories of his life.John Werner was a survivor. Born in the Soviet Union just after the Bolshevik...
Cover of Being-Here


Placemaking in a World of Movement

by Annika Lems
Language: English
Release Date: May 24, 2018

Exploring the lifeworlds of Halima, Omar and Mohamed, three middle-aged Somalis living in Melbourne, Australia, the author discusses the interrelated meanings of emplacement and displacement as experienced in people’s everyday lives. Through their experiences of displacement and placemaking, Being-Here...
Cover of Charcoal and Blood

Charcoal and Blood

Italian Immigrants in Eureka, Nevada, and the Fish Creek Massacre

by Silvio Manno
Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2016

Charcoal and Blood is a detailed account of a heinous crime perpetrated on Italian immigrants engaged in the production of charcoal on Nevada’s mining frontier at the close of the nineteenth century. On August 18, 1879, in a canyon near Fish Creek, outside Eureka, Nevada, five Italian charcoal...
Cover of Ausgewandert! Na und … (Serie II)
by Lea Ludwig
Language: German
Release Date: March 18, 2013

Mein Australien-Tagebuch Unser Leben in Down Under Mit 40 Jahren das Leben noch einmal völlig umkrempeln? Diese Frage haben wir uns wohl zig-tausendmal gestellt. Doch gewisse Umstände erleichterten uns die Entscheidung, noch einmal einen großen Schritt zu wagen und ein neues...
Cover of Esodo


Storia del nuovo millennio

by Domenico Quirico
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 13, 2016

Questo libro è la cronaca dei viaggi fatti in compagnia dei migranti nei principali luoghi da cui partono, e in cui sostano o si riversano. In questo senso, è il racconto in presa diretta dell’Esodo che sta già mutando il mondo e la storia a venire. Una Grande Migrazione che ha inizio là dove...
Cover of Asia-Africa Development Divergence

Asia-Africa Development Divergence

A Question of Intent

by David Henley
Language: English
Release Date: February 12, 2015

Why have South-East Asian countries like Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam been so successful in reducing levels of absolute poverty, while in African countries like Kenya, Nigeria and Tanzania, despite recent economic growth, most people are still almost as poor as they were half a century ago? This...
Cover of Survival and Regeneration

Survival and Regeneration

Detroit’s American Indian Community

by Edmund Jeffrey Danziger, Jr.
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2017

Survival and Regeneration captures the heritage of Detroit's colorful Indian community through printed sources and the personal life stories of many Native Americans. During a ten-year period, Edmund Jefferson Danziger, Jr. interviewed hundreds of Indians about their past and their needs and aspirations...
Cover of One Out of Three

One Out of Three

Immigrant New York in the Twenty-First Century

Language: English
Release Date: June 18, 2013

This absorbing anthology features in-depth portraits of diverse ethnic populations, revealing the surprising new realities of immigrant life in twenty-first-century New York City. Contributors show how nearly fifty years of massive inflows have transformed New York City's economic and cultural life...
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