Family Therapy category: 649 books

Cover of Paarbeziehungen und Paartherapie
by Reinhard Kreische, Michael Ermann
Language: German
Release Date: April 12, 2012

Viele psychische Störungen wirken sich in zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen aus, und Störungen in zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen können zu psychischen Erkrankungen führen oder diese ungünstig beeinflussen. Deshalb sind Kenntnisse über die Dynamik von und therapeutische Arbeit an Paarbeziehungen...
Cover of Wenn alte Liebe doch mal rostet

Wenn alte Liebe doch mal rostet

Paarberatung und Paartherapie für Ältere

by Astrid Riehl-Emde, Michael Ermann
Language: German
Release Date: April 3, 2014

Paarberatung und -therapie mit Älteren - ist das etwas Besonderes? Ja, denn von der Indikation ("Lohnt sich das noch?") bis zur Durchführung ("Blick ins Elternschlafzimmer") stellt diese Arbeit eine Herausforderung dar: Man begegnet dabei mehr oder weniger bewusst den eigenen Eltern und Großeltern...
Cover of Segnali d'amore

Segnali d'amore

Quello che conta è ciò che l'altro non dice - Guida pratica al linguaggio del corteggiamento

by David Givens
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 29, 2011

Il linguaggio silenzioso dell'amore è uno strumento di comunicazione che ha preceduto di milioni di anni il linguaggio verbale. Ancora oggi esprimiamo emozioni e sentimenti in gran parte senza usare le parole. In Segnali d'amore, David Givens documenta i piccoli rituali d'amore che celebriamo in...
Cover of Scienza e pratica della seduzione e della coppia
by Eugenio Flajani Galli
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 2, 2015

La seduzione e la coppia sono fra gli argomenti più interessanti della psicologia, ma soprattutto tra i più utili da applicare nella vita di ogni giorno, che chiunque dovrebbe conoscere al meglio. Non fatevi però ingannare da chi non è un esperto della materia e non ha una laurea (o ne ha una...
Cover of Terapia sexual

Terapia sexual

A vida com mais prazer

Language: Portuguese
Release Date: January 30, 2017

A busca por prazer faz parte da natureza humana. Todas as nossas ações são de alguma forma para suprir essa necessidade. O prazer não é ruim para nossa vida, pelo contrário, é essencial para compensar os infortúnios do cotidiano. Buscamos prazer no trabalho, música, convívio com familiares,...


Il était une fois au pays des humains : Victime. Elle pourrait s’appeler Calimero, Cosette, Cendrillon, Rejet, Injustice, Abandon, Humiliation, Trahison, une collègue de travail, un voisin, un(e) ami(e), Vous tout simplement.

Language: French
Release Date: August 18, 2017

« Je ne suis victime que de moi-même. Car j’ai le pouvoir de tout changer. » Il était une fois au pays des humains : Victime. Elle pourrait s’appeler Calimero, Cosette, Cendrillon, Rejet, Injustice, Abandon, Humiliation, Trahison, une collègue de travail, un voisin, un(e)...
Cover of Die Kinder des Tantalus

Die Kinder des Tantalus

Oder: Ausstieg aus dem Kreislauf seelischer Verletzungen

by Rüdiger Opelt
Language: German
Release Date: October 1, 2015

Der Mythos von Tantalus und seinen Nachkommen als Muster für Flucht und Verdrängung ebenso wie für Lösung aus der Spirale seelischer Grausamkeiten. Wie Gewalt auch Kinder und Kindeskinder krank macht und wie es dem zu entrinnen gelingt. Warum erleiden manche Menschen Schicksalsschläge in Folge und...
Cover of Adoção


Legislação, cenários e práticas

by Fabio Scorsolini-Comin, Andrea Kotzian Pereira, Maria Lúcia Tiellet Nunes
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 19, 2016

Esta obra reúne psicólogos de diferentes orientações e profissionais ligados a várias instituições, de diferentes estados brasileiros, considerando a diversidade de cenários e suas realidades. Busca proporcionar não apenas um retrato da área de adoção na contemporaneidade, como dialogar...
Cover of O mundo interior do trauma

O mundo interior do trauma

Defesas arquetípicas do espírito pessoal

by Donald Kalsched
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 13, 2014

A "redescoberta" do abuso físico e sexual na infância ativou novamente o interesse psiquiátrico pelos distúrbios que resultam da experiência traumática. Donald Kalsched explora o mundo interior das imagens do sonho e da fantasia encontradas na terapia com pessoas que sofreram experiências de...
Cover of Взаимоотношения полов: Основы
by Nikolay Saveliev
Language: Russian
Release Date: May 23, 2018

Данная книга будет полезна как людям уже состоящим в отношениях, так и людям которые еще не вступили в них. Она будет полезна всем, кто желает еще лучше понимать себя...
Cover of Domestic Abuse Across the Lifespan

Domestic Abuse Across the Lifespan

The Role of Occupational Therapy

by Christine Helfrich
Language: English
Release Date: June 11, 2014

Domestic abuse has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. Are you prepared to work with the people whose lives it has changed? Domestic Abuse Across the Lifespan: The Role of Occupational Therapy reframes the problem of domestic violence, taking it out of the home and into the practice...
Cover of Children With Prenatal Drug Exposure
by Lynette S Chandler, Shelly J Lane
Language: English
Release Date: June 3, 2014

Children With Prenatal Drug Exposure examines new medical approaches for predicting the developmental progress of children who have been exposed to drugs in utero. This book outlines effective methods for intervention and assessment and indicates future directions for investigation. It provides practical...
Cover of A Guide to Planning and Support for Individuals Who Are Deafblind
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 1999

In this ground-breaking collection, leading experts in the field address the problems of parents, intervenors, and professionals who work with people who have been deafblind since birth or from a very early age. Individuals who are congenitally deafblind face the same challenges as those who...
Cover of Brain Injury and Gender Role Strain

Brain Injury and Gender Role Strain

Rebuilding Adult Lifestyles After Injury

by Sharon Gutman
Language: English
Release Date: March 18, 2014

Discover new interventions to restore self-respect and personal life control! When men suffer traumatic brain injury (TBI), they can lose their sense of competence, confidence, and masculinity, resulting in a gender role strain. Brain Injury and Gender Role Strain offers an innovative solution...
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