Free Will category: 515 books

Cover of The Rise of the Mutant Ego
by John Faupel
Language: English
Release Date: April 11, 2017

We still seem to believe in the ‘the ascent of man’ and that we are superior to all other species, so surely we must be in charge of our destinies. But is it any more valid, believing a man is superior to a butterfly because he is cleverer, than believing a butterfly is superior to a man because...
Cover of Filosofia e Espiritismo

Filosofia e Espiritismo

Temas para Discussão

by Sérgio Biagi Gregório
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: January 12, 2014

O Espiritismo é uma filosofia científica de consequências morais.Para conhecê-lo temos que nos debruçar sobre as obras básicas, codificadas por Allan Kardec. Este livro traz um resumo das 28 aulas de um Curso de Introdução à Filosofia Espírita.
Cover of Coming for Money

Coming for Money

A Novel of International Finance

by F.W. vom Scheidt
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2009

How much money is too much? And how fast is too fast in life? Investment star Paris Smith steps onto the top rungs of the corporate ladder, only to discover he is caught between his need for fulfillment and his need for understanding, between his drive for power and his inability to cope with...
Cover of Nem anjos nem demônios

Nem anjos nem demônios

A humana escolha entre virtudes e vícios

by Mario Sergio Cortella, Monja Coen
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: April 18, 2019

Como somos nós? Generosos, justos e piedosos? Ou gananciosos, intolerantes e preguiçosos? Neste livro, Mario Sergio Cortella e Monja Coen trazem a filosofia e a espiritualidade para uma conversa acolhedora sobre aquilo que eleva a vida – as virtudes – e o que desafia a ética – os vícios....
Cover of Future-Minded


The Psychology of Agency and Control

by Doctor Magda Osman
Language: English
Release Date: March 11, 2014

What drives us to make decisions? Future-Minded explores the psychological processes of agency and control. If you've ever wondered why we think of coincidences as matters of fate rather than the result of the laws of probability, this book provides the answer. From memory and reasoning to...
Cover of 你以為你的選擇真的是你的選擇?
by 朱立安.巴吉尼(Julian Baggini)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: September 1, 2016

我選擇,所以我自由?!當代最暢銷的天才型哲普作家朱立安.巴吉尼 ,繼《吃的美德》後,再度以哲學的棒子,敲響我們對生活的省思! 喝咖啡或喝茶、升學或求職、結婚或單身、換工作或咬牙苦撐、搭火車或搭公車、拿起這本書或放下這本書,我們每天都在做大大小小的各種決定。我們都知道也相信自己可以自由做出各種決定,然而從人們開始進行哲學思考以來,就不斷有人否定這樣的說法,也就是否定「自由意志」。 隨著科學進展,越來越多人拒絕自由意志,認為那不過是一種錯覺。達爾文說過:「自然界的每樣東西都是固定法則的結果。」愛因斯坦也說:「所有事都是被我們無法控制的力量預先決定的,不論開始或結束。」科學家以為,以自由意志這類事物來欺騙我們自己,便是演化出來的適應性行為。神經科學進一步助長對自由意志的否定:我們的行為並非意識和欲望所決定,而是腦部的神經反應和傳導過程。 知名的腦神經科學家山姆.哈里斯提到,一般對於自由意志的概念,奠基於兩個假設:一、我們每個人的行為都可以不同於過往;二、我們的現狀是我們有意識的思想和行為所產生的結果。但這兩種假設剛好都無法通過科學檢驗,看來自由意志是玩完了。我們對於自由意志的一般認知無法適得其用,發揮其應有的效果。它被放在過於天真和簡化的假設上。 於是,「自由意志不過是種幻覺」變成顯學和常識。但這個主張的支持者也承認,儘管如此,每個人還是都覺得自己有自由意志,儘管明知道沒有。而如果我們都接受我們的行為是由我們無法控制的因素所造成的結果,那我們就很難繼續堅持要人們對自己的行為負起道德責任。如果沒有自由意志,看來責任和懲罰都得閃一邊去,而那可是法律和道德的基礎。舉例而言,一九八四年,聖地牙哥有名男子槍殺了21個人,他主張他的憤怒是因為吃了麥當勞的食物而裡面含有會讓神經興奮的傳導物質所致,加上他從事焊接工吸入過多的鎘。 關於自由意志的討論,對於社會亦造成很大的影響,不論是對於懲罰、尊重人性、社會正義、人際往來。支持自由意志者主張,現在我們太容易把過錯怪罪給社會、基因、成長環境和大腦,而不是對自己的行為負責。這樣的想法很容易驅動一些公共政策,例如刪減社福支出、加強刑罰,英國前首相梅傑就曾說過,我們的社會應該:「譴責多一點,同情少一點。」反過來說,也有不少政府相信意志是可操控的,採取「推力理論」(nudge...
Cover of On Destiny

On Destiny

A Philosophical Dialogue

by Nicholas J. Pappas
Language: English
Release Date: October 5, 2016

Philosopher Nick Pappas invites us to join the conversation as a few wise friends explore what it takes to live a meaningful life, to produce meaningful art, and to support others in their own efforts to fulfill their potential.How do we make the most of our lives? Is there a meaning, a goal, a purpose?...
Cover of The Injustice of Punishment
by Bruce N. Waller
Language: English
Release Date: October 19, 2017

The Injustice of Punishment emphasizes that we can never make sense of moral responsibility while also acknowledging that punishment is sometimes unavoidable. Recognizing both the injustice and the necessity of punishment is painful but also beneficial. It motivates us to find effective means of minimizing...
Cover of Logical Philosophy: A Compendium
by Avi Sion
Language: English
Release Date: December 31, 2013

Logical Philosophy: A Compendium brings together five works by Avi Sion published in 2002-06, namely: Phenomenology (2003), Volition and Allied Causal Concepts (2004), Meditations (2006), Ruminations (2005), and Buddhist Illogic (2002). These works together define what may be termed ‘Logical Philosophy’,...
Cover of 16 Laws for Gangster Confidence

16 Laws for Gangster Confidence

F*ck Self Doubt, Do It Scared

by Michelle Carvalho
Language: English
Release Date: March 15, 2018

Without confidence we stay in relationships that hurt us. We offer up years of our lives to jobs that leave us feeling deprived, and we sacrifice our own needs to please others. We feel helpless and without the direction we need to change our circumstances. This book is packed with the powerful...
Cover of Faust


A Tragedy in Two Parts

by Thomas Wayne
Language: English
Release Date: October 5, 2016

A fresh new translation of Faust, the greatest work by Germany's greatest writer, brings us the immediacy, power and passion of Goethe in modern language. Part One, the shorter, simpler, more recognized section, contains the Gretchen story and the famous blood pact between Faust and Mephistopheles....
Cover of On the Happy Life
by Seneca
Language: English
Release Date: January 27, 2016

“True happiness is... to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future.” - Lucius Annaeus Seneca. De Vita Beata or On the Happy Life is a dialogue written by Seneca the Younger around the year 58 AD. It was intended for his older brother Gallio, to whom Seneca also...
Cover of Hashim Khail and Keeper of the Gates
by Richard Shekari
Language: English
Release Date: February 4, 2017

In an attempt to please his father, Hashim Khail, a young prince finds himself in a dilemma after a great tragedy struck him. He wakes up in a foreign land, enslaved and at the mercy of a new king.
Cover of Vom unfreien Willen

Vom unfreien Willen

Theologische These gegen "Vom freien Willen" ("De libero arbitrio") von Erasmus

by Martin Luther
Language: German
Release Date: August 17, 2017

Dieses eBook wurde mit einem funktionalen Layout erstellt und sorgfältig formatiert. Die Ausgabe ist mit interaktiven Inhalt und Begleitinformationen versehen, einfach zu navigieren und gut gegliedert. Erasmus und Luther haben sich nie persönlich kennengelernt, korrespondierten jedoch mehr oder...
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