General Design category: 1730 books

Cover of Changing Things

Changing Things

The Future of Objects in a Digital World

by Johan Redström, Heather Wiltse
Language: English
Release Date: October 4, 2018

Many of the things we now live with do not take a purely physical form. Objects such as smart phones, laptops and wearable fitness trackers are different from our things of the past. These new digital forms are networked, dynamic and contextually configured. They can be changeable and unpredictable,...
Cover of SOLIDWORKS 2016: A Tutorial Approach, 3rd Edition
by Sham Tickoo
Language: English
Release Date: January 22, 2019

SOLIDWORKS 2016: A Tutorial Approach introduces readers to SOLIDWORKS 2016 software, one of the world's leading parametric solid modeling packages. In this textbook, the author has adopted a tutorial-based approach to explain the fundamental concepts of SOLIDWORKS. This textbook has been written with...
Cover of Stories of Storeys

Stories of Storeys

Art, Architecture and the City

by Gautam Bhatia
Language: English
Release Date: September 17, 2018

A renowned architect and artist on how public architecture in our cities has lost contact with the lives of the common people. Behind the seemingly ordinary life of a practising architect lies a whole host of non-professional impulses that give shape to buildings.Stories of Storeys: Art, Architecture...
Cover of Contra muros y banderas
by El Roto
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 3, 2019

El Roto contra los nacionalismos de viejo y nuevo cuño. En una España confusa, debilitada y empobrecida, viejos fantasmas regresan bajo falsos ropajes identitarios y narcisistas para ocupar mentes y voluntades. Este librito es un modesto intento de evitar ese engaño. «El núcleo...
Cover of 漂亮家居 11月號/2016 第189期
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 5, 2016

COVER STORY 封面故事五月天石頭、黃禹銘、Soac、田定豐、李霽 質感家設計大人男子的居心地相較只著重於穿衣時尚的型男,居家質男更顯魅力,不只重視生活風格,更講究家的設計及細節,透過空間傳達對美學的堅持與品味。一起跟著腳步,共同品味五月天石頭、伊日美學生活總經理黃禹銘、《雙廚星任務》主持人Soac、豐文創創辦人田定豐、質物霽畫執行長李霽的住宅空間,以及所嚴選的35...
Cover of Das Zeitalter der Empfindsamkeit

Das Zeitalter der Empfindsamkeit

Kunst und Kultur des späten 18. Jahrhunderts in Deutschland

by Renate Krüger
Language: German
Release Date: December 19, 2015

Als Zeitalter der Empfindsamkeit, als ein Sammelbecken besonders empfindsamer geistiger Strömungen kann man mit gewissen Einschränkungen und unter bestimmten Vorbehalten die späten Jahrzehnte des so vielschichtigen 18. Jahrhunderts bezeichnen. Die Autorin beleuchtet dieses Zeitalter von allen Seiten:...
Cover of 創意大師想什麼?
by 包益民
Language: Chinese
Release Date: July 3, 2015

Cover of 是設計,讓城市更快樂:找回以「人」為本的大街小巷,創造人與人的互動連結
by 查爾斯.蒙哥馬利 Charles Montgomery
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 18, 2016

★ 蟬連亞馬遜都市發展∕都市經濟∕城市規畫排行榜 ★ 作者蒙哥馬利特別為台灣版新增亞洲案例 好的城市設計讓你心情上天堂, 不好的城市設計讓你心情住牢房! 為何生活在都會裡心情會這麼煩躁?人口太稠密?錯!路邊的攤販太多?錯!因為現代城市的設計就不是要讓你過得好! 以下這些人應該要出來負責: ‧讓車子時速能超過40公里的車商 ‧主張「車子最大」的道路規畫者 ‧建築蓋得超密,害陽光無法照到街道上的建商 ‧硬把都市蓋成棋盤狀,結果沒留任何綠地給市民的政府 ‧以為要「空間」就得搬去郊區的都市規畫師 ‧因為財務危機,就把公車班次減少的公車處 ‧把商場蓋在市郊,害你得浪費油開車大老遠去購物的零售商 這些設計讓我們以為生活要過得好,就得遠離都市、搬去郊區:於是我們的道路越蓋越筆直(撞死的行人也越來越多)、住宅區離市中心越來越遠(想購物?要上班?先開一小時車再說)、「路」變成車子走的而非人走的(去哪裡都得開車,所以我們越來越胖)、土地都蓋高樓大廈不見綠地(想去公園玩耍?對不起,你得開車去那個超遠的森林公園)、與鄰居完全沒有互動,不認識彼此。 長期投入城市規畫的得獎記者查爾斯‧蒙哥馬利,透過大量的追蹤訪談,結合環境心理學、行為經濟學等,將影響人快樂/不快樂的元素融合為一個個小故事以及妙味橫生的心理學研究,抽絲剝繭現代都市規畫的利弊,以及我們該如何追求更舒適的居所。他以巴黎、波哥大、紐約、溫哥華等地為例,指出快樂城市應該有充足的人口、完善的大眾運輸、車流量越低越好、道路以步行為主,而每個路口都要一片綠地,並有充足空間讓市民彼此交流。 本書特色 ★...
Cover of Diseño gráfico publicitario
by Accerto
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 18, 2014

En este curso, estudiaremos algunas modalidades y tendencias dentro del diseño gráfico publicitario. A través de la panorámica que nos ofrece, veremos cuáles son los cauces de creación más apropiados en el mercado actual. Se presta especial atención al papel del diseño gráfico dentro...
Cover of Las cosas del querer
by Flavita Banana
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 2, 2017

¿Quién dijo que querer es fácil? ¿Y si el amor eterno fuera cosa de pocos días? ¿Queremos saber la verdad o ser felices? ¿Por qué no reírnos incluso del mal de amores? Y finalmente... ¿No será que el amor bien entendido empieza por una misma? Un libro en el que la ilustradora Flavita...
Cover of Las vidas que dibujamos
by 72 Kilos
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 21, 2019

Por fin 72 Kilos, uno de los ilustradores españoles más populares de las redes sociales, publica un libro con sus mejores viñetas, un libro repleto de seres humanos que piensan, sienten, dudan y aman como lo haces tú. Las ilustraciones de 72 Kilos han conquistado los corazones de miles...
Cover of How To Make Jewelry With Beads: An Easy & Complete Step By Step Guide
by Janet Evans
Language: English
Release Date: August 27, 2013

It's quite easy to make your own jewelry when you know how. After finishing this book not only will you be able to create unique and stunning jewelry designs with beads for yourself but for others as well. As you'll discover, to make jewelry with beads, you don't need any specialized skills or knowledge...
Cover of Jewelry Making For Beginners: A Complete & Easy Step by Step Guide
by Janet Evans
Language: English
Release Date: August 27, 2013

"Jewelry Making For Beginners" is a text that not only highlights the basics of making various types of jewelry, it also goes just a bit further into the process without making it overwhelming for the beginner. The aim that the author has with this text is to inform and educate and make...
Cover of Laura y Dino
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 1, 2016

Dino -un dinosaurio- y su pequeña hija Laura -una humana- conversan sobre diversos temas, como la pizza, los monstruos, la muerte, el gobierno, los regalos..., y nos transmiten que donde hay ingenuidad, también puede haber sabiduría, y viceversa. Dino (un dinosaurio)...
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