General Design category: 1730 books

Cover of El alma de los objetos

El alma de los objetos

Una mirada antropológica del diseño

by Luján Cambariere
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 20, 2017

¿Por qué debería importarnos el diseño? Es una de las preguntas que nos plantea Luján Cambariere y de su respuesta se desprenden muchos caminos. Nuestra vida cotidiana está atravesada por el diseño en todo momento, desde las posibilidades de uso que nos ofrece una cuchara, viajar en avión...
Cover of Recepción y despacho de trabajos de reprografía
by Antonio Jesús Rosal Sánchez, Sergio Castillo Rosa
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 27, 2016

Valorar los encargos más comunes de reprografía relacionándolos con el proceso de reproducción y con los materiales utilizados. Utilizar equipos para la gestión de documentos y aplicando los procedimientos de control y archivo de documentos. Interpretar y cumplimentar los documentos más comunes...
Cover of Fashion on the Ration

Fashion on the Ration

Style in the Second World War

by Julie Summers
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2015

In September 1939, just three weeks after the outbreak of war, Gladys Mason wrote briefly in her diary about events in Europe: 'Hitler watched German siege of Warsaw. City in flames.' And, she continued, 'Had my wedding dress fitted. Lovely.' For Gladys Mason, and for thousands of women throughout...
Cover of The Practical Guide to Drawing Caricatures
by Peter Gray
Language: English
Release Date: January 6, 2014

Comic and accessible, with great scope for invention, caricatures are a joy to draw. In this book, author and illustrator Peter Gray works through the process of achieving a likeness and distorting it in imaginative ways for maximum effect. Tailored step-by-step exercises help aspiring caricaturists...
Cover of Todas aquellas veces y otros asuntos pendientes
by Alejandra G. Remón
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 22, 2019

Una vez aprendida la lección de que las cosas llegan cuando tienen que llegar, Alejandra G. Remón vuelve a interpelar a su fiel público y le desea una vida llena de momentos a destiempo, en la que aprender a disfrutar de las cosas en el instante justo en el que suceden. Y la fuerza suficiente para...
Cover of Edwardian Ladies' Hat Fashions

Edwardian Ladies' Hat Fashions

Where Did You Get That Hat?

by Peter Kimpton
Language: English
Release Date: April 19, 2017

Based upon the author’s large personal collection of beautiful fashion postcards from Edwardian times, this book takes the reader on a journey through that era – covering the hat fashions and social changes of the day. Delve further into the carnage that took place around the world, in which unscrupulous...
Cover of Aprende a promocionar tu trabajo

Aprende a promocionar tu trabajo

10 recursos para artistas, diseñadores y creativos

by Austin Kleon
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 26, 2016

Aprende a promocionar tu trabajo es un libro para todas aquellas personas que rehúyen el concepto de autopromoción. Diez sencillas máximas ponen fin al mito del genio solitario y nos enseñan a darnos a conocer con osadía y generosidad. Austin Kleon nos muestra cómo la obra creativa no es un...
Cover of Historia del diseño
by Renato De Fusco
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 1, 2005

Hasta la llegada de Renato de Fusco, la historia del diseño era vista generalmente como subsidiaria de la historia de la arquitectura. Para subsanar este vacío teórico y analizar el diseño desde su especificidad y autonomía, De Fusco propone en esta obra un "artificio historiográfico" consistente...
Cover of Fantasía


Invención, creatividad e imaginación en las comunicaciones visuales

by Bruno Munari
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 5, 2018

La fantasía, la invención y la creatividad no son patrimonio de unos pocos iniciados —los artistas—, sino facultades esenciales del ser humano que todos deberíamos comprender. Con la generosidad y la vocación pedagógica que siempre lo caracterizó, Bruno Munari desvela en este ensayo pionero,...
Cover of Beyond Photoshop

Beyond Photoshop

Advanced techniques using Illustrator, Poser, Painter, and more

by Derek Lea
Language: English
Release Date: March 20, 2013

In his best-selling book Creative Photoshop, award-winning artist Derek Lea has already shown the digital art world how to create stunning, sophisticated works of art using Photoshop. Now, he goes one step further in this all-new book to demonstrate his unique methods for using Photoshop in conjunction...
Cover of Arte, gusto y estética en la Encyclopédie
by Romà de la Calle
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 1, 2011

A modo de antología, se presentan al lector unos materiales textuales sin duda relevantes históricamente, con un hilo conductor común que subraya el nuevo enfoque que el siglo XVIII concedió a las cuestiones del ámbito de la Estética . Esta nueva disciplina ilustrada, intentó sistematizar,...
Cover of The Social Life of Materials

The Social Life of Materials

Studies in Materials and Society

Language: English
Release Date: August 27, 2015

Materials play a central role in society. Beyond the physical and chemical properties of materials, their cultural properties have often been overlooked in anthropological studies: finished products have been perceived as 'social' yet the materials which comprise them are considered 'raw' or natural'....
Cover of The Dyer's Handbook

The Dyer's Handbook

Memoirs of an 18th Century Master Colourist

by Dominique Cardon
Language: English
Release Date: August 31, 2016

Persian blue, pomegranate flower, spiny lobster, wine soup, pale flesh, dove breast, golden wax, grass green, green sand, rotten olive, modest plum, agate, rich French gray, gunpowder of the English……..just some of the colour names of old fabric to fire the imagination. Memoirs on Dyeing concerns...
Cover of Fashioning Models

Fashioning Models

Image, Text and Industry

Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2013

The fashion model's hold on popular consciousness is undeniable. How did models emerge as such powerful icons in modern consumer culture? This volume brings together cutting-edge articles on fashion models, examining modelling through race, class and gender, as well as its structure as an aesthetic...
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