Housing category: 85 books

Cover of The Condominium Concept

The Condominium Concept

A Practical Guide for Officers, Owners, Realtors, Attorneys, and Directors of Florida Condominiums

by Peter M. Dunbar
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2017

A practical and popular guide to operating a successful condominium association in Florida. Working tool with forms and references to the latest Florida Statutes. For officers, owners, realtors, attorneys and directors.
Cover of QI urbain
by Gabrielle Immarigeon
Language: French
Release Date: September 17, 2014

Une ville intelligente ne se résume pas à la seule présence de réseaux sans fil ou d’applications pour téléphones mobiles. Ce concept à la mode, qui n’a jamais été clairement défini, repose aussi sur un développement économique durable misant sur une saine gestion des ressources naturelles,...
Cover of Challenges in Implementing Best Practices in Involuntary Resettlement
by Jayantha Perera, Amarasena Gamaathige, Chamindra Weerackody
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2016

Infrastructure projects sometimes physically displace households and disrupt income sources and livelihoods. The Asian Development Bank offers several good governance practices to its borrowers to minimize such adverse impacts, especially since the absorption of such best practices by countries is...
Cover of Conceptos para el estudio del Derecho urbanístico y ambiental en el grado
by Estanislao Arana García, Estanislao Arana García, Rafael Barranco Vela
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 4, 2017

La presente obra constituye una herramienta docente para facilitar al alumnado el estudio y comprensión de los contenidos fundamentales de la asignatura "Derecho Urbanístico y Ambiental" impartida en el Grado en Derecho. Se abordan las dos materias que tanto tienen que ver, de forma conjunta,...
Cover of Delito, pena, política criminal y tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en las modernas ciencias penales

Delito, pena, política criminal y tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en las modernas ciencias penales

memorias II Congreso Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadores en Ciencias Penales 27, 28 y 29 de junio de 2011

by Lina Mariola DÍAZ CORTÉS, Lina Mariola DÍAZ CORTÉS
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 1, 2013

El II Congreso Internacional de Jóvenes investigadores en Ciencias Penales, celebrado en Salamanca en los días 27 a 29 de junio de 2011, viene a rubricar esa vocación de continuidad de aquél primer congreso salmantino del año 2009. Y este recado de permanencia se ha dado, de nuevo en esta segunda...
Cover of La vente immobilière

La vente immobilière

Aspects civils et fiscaux

by Collectif
Language: French
Release Date: August 23, 2017

Les Éditions Anthemis vous proposent un outil complet pour comprendre la vente immobilière.Pour bon nombre de Belges, la vente immobilière est presque devenue un acte banal. Les pièges demeurent cependant multiples. Si l’on relève une nette amélioration dans la rédaction des compromis de vente,...
Cover of Planning Law and Practice
by Cameron Blackhall
Language: English
Release Date: September 25, 2017

The law relating to town and country planning has a major impact upon the physical environment and affects private citizens, landowners and developers alike. This third  edition is a comprehensive text for students, practitioners and members of the general public on this difficult area of law. Following...
by Gian Luca Ballabio, Lorenzo Camarda, Ivan Meo
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 17, 2015

La semplificazione nel settore dell'edilizia rappresenta un elemento essenziale per recuperare il ritardo competitivo dell'Italia. Con il recente intervento normativo, comunemente denominato “Decreto Sblocca Italia”, il legislatore tenta nuovamente di rendere operativo pacchetto di norme volte a facilitare tutto l’iter della concessioni edilizie.
Cover of The Lawyer as Leader

The Lawyer as Leader

How to Plant People and Grow Justice

by Dr. Artika R. Tyner
Language: English
Release Date: September 7, 2015

The Lawyer as Leader: How to Plant People and Grow Justice is an inspiring roadmap designed to help lawyers become effective agents for social change. Based on author Dr. Artika R. Tyner's leadership development and community engagement work, Planting People, Growing Justice™, the book shows how...
Cover of Planeta de ciudades
by Shlomo Angel
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 12, 2014

Planeta de ciudades, de Shlomo Angel, es un destacado estudio que combina una historia nueva y ambiciosa del crecimiento urbano mundial con un conjunto de recomendaciones de política sorprendentemente simple y convincente. El libro sugiere que algunas de las políticas de planeación que se aceptan...
Cover of Sous le pont, la ville
by Gabrielle Immarigeon
Language: French
Release Date: March 19, 2015

Devant la forte pression foncière qui s’exerce sur les métropoles, les professionnels de l’aménagement se tournent vers des espaces oubliés, voire rejetés par les promoteurs du développement urbain: les ponts et les viaducs.
Cover of Edilizia ed urbanistica
by Liberati Alessio
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 15, 2011

Aggiornato con il D.L. 13 maggio 2011, n. 70 ("DECRETO SVILUPPO") - PIANO CASA - NUOVA S.C.I.A., SILENZIO ASSENSO in materia di costruzioni Il presente volume è dedicato alla materia dell'edilizia e dell'urbanistica, tema sempre attuale e arricchito da continue modifiche normative,...
Cover of Edilizia e immobili
by Stefano Setti, Alessandro Tomasi
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 5, 2010

Il presente manuale, che rappresenta un’utile guida operativa per gli operatori di settore nonché per i soggetti che intendono vendere/comprare/affittare casa, analizza nel dettaglio le novità in ambito edile introdotte dal D.L. n. 78 del 2010 (convertito con modificazioni dalla Legge n. 122 del...
Cover of Le semplificazioni dell'attività edilizia
by Valerio de Gioia, Giovanna Spirito
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 12, 2011

Aggiornato alla legge di conversione del d.l. sviluppo (L. 12.7.2011, n. 106) e della manovra finanziaria (l. 15.7.2011, n. 111), il volume tratta tutte le novità introdotte nel 2011 sulle attività edilizie. Dalla Procedura abilitativa semplificata (PAS) per impianti alimentati da fonti rinnovabili,...
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