Memory Improvement category: 772 books

Cover of El trabajo mental
by William Walker Atkinson
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 24, 2016

William Walker Atkinson (Baltimore, Maryland, 5 de diciembre de 1862 - Los Ángeles, California, 22 de noviembre de 1932), fue abogado, comerciante, editor, y escritor, así como un ocultista y un pionero estadounidense del movimiento el Nuevo Pensamiento. También es conocido por haber sido el autor...
Cover of Mejora tu memoria en una semana
by Néstor Braidot
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 5, 2015

El deterioro de la memoria es lo que más preocupa a las personas cuando se trata de las funciones cerebrales. Si tú tienes inquietudes similares y por eso estás observando este libro, el doctor Néstor Braidot te tiene una buena noticia: salvo en caso de lesiones y enfermedades, no hay motivo para...
by Gunther Karsten
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 3, 2011

La memoria es una de las principales facultades de nuestra mente y de hecho podríamos afirmar que tener una buena memoria es algo fundamental en muchas áreas de la vida. Sin embargo, debido al transcurso del tiempo o por no ser debidamente ejercitada, la memoria se va perdiendo. Olvidar números...
Cover of Organized Mind : How To Excel In Math & Science In 30 Easy Steps
by The Blokehead
Language: English
Release Date: April 23, 2015

Math and Science are, without a doubt, some of the most difficult subjects in school. These subjects require you to learn different methods, formulas, and terminologies, and most of the time they can be too much to handle. With the help of this book, you will learn how to tackle the heavy mental workload...
Cover of 心念的力量
by 大衛.米奇(David Michie)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 2, 2017

暢銷作家大衛.米奇最新系列作品美國亞馬遜讀者高度關注回響 靜坐如何救了一隻想太多的貓?原來,解放壓力的力量就從我們的心念開始!就從現在開始!浪漫結合生活佛法與「創世紀以來最美的生物」 THE DALAI LAMA’S...
Cover of Navigating the Storm

Navigating the Storm

7 Truths to Mastering Our Lives

by Matthew Schonbrun, Agnes Deason, Beth Fortman-Brand
Language: English
Release Date: April 27, 2017

What is the Origin of Life? Why do we exist? What is the Law of Attraction? How do we participate in creating our reality? Why do bad things happen to good people? Is this all there is? Through the adventures of several colorful characters, the authors skillfully illustrate vulnerability and offer...
Cover of 進退之間
by 王祥瑞
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 1, 2013

為什麼下屬的功勞總是上司的占有物,而上司的過錯卻總是下屬的責任? 天下最難的是做人,不會做人的人,就不可能贏得人生勝局。這不是大話,而是實話。對於現代人而言,「會做人」有兩個層面的意思,一是「做好自己」,講的是要有好的人品、有敬業精神、有協作精神、有情義、有擔當等;另一是「搞好人際」,講的是待人接物、為人處事與人際關係。做人的成敗與做事的成敗密切相關,所以美國哈佛大學著名行為學家皮魯克斯有一句名言:「做人是做事的開始,做事是做人的結果。把握不住這兩點的人,永遠都是邊緣人!」 的確,只有精通做人的道理,經受做人的歷練,才能胸懷大智、心裝大事,才能通過健全的心智、充沛的精力、正確的行動,求得事業的成功。...
Cover of 翻轉成績與人生的學霸養成術
by 姜聲泰
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 1, 2017

Cover of You Were Born to Shine

You Were Born to Shine

Finding Confidence Internally, Externally, Eternally

by Meryl Harstein
Language: English
Release Date: April 24, 2015

After dealing with abuse, divorce, cancer, a daughters addiction, and a special needs grandchild, author Meryl Hartstein has discovered how to live a life of positivity. By learning to be confident internally, externally, and eternally, your life will be based on knowing your self-worth and never accepting anything less than you deserve!
Cover of Depression Fighter
by Amanda Bester
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2014

Amanda Bester, born and raised in South Africa, is a go-getter who never had too much to do and was able to multitask to the extent that it exhausted others. Facing the daunting reality of a lifelong battle against depression, she wrote Depression Fighter while on meds and functioning as normally...
Cover of All-nines Bonus Collection
by Bud Maus
Language: English
Release Date: April 17, 2018

All-nines Bonus Collection: 50+ brain-stretching. Unique, and challenging word puzzles. All answers consist of nine letters with no duplicated letters. Puzzles are suitable for individual and group use. These puzzles are for your enjoyment not to frustrate. Go slowly and savor the results. Reward...


What is written is written. You can only experience it through life.

by Serge Jacques
Language: English
Release Date: September 7, 2017

The title was chosen as a benefit to everyone. This is a disease which impacts the world and humanity in general. Research will continue from generation to generation until a cure is found and beyond. Everyone living on this planet earth is affected by this disease. Climate change is a major issue,...
Cover of Infinite Greatness

Infinite Greatness

How to Reach Your Highest Self

by Jivolae James Harris MBA
Language: English
Release Date: November 29, 2016

In mathematics, infinite is defined as lacking limits or endless. In Infinite Greatness, author Jivolae James Harris shows how the extent of ones greatness can be infinite. He discusses how success in life is predicated on how you act and think and how you can transform your mind in order to achieve...
Cover of The Inner Kitchen

The Inner Kitchen

An Inspirational and Imaginative Place

by Laurel Herman
Language: English
Release Date: August 29, 2011

What does unconditional love mean? The Inner Kitchen is a celebrated journey sparked by this very question. Defining the power of nutrition with intention, this book guides you to a healthful state of mind and body. Learn how eating whole, organic foods will make you feel whole again. Soul work on...
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