Motivational category: 14833 books

Cover of The Habit of Labor

The Habit of Labor

Lessons from a Life of Struggle and Success

by Stef Wertheimer
Language: English
Release Date: October 20, 2015

“There’s no better way to explain the miracle of Israel than to examine the life of Stef Wertheimer . . . A story to be read by everyone” (Warren Buffett). Forced to flee Nazi Germany with his family at age ten, Stef Wertheimer came to British Palestine in the late 1930s. He promptly...
Cover of Musk Mania

Musk Mania

Elon Musk’s five insane principles of success

by Patrick Davidson, Hans van der Loo
Language: English
Release Date: August 17, 2018

Elon Musk is the ultimate Wavemaker. The founder of SpaceX, Tesla and PayPal, Musk refuses to drift on the waves of innovation, and instead creates waves on his own. In Musk Mania, Hans van der Loo and Patrick Davidson unravel Musk’s magic by showing us his five principles of success. Musk Mania gives an insight into the mindset and motivations of the man who wants to change the world.
Cover of Interminable


Stories & Steps to Overcoming Life's Obstacles After a Repetitive Cycle of Pain and Loss. How to Maintain Your Win!

by Michael L. Henderson
Language: English
Release Date: March 4, 2019

How do you maintain your win when you climb out of a repetitive cycle of pain and loss? From time to time, life sometimes deals us a bad hand, and while many learn from their mistakes and prevent making new ones, others either consciously or unconsciously, find themselves on a much harder path. Many...
Cover of Ghauri


From Nothing To Everything

by Salim Ghauri
Language: English
Release Date: July 12, 2016

It is strange that the successful businessmen avoid sharing their success stories with the young generation. They do not take the burden of compiling their life struggle. They seldom decide to share their success, experience and vision with people. Instead, they prefer to restrict all their expertise...
Cover of Prove Yourself

Prove Yourself

Essential Lessons From My Successful Startups

by Dr. Kingsley R. Chin Chin
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2015

Like millions of immigrants throughout our history, who have found their way to the United States, Dr. Kingsley R Chin has fulfilled the American Dream and in his book, Prove Yourself, he describes in heart wrenching emotions, anecdotes and priceless business and life lessons for anyone who has the...
Cover of How To Become A Vegan Entrepreneur
by Patrick Steptoe
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2019

Want to be an Entrepreneur? Learn how to overcome challenges, life's obstacles and even yourself in this true life story from a successful food & beverage industry  enntrepreneur. Written from "Real" Life experiences and includes copies of actual supplier agreements and business plans...
Cover of 我從拘留室搬進東倫敦之後
by 連美恩
Language: Chinese
Release Date: September 1, 2018

★繼《我睡了81個人的沙發》之後,連美恩最新冒險力作! 女警把手伸進我的衣服裡,隔著內衣褲搜身,連胯下和股縫都沒放過。 緊接著我又被帶到另一個房間,壓了十根手指頭的指紋, 還拍了像在電影裡才會看到那種拿字卡的白背景犯人照…… 連美恩,一個原本連光圈、快門是什麼都搞不清楚的女孩,為了成為一個攝影師的夢想,隻身踏上歐洲大陸,在經歷了十四個月顛沛流離的日子後,她選擇留在倫敦,這個占卜師曾極力嚇阻她絕對不要沾上邊,否則一定會愛情事業兩失意的地方。 於是,還沒來得及捲起袖子大展身手,美恩就先被英國海關拘留了一夜,好不容易住進充滿藝術氣息的東倫敦,又接連遇到問題多多、驚悚不已的古怪室友;交了充滿藝術家氣息的英國男友,竟面臨到該不該為了愛情吃下橫死路邊野兔的人生難題;終於成為獨立接案的時尚攝影師後,卻在搞不清楚的狀況下屢次挑釁殺人不眨眼的黑道幫派分子。 看來占卜師的預言果然沒錯,不過,這樣殘酷的預言,在遇到對夢想充滿衝勁和滿滿生命力的美恩,竟然奇妙的轉化成一場又一場燦爛無比的煙花,實在讓人看了嘖嘖稱奇、大呼過癮。 透過這本書,美恩將邀請你和她一起走過這些年來在歐洲尋夢的心路歷程。那一個個讓人感到不可思議的小故事、旅遊書上看不到的城市風景,以及我們每個人有機會面臨到的,對於築夢路上會遇到的困惑與自我懷疑…… 儘管我們每個人對於跨出舒適圈都有著一定程度的恐懼,但是就像美恩分享的: 「慢慢地,我不再害怕一個人上路這件事,因為我越來越清楚地知道,當你勇往直前地朝你想去的那個方向奔跑時,就會在路上遇到跟你有一樣目標、一樣夢想的人,他們將成為你的朋友,...
Cover of Moving Through Walls

Moving Through Walls

The Four Foundations to Living Your Best Life

by Israel Ellis
Language: English
Release Date: January 28, 2019

Each of us has the capacity for greatness. The sum total of all your experiences in life has brought you to a place to realize your greatest self. So what’s stopping you? The answer lies within. The only thing standing between you and your greatness is understanding your unique path. Moving...
Cover of The Smartest Sh*t Elon Musk Has Ever Said
by Ian Fineman
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2016

He's one of the world's most accomplished, inspiring, and innovative entrepreneurs of the 21st Century. The life and lessons brought forward by Tesla founder Elon Musk are brain fuel for the entrepreneurs, educators, and elite minds of tomorrow.In the latest installment of his bestselling...
Cover of Super miliardari. Da Steve Jobs a Mark Zuckerberg, Vita, Morte, Miracoli, Storie e Segreti degli Uomini più Ricchi del Mondo. (Ebook Italiano - Anteprima Gratis)

Super miliardari. Da Steve Jobs a Mark Zuckerberg, Vita, Morte, Miracoli, Storie e Segreti degli Uomini più Ricchi del Mondo. (Ebook Italiano - Anteprima Gratis)

Da Steve Jobs a Mark Zuckerberg, Vita, Morte, Miracoli, Storie e Segreti degli Uomini più Ricchi del Mondo

by Salvatore Gaziano
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 1, 2014

Programma di Super Miliardari Da Steve Jobs a Mark Zuckerberg, Vita, Morte, Miracoli, Storie e Segreti degli Uomini più Ricchi del Mondo STEVE JOBS: UNA MELA PER SOLLEVARE IL MONDO Un imprenditore fuori dagli schemi. Da Lisa alla Pixar: l'inarrestable cammino di Jobs. Think positive. Think...
Cover of The Zoomer Philosophy
by Moses Znaimer, Jay Teitel
Language: English
Release Date: January 31, 2013

Moses Znaimer, media pioneer, creator of channels like Citytv, MuchMusic, Bravo! etc. and Founder of ZoomerMedia Limited has launched his first eBook series entitled THE ZOOMER PHILOSOPHY. Inspired by Hugh Hefner’s The Playboy Philosophy, Znaimer originally set out to write 10 chapters...
Cover of Henry Ford

Henry Ford

Einer, der die Welt ins Rollen brachte

by Jörg Achim Zoll
Language: German
Release Date: December 13, 2013

Gute Ideen gibt es viele - konsequent zum Erfolg geführt werden nur wenige. Wer bei aller Kreativität auch den festen Willen zum Erfolg besitzt, kann viel bewegen. Henry Ford hat das Automobil nicht erfunden, aber für alle bezahlbar gemacht. Sein Erfolgsrezept: Ausprobieren, ständig verbessern, im...
Cover of The A.L.P.H.A. Way

The A.L.P.H.A. Way

Five Keys to Unlocking Your Greatness and Living Your Best Life

by Rocco Cozza
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2018

Unlocking your greatness and living your best life does not need to be difficult or complicated. By simply understanding and applying the keys outlined in “The A.L.P.H.A. Way,” you can transform your life into what you have always wanted it to be. This book will be your definitive guide...
Cover of 365 Inspirational Quotes

365 Inspirational Quotes

Daily Inspirational Quotes to Have More Happiness, Success and Fulfilment

by Xabier K. Fernao
Language: English
Release Date: May 8, 2019

Shocking Statistics: An Average American Reads 1 Book a Year and 50% of those are Romance Novels… Look! I do not know who you are but I am sure you are on this page right now because you are someone who wants more. You are someone who do not settle for average. You see, I totally understand...
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