Movie category: 1831 books

Cover of Ghosts & Horror
by Steve Hutchison
Language: English
Release Date: May 30, 2019

Sometimes called phantoms, poltergeists, haunts, apparitions, and specters, ghosts are the souls or spirits of dead people or animals. They are a major archetype of horror movies. In this book, film critic Steve Hutchison reviews and ranks 50 of the best horror movies featuring ghosts ever released. How many have you seen?
Cover of Decades of Terror 2019

Decades of Terror 2019

1980's Horror Movies

by Steve Hutchison
Language: English
Release Date: April 29, 2019

Steve Hutchison reviews 100 amazing horror films from the 1980’s. Each film is analyzed and discussed with a synopsis and a rating. The movies are ranked from best to worst. How many have you seen?
Cover of Daisy Miller: A Study in Two Parts with 11 illustrations and a free Audio Link
by Henry James
Language: English
Release Date: October 30, 2018

Daisy Miller is an 1878 novella by Henry James. It portrays the confused courtship of the eponymous American girl by Winterbourne, a compatriot of hers with much more sophistication. His pursuit of her is hampered by her own flirtatiousness, which is frowned upon by the other expatriates they meet...
Cover of Tarzan of the Apes: With 16 Illustrations and a Free Audio Link
by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Language: English
Release Date: October 23, 2018

Tarzan of the Apes is the story of an English lord, who, after the death of his stranded parents, was rescued by a motherly African ape who raised him as her own. Although he is aware that he is different from the apes of his tribe, who are neither white nor hairless, he, nevertheless, regards them...
Cover of Highlander(TM): White Silence
by Ginjer Buchanan
Language: English
Release Date: February 28, 2009

The year is 1889 and the San Francisco gold rush is in full swing. Seeking adventure, Duncan MacLeod, member of an age old race of immortals, sets out for the Alaskan territory. He and his friends soon find themselves trapped in a frozen hell.
Cover of The Legends Of King Arthur And His Knights
by James Knowles
Language: English
Release Date: January 20, 2013

Arthur was the first born son of King Uther Pendragon and heir to the throne. However these were very troubled times and Merlin, a wise magician, advised that the baby Arthur should be raised in a secret place and that none should know his true identity. As Merlin feared, when King Uther...
Cover of Star Trek - The Next Generation: Der Pfeil des Schicksals
by Dayton Ward
Language: German
Release Date: June 5, 2017

Captain Jean-Luc Picard und seine Besatzung entdecken ein gigantisches fremdes Schiff, das schon seit Jahrzehnten durch die Leere des Alls treibt. Die Sensoren empfangen an Bord des Wracks Lebenszeichen – Angehörige einer fremden Spezies im Kälteschlaf. Obwohl es wie ein riesiges Schläferschiff...
Cover of Star Trek - Rise of the Federation 2: Turm zu Babel
by Christopher L. Bennett
Language: German
Release Date: July 3, 2017

Die Vereinte Föderation der Planeten hat ihre erste große Krise überstanden, aber die Kinderkrankheiten nehmen erst ihren Anfang … Admiral Jonathan Archer hofft die verschiedenen Bewohner des wohlhabenden Rigel-Systems zum Beitritt in die Föderation bewegen zu können. Das soll der jungen Nation...
Cover of 万古神器 上卷

万古神器 上卷

杨绛传 韩寒 冯唐 郭敬明 王小波 刘慈欣 严歌苓 简体中文版

by Reed Riku
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 8, 2017

山海封神榜 第一部 原初之始﹐天地混沌黑暗﹐自盘古开天辟地以来﹐地绕黄道每六万六千六百六十六年必有一次大劫﹐那横灾会使万里方圆的地域发生海啸山崩。一旦大劫来临,不仅池枯地裂﹐气温骤降﹐甚至还会洪灾横流﹐岛屿陆沉﹐生灵更是遭受沉湮之灾。 四位仙人走遍天下﹐在极地偏僻之处发现了天地相辅﹑山海相循的天机奥秘。靠著吸收天地山海的日月精气﹐和火风水土的酝酿﹐所淬炼出的幻化灵珠﹐可以扭转人类荣枯兴衰的契机。这几颗四象灵珠被打铸在兵器内﹐代代相传﹐被后世百姓称为「万古神器」。奇幻...
Cover of James Bond 22: Scorpius
by John Gardner
Language: German
Release Date: January 25, 2016

Normalerweise interessiert sich die Spezialabteilung nicht für in der Themse treibende Leichen, doch als die Leiche einer jungen Frau mit einem tadellosen Hintergrund entdeckt wird, weckt das plötzlich ihr Interesse. Sogar so sehr, dass sie sich an den legendären M, den Leiter des Secret Service,...
Cover of Youth
by Paolo Sorrentino
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2015

In a luxury spa hotel in the Swiss Alps, octogenarian friends Fred Ballinger and Mick Boyle look back on their eventful and successful lives as composer and film director, surrounded by a host of colorful and eccentric fellow guests, ranging from a South American soccer star to a famous Californian...
Cover of Star Trek - Voyager 7: Kinder des Sturms
by Kirsten Beyer
Language: German
Release Date: September 28, 2015

Wenig ist über die Kinder des Sturms bekannt, eine einzigartige und möglicherweise eine der gefährlichsten Spezies, die der Föderation jemals begegnet ist. Die Kinder des Sturms sind körperlos und bereisen den Weltraum in Raumschiffen, die offenbar nur durch Gedanken angetrieben werden, und sie...
Cover of Die Elementia-Chroniken: Herobrines Botschaft - Roman für Minecrafter
by Sean Fay Wolfe
Language: German
Release Date: July 24, 2017

Die Republik steht am Abgrund. Die ruchlose Noctem Allianz hat den gesamten Elementia-Server unter ihre Kontrolle gebracht und die Bewohner der Hauptstadt sind gezwungen, sich im Untergrund zu verbergen. Währenddessen zieht Lord Tenebris immer mehr Energie vom Server ab und gefährdet damit die Existenz von Minecraft! Wird Präsident Stan die Vernichtung noch abwenden können?
Cover of Cold Feet: The Lost Years
by Carmel Harrington
Language: English
Release Date: September 7, 2017

HILARIOUS AND HEARTBREAKING OFFICIAL COLD FEET NOVEL FROM THE HIT TV SERIES. What happened to your favourite characters between series five and six of Mike Bullen's award-winning TV series? ********** Reeling from the sudden death of Rachel, his beloved wife, Adam has no time...
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