Occultism category: 1456 books

Cover of The 10 Secret Laws of Visualization

The 10 Secret Laws of Visualization

How to Apply the Art of Mental Projection to Obtain Success

by Robin Sacredfire
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2019

Would you like to get a profound explanation on the fundamental laws of life to obtain more wealth, love and abundance? Would you like to know which values differentiate people the most? Would you like to gain access to the full mindset that attracts more into your life and learn how to shape yours...
Cover of The Truth About Hell: A Description of Hell, Evil and Human Ignorance
by Robin Sacredfire
Language: English
Release Date: August 13, 2018

Have you ever wondered why books, religion and education don't seem to produce significant long term results on humanity, or why despite all the information widely available on the planet, we sill see betrayal, hatred and discrimination? Here you will get the answers to these questions and more. You...
Cover of Sacred Love: How We Hurt Ourselves in Our Relationships and How to Regain Our Self-Esteem to Love Again
by Robin Sacredfire
Language: English
Release Date: August 13, 2018

Love is still a mystery for most people, and a large amount of souls on this planet struggle to find it and keep it, or at least know what it is and how to identify it, without facing heartbreak, while suffering as least as possible when such happens. In this book, you have the chance of obtaining...
Cover of La Fabuleuse histoire de Paracelse

La Fabuleuse histoire de Paracelse

Edition revue corrigée annotée

Language: French
Release Date: May 12, 2013

PARACELSE, un génie méconnu. L’auteur, médecin et psychanalyste, passionné d’histoire et d’ésotérisme, nous entraîne dans la découverte de ce personnage (1493-1541), alchimiste révolté et maudit, précurseur de...
Cover of Saint Germain the Deathless
by Andrew Lang
Language: English
Release Date: April 3, 2017

Among the best brief masterpieces of fiction are Lytton's The Haunters and the Haunted, and Thackeray's Notch on the Axe in Roundabout Papers. Both deal with a mysterious being who passes through the ages, rich, powerful, always behind the scenes, coming no man knows whence, and dying, or pretending...
Cover of Serpent Rouge the secret behind the code - A new version of the Avant-Propos
by Milena Mazzarella
Language: English
Release Date: November 22, 2015

The sign left by Delacroix in the Church of Saint-Sulpice, a sleeping beauty waiting somewhere to be saved, a demon guarding a cursed treasure, and 64 scattered stones... For the first time, the Avant-Propos is systematically analyzed, word by word, to discover many answers hidden behind its coded...
Cover of Incantesimi e candele
by Skyline Edizioni
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 10, 2014

Il fuoco, anche nella sua forma piu ridotta e accessibile ovvero le candele, emana luce: in grado di rischiarare ciò che è confuso, di scacciare i fantasmi della notte. Il fuoco emana calore: a volte la sua intensità è in grado di bruciare e purificare ciò con cui viene a contatto, altre volte...
Cover of Il supernormale - Introduzione critica alla scienza psichica
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 6, 2017

INDICE Prefazione PARTE PRIMA - Capitolo 1° - La scienza e il supernormale Capitolo. 2° - L’Ipnotismo Capitolo 3° - La personalità e la mente inconscia PARTE SECONDA - Capitolo 4° - La telecinesi Capitolo 5° - Materializzazioni Capitolo 6° - Ideoplastia Capitolo 7° - La medianità e la sua...
Cover of Guida ai fenomeni medianici - metapsichica moderna
by William Mackenzie
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 17, 2016

I tempi sono maturi per la metapsichica. La cosa in se stessa, naturalmente, non è del tutto nuova: quanto mai vi è di nuovo nel mondo, fuorché talvolta nel nome? Ma il nome che da il titolo a questo libro è comunque l’indice di una direttiva piuttosto recente, secondo la quale si deve considerare...
Cover of As It Is
by Raymond G Floodgate
Language: English
Release Date: October 20, 2011

Inside the pages of this book you will find what amounts to the meaning of life. It will give you an idea of the enormity of our universe and how small a part we play in it. The discoveries that unfold as you read the pages of this book will keep you engrossed as you find out why you are sent to the...
Cover of The Huevolution of Sacred Muur Science Past and Present
by Noble Timothy Myers - EL
Language: English
Release Date: December 30, 2004

This book is a theoretical compilation on the huevolution of sacred Muur Science past and present.It contains valuable information never before seen in one volume regarding religion, numerology, Freemasonry, history, science etc.By reading this book one can gain insight on such historical figures...
Cover of The secret

The secret

het geheim

by Rhonda Byrne
Language: Dutch
Release Date: November 27, 2015

Je hebteen groot geheim in handen...Er bestaat een eeuwenoud Geheim: The Secret. Het werd gezocht, gevonden en weer verloren, het is gestolen en voor veel geld doorverkocht. Tot nu toe was kennis van dit Geheim voorbehouden aan een kleine kring van ingewijden. Plato, Galileo en Einstein kenden The...
Cover of The Power
by Rhonda Byrne
Language: Dutch
Release Date: November 27, 2015

Om te bereiken waar je van droomt, heb je maar een ding nodig… The Power! De auteur van The Secret, Rhonda Byrne, gaat verder met haar baanbrekende werk. Na de onthulling van De wet van de aantrekking in The Secret beantwoordde zij duizenden brieven van lezers van het boek wereldwijd, waardoor zij...
Cover of The Magic
by Rhonda Byrne
Language: Dutch
Release Date: November 27, 2015

Dit boek brengt de magie van het leven terug waarvan je als kind zo onder de indruk was. Het leven was adembenemend, opwindend en ontzagwekkend, en dat is het nog steeds! Als je maar weet waardoor magie wordt voortgebracht. Rhonda Byrne neemt je bij de hand. Een mysterie wordt onthuld, afkomstig van...
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