Occultism category: 1456 books

Cover of The Magicians

The Magicians

An Investigation of a Group Practicing Black Magic

by Gini Graham Scott
Language: English
Release Date: April 10, 2007

The Magicians describes the experiences of the author, a sociologist-anthropologist, who spent six months as a participant observer in a black magic group. In the book, this California-based national secret magical and religious group is called the "Church of Hu", though it has become nationally...
Cover of Latin Formulae of Dark Magic
by Carl Nagel
Language: English
Release Date: November 9, 2017

SECRET LATIN FORMULAE!(Brand New for October 2017) All medieval magic was in Latin for a reason. There is a unique connection between what we desire, the Latin language, and the magical energies that we call Spirits. In Latin Formulae of Dark Magic you will find formulas for fusing all three...
Cover of From the Bodies of the Gods

From the Bodies of the Gods

Psychoactive Plants and the Cults of the Dead

by Earl Lee
Language: English
Release Date: May 16, 2012

The origins of modern religion in human sacrifice, ritual cannibalism, visionary intoxication, and the Cult of the Dead • Explores ancient practices of producing sacred hallucinogenic foods and oils from the bodies of the dead for ritual consumption and religious anointing • Explains...
Cover of Real Vampires, Night Stalkers and Creatures from the Darkside
by Brad Steiger
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2009

A chilling chronicle of the often ignored history of vampirism as it has surfaced repeatedly in news articles, historical accounts, and first person interviews, this shocking account of occultist rituals and the inhuman forces that influence them shines a light on the horrifying truth. Revealing that...
Cover of 3 Aces

3 Aces

A Winning Proposition of Your Life

by Devesh Vithlani
Language: English
Release Date: May 8, 2014

We are surrounded by an atmosphere that is an amalgamation of positive and negative vibrations. The kind of vibration that we transmit in the universe becomes the source for the similar kind of vibrations to invite. It requires the right attitude (wisdom and commitment) to resist the flow of negative...
Cover of UFOs in Wartime

UFOs in Wartime

What They Didn't Want You To Know

by Mack Maloney
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2011

Although often written off as myths, UFOs are found in Renaissance Art, on ancient coins, etched on cave walls-and even reported in the Bible. Even more surprising is when they are documented most: in times of war. These sightings are made by high ranking officials, soldiers, and newsreporters. Why...
Cover of The Books of "Is"

The Books of "Is"

Book One: "The Dance of Becoming"

by Dr. R. Lowery-Hawk D.D. D.R.S. PhD.
Language: English
Release Date: August 29, 2012

The first Books of "IS", is full of contemplative designs and graftics, along with rhythmic writings. All are created to move gently, your sences, and your brain, to "stiring" you "awake", and into thinking, sensing and obseving the life within you and around you. The...
Cover of Testament of Nicolas Flamel.
by Nicolas Flamel
Language: English
Release Date: April 23, 2015

This text is probably a late invention but it is nevertheless interesting for that. I cannot locate a manuscript of the 'Testament', though it was mentioned in Borel's bibliography of alchemy. It was probably written in France in the late 18th century, during the revival of interest in Flamel. It...
Cover of Psychic Control Through Self- Knowledge
by Walter Winston Kenilworth
Language: English
Release Date: May 9, 2016

This is the era of a new revelation. New religions, new systems of thought, new systems of philosophy are turning the tide of spiritual interest from the orthodoxy of past ages. The profound discoveries of modern science are forming into a basis for the authority of spiritual truth. Faith is giving...
Cover of The Haitian Vodou Handbook

The Haitian Vodou Handbook

Protocols for Riding with the Lwa

by Kenaz Filan
Language: English
Release Date: November 10, 2006

A working guide to the proper methods of interacting with the full Vodou pantheon • Includes the myths, cultural heritage, and ancestral lineage of the lwa and how to honor and serve them • Provides an introduction and guide that is especially useful for the solitary practitioner •...
Cover of La voie de l'illumination

La voie de l'illumination

De quelle lignée êtes-vous ? Abel, Caïn ou Enoch

by Olivier Manitara
Language: English
Release Date: June 4, 2012

Nous sommes tous issus de trois influences supérieures. Savoir dans quelle lignée nous évoluons permet de comprendre notre façon d’agir et d’appréhender les choses. Une voie, celle d’Abel, nous influence à devenir des mystiques, des êtres doux cherchant la lumière et l’apaisement en...
Cover of Enfanter la lumière

Enfanter la lumière

Participer à l'oeuvre de la Vierge Marie

by Olivier Manitara
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2014

Les mystères de la Vierge Marie ont-ils vraiment été compris ? Le mystère de la naissance de Jésus sur la terre a-t-il jamais été éclairé ? Les écrits religieux nous ont souvent laissés sur notre faim, dans un flou, présentant une théorie simpliste qui ne nous a pas permis d’accéder...
Cover of Messages d'un Ange à son fils

Messages d'un Ange à son fils

La science du serpent

by Olivier Manitara
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2015

Dans ce livre, vous découvrirez le dialogue qui s’est établi au fil des années entre un Ange et un homme. Ces messages angéliques, qui s’adressent aux êtres désirant consacrer leur vie au service de la religion de Dieu, portent sur la science du serpent : - le serpent de la terre, qui gouverne...
Cover of L'alchimie et les secrets de l'androgynie

L'alchimie et les secrets de l'androgynie

Gravir l'échelle de l'évolution et vivre avec son âme

by Olivier Manitara
Language: English
Release Date: July 9, 2012

Chercher sa moitié complémentaire est instinctif pour l’homme. Comme nous vivons dans une société qui privilégie la vie du corps au détriment de celle de l’âme, nous avons tendance à rechercher cette « douce moitié » dans le monde extérieur, espérant ainsi trouver la  sérénité,...
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