Reptiles category: 899 books

Cover of Saving Peg Leg
by Michael Fitzpatrick
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2018

In the story Saving Peg Leg, Jane finds an injured turtle in her backyard. She wants to keep this turtle as a pet and nurse it back to good health. After taking the turtle to the vet and visiting the library, Jane learns lots of interesting facts about her new turtle friend. She learns that it's best...
Cover of Tartalira
by Gloria Kirinus
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: June 24, 2014

Quem resiste passear os olhos pelas palavras dos dicionários? Parei na palavra "tartaruga" para descansar um pouco. Surpresa! A tartaruga tinha sobrenome artístico: Tartaruga-Lira. O que pode existir em comum entre a tartaruga e a lira? Lira é o sobrenome da tartaruga? Será delírio de poeta ou...
Cover of Animals of the Amazon Rainforest: Poison Dart Frog
by Katie Gillespie
Language: English
Release Date: December 31, 2018

Did you know that a group of poison dart frogs is called an army? There are about 180 different types of poison dart frogs.Learn more about these poisonous amphibians in Poison Dart Frog, part of the Animals of the Amazon Rainforest seriesof EYEDISCOVER books.
Cover of A Rattlesnake's World
by Katie Gillespie
Language: English
Release Date: December 31, 2018

Did you know that rattlesnakes shed their skin three or four times each year? A rattlesnake’s rattle gets bigger every time it sheds itsskin. Learn these and other interesting facts in A Rattlesnake’s World.A Rattlesnake’s World is part of the new EYEDISCOVER collection of AV2 books.
Cover of My Favorite Animal: Milk Snakes
by Victoria Marcos
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2016

Learn all about milk snakes in this fun and informational text. Like all books in the My Favorite Animal Series, Milk Snakes offers engaging facts and checks the reader's knowledge and comprehension throughout the book.
Cover of Herbie aux yeux bleus/ Blue-eyed Herbie

Herbie aux yeux bleus/ Blue-eyed Herbie

Une histoire en français et en anglais pour enfants

by Jasmin Heymelaux
Language: French
Release Date: March 27, 2014

Age : dès 8 ans  Niveau de lecture :  CM1-CM2 Des petits livres bilingues pour accompagner vos enfants dans la maîtrise du français et de l'anglais Quand Shirley et sa mère trouvent un alligator égaré, paisiblement endormi sur le canapé du salon, rien ne va plus ! Herbie, l'alligator aux...
Cover of Dinosauri
by Lynn Samperi
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 23, 2015

Libro sui Dinosauri per Bambini con Foto Stupende & Storie Divertenti
Cover of Het geheim van de gouden hagedis
by Robin Raven
Language: Dutch
Release Date: November 16, 2017

Sam schrikt zich kapot. Zijn rugzak beweegt! Sams linkerhand gaat langzaam naar het voorvakje. Voorzichtig trekken de duim en de wijsvinger de rits een stukje open… Na een vakantie naar Indonesië ontdekt Sam een kleine gouden hagedis in zijn rugzak. Hij houdt het beestje verborgen. Al snel blijkt dat wetenschappers jacht maken op het zeldzame dier…
Cover of Red-Eye Crocodile Skinks as pets. Red-Eye Crocodile Skink Facts and Information. Red-Eye Crocodile Skink Care, Behavior, Diet, Interaction, Costs and Health.
by Ben Team
Language: English
Release Date: April 20, 2018

Red-eye crocodile skinks are very interesting animals who are not only fascinating to observe, but somewhat unfamiliar to most reptile enthusiasts. They also exhibit a number of unusual behaviors that aren’t often seen in popular pet species and they can be maintained in relatively small habitats....
Cover of Las Ranas y los Sapos
by Simone Caratozzolo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 1, 2017

Difundidos en los ecosistemas de agua dulce de todo el mundo, ranas y sapos han llamado la atención de los aficionados a los animales pequeños y los han entusiasmado, gracias al atractivo de su increíble variedad de formas, colores y hábitos. Con esta guía podrá conocerlos mejor, y encontrará...
by Massimo Millefanti
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 1, 2017

La herpetología está calando cada vez más, incluso entre el público más joven. Si usted es aficionado a estos animales y quiere criarlos en casa, en esta obra encontrará toda la información necesaria para conocerlos a fondo y ocuparse de ellos correctamente: distribución geográfica y há­bitat,...
Cover of Iguana


Um Guia prático

Language: Portuguese
Release Date: January 25, 2014

Neste ebook você encontrará muitas informações úteis sobre como comprar e criar uma Iguana. A escolha da iguana, a alimentação adequada, a montagem e manutenção do terrário, os cuidados com a saúde e o treinamento da Iguana, filhote e adulto.
Cover of Grenouilles, crapauds et Cie

Grenouilles, crapauds et Cie

Parlez-moi d'anoures…

by Françoise Serre-Collet
Language: French
Release Date: October 19, 2017

Si, enfant, vous étiez fasciné par la métamorphose des têtards ou si le chant des grenouilles vous émeut, ce livre est pour vous ! Il vous présente les 27 espèces et hybrides de grenouilles, crapauds, rainettes, etc. vivant en France, et vous permet de comprendre l’essentiel de leur biologie...
Cover of Le Terrarium

Le Terrarium

Manuel d'élevage d'animaux insolites

by Philippe Gérard
Language: French
Release Date: May 7, 2018

Le terrarium, manuel d’élevage et de maintenance des animaux insolites est l'ouvrage fondateur des collections terrariophiles d’Animalia éditions. Il s’agit d’un guide pratique essentiellement consacré aux bases de la terrariophilie, et présentant un vaste panorama des espèces les plus...
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