Ritual category: 1070 books

Cover of The Story Of Beowulf
by Strafford Riggs
Language: English
Release Date: January 27, 2013

The Story of Beowulf by Strafford Riggs "This is a long out-of-print retelling of the Beowulf saga. A prose translation, it captures the mood of the original without being self-consciously archaic. The black and white illustrations are stylized and sometimes a bit cartoonish, and nicely dimensionalize the story."
Cover of As Religiões no Rio
by João do Rio
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: April 27, 2019

As Religiões no Rio é um livro de Paulo Barreto, jornalista, cronista, tradutor e teatrólogo brasileiro, que usava o pseudônimo de João do Rio. A primeira edição é de 1904. O livro foi pioneiro no Rio de Janeiro em pesquisa de campo sobre as religiões no Rio no começo do século XX na região...
Cover of I primi insegnamenti del Cristo
by Daniel Meurois
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 15, 2016

Più di vent'anni dopo L'altro volto di Gesù, l'Autore mette mano a un altro libro dedicato agli insegnamenti del Cristo. Per raccontarci del Maestro Gesù nel contesto quotidiano, nei momenti di più intima condivisione con i discepoli, Daniel Meurois si rifà agli Annali dell'Akasha, la memoria...
Cover of The Latin Mass Daily Missal

The Latin Mass Daily Missal

2019 in Latin & English, in Order, Every Day

by Society of St. John of the Crosss
Language: English
Release Date: December 31, 2018

The Traditional Catholic Daily Missal for the Latin Mass totally in order! No back and forth flipping, no excessive clicking, no complex calculating what Day it is - just click the date and pray the Holy Mass. Super easy. Original Latin followed by the English translation! Follow and learn...
Cover of Ir a Misa ¿Para Qué?

Ir a Misa ¿Para Qué?

Guía práctica para disfrutar la Misa

Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 18, 2018

Con su estilo característico, la autora conjuga conocimiento profundo con una manera sencilla de comunicarlo, esta obra se dirige tanto a los que saben como a los que saben como a los que no saben qué es la Misa, pues a todos los invita a recorrerla como por primera vez, paso a paso, "no como...
Cover of The Way To Nirvana
by L. de la Vallée Poussin
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2012

The Way to Nirvana by L. de la Vallée Poussin Investigating Buddhist thought on rebirth and transcendence. This is an academic monograph on Nirvana by a French scholar. Poussin contrasts the Hindu and Buddhist views on the cycle of rebirth, and makes a case for original Buddhist concepts...
Cover of Hecuba
by Euripides
Language: English
Release Date: October 27, 2012

Hecuba By Euripides HECUBA: Ah me! an awful trial is nigh, it seems, fraught with mourning, rich in tears. Yes, I too escaped death where death had been my due, and Zeus destroyed me not but is still preserving my life, that I may witness in my misery fresh sorrows surpassing all before. Still...
Cover of 150 psalmen vrij
by Huub Oosterhuis
Language: Dutch
Release Date: October 23, 2012

In 1962 begon priester-dichter Huub Oosterhuis aan de vertaling van de psalmen, eerst samen met Michel van der Plas en de exegeet Pius Drijvers. Hun ideaal: ook in het Nederlands moesten de psalmen poëtisch en zingbaar zijn. Bijna vijftig jaar na dato is het zover: alle 150 psalmen zijn door Oosterhuis...
Cover of Lebendige Seelsorge 1/2018
by Hildegard Wustmans, Echter Verlag
Language: German
Release Date: February 22, 2018

Das Themenheft spannt bewusst einen breiten Bogen im Themenfeld Inklusion. Innerhalb der Debatte um den Begriff der Inklusion ist festzustellen, dass er über die Konzentration auf Fragestellungen des Zusammenlebens von Menschen mit und ohne Behinderung hinausgeht. Vor diesem Hintergrund möchten...
Cover of Lebendige Seelsorge 5/2017
Language: German
Release Date: November 13, 2017

Die Geburtenrate in Deutschland erholt sich langsam. Das liegt zum einen daran, dass Akademikerinnen wieder mehr Kinder bekommen und zum anderen am Zuzug. Dennoch können diese Entwicklungen den Bevölkerungsschwund nicht stoppen. Vielleicht ist gerade diese Tatsache ein Grund dafür, warum Kinder...
Cover of Lebendige Seelsorge 2/2019

Lebendige Seelsorge 2/2019

Scheitern. Aufhören.

by Bernhard Spielberg, Echter Verlag
Language: German
Release Date: April 29, 2019

Dreißig Stunden müssen reichen. So viel Zeit ist für das Durchschreiten der Niederlage vorgesehen. So lange ist Unordnung erlaubt, steht das Programm still. Dann muss es weitergehen. Noch prächtiger als zuvor. Dreißig Stunden liegen zwischen dem "Es ist vollbracht" der Karfreitagsliturgie...
Cover of Liturgia no Vaticano II

Liturgia no Vaticano II

Novos tempos da celebração cristã

by Antônio Sagrado Bogaz, João Henrique Hansen
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: January 5, 2015

A Constituição Sacrosanctum Concilium diz: "Devem os pastores de almas vigiar para que não só se observem, na ação litúrgica, as leis que regulam a celebração válida e lícita, mas também que os fiéis participem nela consciente, ativa e frutuosamente" (n. 11). Portanto, a liturgia que...
Cover of El Ministerio de Música
by Diego Jaramillo Cuartas
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 15, 2015

Orientaciones sobre el sentido y la importancia del canto en la oración y acerca de la animación litúrgica. Especialmente dirigido a los ministerios de música y canto que acompañan la acción pastoral en la Iglesia.
Cover of Palabra y Pan

Palabra y Pan

La celebración eucarística paso a paso

by Diego Jaramillo Cuartas
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 15, 2015

Pretende que quienes asisten a la liturgia eucarística adquieran una elemental comprensión de las palabras y de los ritos sagrados, de modo que su presencia sea consciente y activa, y su participación en el sacramento del altar sea más plena.
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