Royalty category: 1453 books

Cover of Friedrich II.

Friedrich II.

Der Sizilianer auf dem Kaiserthron

by Olaf B. Rader
Language: German
Release Date: August 28, 2019

Heiland oder Antichrist? Wie kein zweiter Herrscher hat Friedrich II. (1196– 1250) die Gemüter erregt. Noch im 20. Jahrhundert wurde er zum genialen Staatsmann, Vorläufer der Moderne und deutschen Idealherrscher stilisiert. Olaf B. Rader porträtiert Friedrich demgegenüber vor allem als Sizilianer...
Cover of A Right Royal Scandal

A Right Royal Scandal

Two Marriages That Changed History

by Joanne Major, Sarah Murden
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2016

From the authors of An Infamous Mistress: “The tale of two juicy 19th-century scandals, both concerning the aristocratic Cavendish-Bentinck family” (Cheshire Life). Almost two books in one, A Right Royal Scandal recounts the fascinating history of the irregular love matches contracted by...
Language: English
Release Date: January 19, 2016

FORMULA MASONRY PROPHECY OF THE 627   Trip by splitting extrasensory author was born to observe a cloth hung between two giant leafy trees. The written sign said: 627   Meaning 627 = power of light   627 = 6 + 2 + 7 = 15   627 months are...
Cover of Royal Mistresses of the House of Hanover-Windsor

Royal Mistresses of the House of Hanover-Windsor

Secrets, Scandals and Betrayals

by Susanna de Vries
Language: English
Release Date: January 16, 2013

The genuine love match between Prince William and Kate Middleton has rekindled enthusiasm for the British monarchy. In the past, young princes reluctantly entered into arranged marriages and took mistresses. Perdita Robinson, a famous actress, was enticed from the stage with promises of money to live...
Cover of La saga de los Windsor

La saga de los Windsor

La pompa y el esplendor de una de las familias reales más emblemáticas de todos

by Cars, Jean des
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 6, 2012

La verdadera historia de una familia extraordinaria, con sus tragedias y sus dramas personales. La pompa y el esplendor de una de las familias reales más emblemáticas de todos los tiempos. El 11 de diciembre de 1936 el rey Eduardo VIII abdica por el amor de Wallis Simpson, dos veces divorciada....
Cover of Ellen Marsvin
by Hans Gregersen
Language: Danish
Release Date: July 19, 2018

Ellen Marsvin var en af renæssancens mest markante kvindeskikkelser. Efter hun havde begravet den anden af sine rige adelige ægtemand, kunne hun selv træde i karakter som storgodsejer, lensmand og bygherre. Da det lykkedes Ellen Marsvin at få sin datter Kirsten Munk gift med Christian IV, skulle...
Cover of Dronning i Danmark – Margrethe den Anden fortæller om sit liv
by Anne Wolden-Ræthinge
Language: Danish
Release Date: July 26, 2017

"Vi adskilte os også på et andet punkt. Både Benedikte og Anne-Marie tegnede udmærket i skoleårene, men de holdt op, som de fleste jo gør. Men jeg er blevet ved, jeg bliver bare aldrig voksen i den retning." Dronning Margrethe II har gennem en lang række interviews til Ninka...
Cover of Isabel la Católica

Isabel la Católica

La primera gran reina de Europa

by Giles Tremlett
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 23, 2017

La biografía definitiva de Isabel la Católica, la reina que definió y consolidó las bases del imperio español en el siglo XV. En 1474, una mujer culta, inteligente y fervientemente religiosa de apenas veintitrés años ascendió al trono de Castilla, el reino más poderoso y extenso de...
Cover of The Queen and Her Family
by Halima Sadat
Language: English
Release Date: October 26, 2018

From her first public broadcast in 1940 as a 14-year-old princess, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has given loyal service throughout her long and glorious reign over the United Kingdom and Commonwealth for over 60 years, which means she is now the world’s longest reigning living monarch. Such an...
Cover of Respect


The Life and Times of Aretha Franklin

by Jennifer Warner
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2014

Aretha Franklin has recorded 39 studio albums, had 20 number-one R&B singles, 44 Grammy nominations and 18 wins. It’s a career that’s legendary. Franklin was not a groundbreaker. She just did what she does better and longer than anyone else. She recorded her first major label album...
Cover of Bhagiratha
by Sudama
Language: English
Release Date: August 20, 2012

The great hero who brought down the Ganga from the heaven to the earth. Bhagiratha has become another name for a will of steel that never accepts defeat.
Cover of Karna
by N.S.Lakshminarayana Bhatta
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2012

A great hero of the 'Mahabharata'. Kama lived such a life that he became an­other name for generosity and loyalty. It was his misfortune to be shunned as a person of low caste. To him loyalty was more important than the emperor's throne. He sacrificed his life for his master. 
Cover of Emperor Alexander Severus

Emperor Alexander Severus

Rome's Age of Insurrection, AD222-235

by John S McHugh
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2017

Alexander Severus' is full of controversy and contradictions. He came to the throne through the brutal murder of his cousin, Elagabalus, and was ultimately assassinated himself. The years between were filled with regular uprisings and rebellions, court intrigue (the Praetorian Guard slew their commander...
Cover of To Kill Rasputin

To Kill Rasputin

The Life and Death of Grigori Rasputin

by Andrew Cook
Language: English
Release Date: October 21, 2011

The murder of Rasputin on the night of 16-17 December 1916 has always seemed extraordinary: first he was poisoned, then shot and finally drowned in a frozen river by Russian aristocrats fearful of his influence on Tsar Nicholas II and Tsarina Alexandra. Or was he? Dramatic new evidence from previously...
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