Sculpture category: 234 books

Cover of La estatua de Fray Cristóbal de Torres en el Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario
by Fernando Mayorca García
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 10, 2013

"Hemos creído de la mayor oportunidad, con motivo de los 360 años de la fundación del Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario, publicar este texto, editado inicialmente por la Academia Colombiana de Historia y que hoy se encuentra agotado, por cuanto con el rigor propio de su autor se...
Cover of Touching and Imagining

Touching and Imagining

An Introduction to Tactile Art

by Jan Svankmajer
Language: English
Release Date: March 27, 2014

Jan Svankmajer wrote this remarkable book on tactile art when he stopped directing films and experimented intensively with tactile art after repeated censorship by the communist governmnent of Czechoslovakia. Illustrated with over 100 imges, this book is organised around many reproductions of Svanmajker's...
Cover of Los Jardines de Bomarzo

Los Jardines de Bomarzo

Arte, poder y mito en el Renacimiento

by Hella S. Haasse
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 27, 2016

Orsino Orsini, ilegítimo, deforme y con un solo ojo, cuya esposa fue seducida por el Papa Alejandro VI, construyó un 'parque de sexo y violencia' para así poder reflejar sobre este su odio (hacia el papa, su infiel esposa y un mundo que se rehúsa a aceptarlo). Mientras Haasse intenta interpretar...
Cover of The Art of Casting in Iron

The Art of Casting in Iron

How to Make Appliances, Chains, and Statues and Repair Broken Castings the Old-Fashioned Way

by Simpson Bolland
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2011

First published in 1893, The Art of Casting in Iron has since made its mark in the field of blacksmithing, offering handymen everything they need to know to make appliances, chains, and statues and repair broken castings the old-fashioned way. From founding statues and the art of taking casts to pattern...
Cover of Fired Clay in Four Porcelain Clusters

Fired Clay in Four Porcelain Clusters

A Comparative Study of Energy Use, Production/Environmental Ecology, and Kiln Development in Arita, Hong Kong, Jingdezhen, and Yingge

by Tai Wei Lim
Language: English
Release Date: September 5, 2014

Fired Clay in Four Porcelain Clusters examines how energy use in the ceramics-making industry has evolved as a result of technological advancements and changing social norms and ideas in environmental conservation. Three main research themes are highlighted. First, the book examines how the evolving...
Cover of Open-Air Rock-Art Conservation and Management

Open-Air Rock-Art Conservation and Management

State of the Art and Future Perspectives

Language: English
Release Date: June 20, 2014

While much has been achieved in understanding and managing weather effects and erosion phenomena affecting ancient imagery within the relatively protected environments of caves and rock-shelters, the same cannot be said of rock-art panels situated in the open-air. Despite the fact that the number...
Cover of Sculpting Techniques Bible
Language: English
Release Date: September 8, 2006

This is a complete step-by-stepguide for sculpting in a wide range of media. Clear photographic sequences show how to model with clay, plaster, and papier mache; select and use wood and stone for carving; make armatures and molds for building and casting. Discover how to use color and create a variety...
Cover of Wings of Desire

Wings of Desire

Angels of Berlin

by Lothar Heinke
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2015

Wings of Desire - Angels of Berlin is a whimsical, colorful photo collection of the many angels that watch over Berlin, from the city’s gates and bridges, church steeples, museums, and ancient cemeteries. Some stand proudly above the entrances of mansions, and some are modestly hidden in back yards....
Cover of Natura Arte Scultura - Le Chiocciole
by Rosario Andronaco
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 30, 2015

In questo piccolo e-book, voglio dimostrare come si ricostruiscono le chiocciole. da usare come regalini, bomboniere, inseriti nei fiori tramite delle piccole mollette, nei diorami dei lavori nell’arte di tassidermia e in quanto più la nostra fantasia ci possa far pensare.
Cover of Scolpire in modo nuovo... si può
by Marco Biffani
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 5, 2015

In questo saggio Marco Biffani, nella sua particolare concezione dell’arte, suggerisce una metodologia nuova, un impiego originale di attrezzature avanzate disponibili in commercio, che, in una sua visione, potrebbero ispirare a qualche giovane o affermato scultore, un nuovo filone di arte astratta. L’autore...
Cover of Escultura barroca castellana
by Ernesto Ballesteros Arranz
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 1, 2015

eBook Interactivo. Tras la escultura renacentista y su última etapa de profundo manierismo, el siglo XVII trae consigo una nueva concepción de la escultura. El clásico equilibrio entre la masa y el movimiento que se producía en las obras renacientes se rompe ahora en favor de este último, haciendo...
Cover of Escultura Barroca Española
by Antonio Fernández Paradas
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 5, 2016

"Han pasado 32 años desde que el profesor Martín González publicara su Escultura Barroca en España 1600-1770. Mucho ha llovido, historiográficamente hablando, desde entonces. Aquel fue un trabajo, arduo, intenso, a la par que laborioso. No en vano, pretendía crear una magna obra que fuera,...
Cover of Escultura
by Johann Gottfried Herder
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 1, 2011

Situado en la encrucijada de la Ilustración y el Romanticismo, el pensamiento de Herder, esencialmente crítico e intempestivo, tiene una complejidad que no puede reducirse a las derivas irracionalistas que poco tenían que ver con el verdadero sentido de sus ideas. Estas reflexiones sobre la estética, a partir de la escultura, permiten aproximarse al pensamiento de un humanista radical.
by Frutos María Martínez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 28, 2017

Eclosión – Obras de Frutos María Esta es la presentación de Parte de una vida, la dedicada al arte, la que fue robada del tiempo de familia, de amigos y de descanso, la parte que dio sentido a una vida. Este libro presenta la obra artística de alguien que comprendió pronto que la presencia...
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