Sermons category: 1447 books

Cover of Der Heilige Geist und das Auto

Der Heilige Geist und das Auto

Mit Bischof Reinhold Stecher durch das Jahr

by Reinhold Stecher
Language: German
Release Date: August 24, 2015

Nicht umsonst hat Bischof Reinhold Stecher im Jahr 2010 in Bonn den ökumenischen Predigtpreis für sein Lebenswerk verliehen bekommen. Denn seine Predigten zeichnen sich durch theologischen Tiefgang aus. Sie atmen den Geist der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen und sind stets mit einer Portion Humor...
Cover of Der Glaube an das Glaubensbekenntnis der Apostel - Die elementaren Grundsätze von CHRISTUS
by Paul C. Jong
Language: German
Release Date: October 21, 2013

Für diejenigen von uns, die an Gott glauben, versorgen der Glaube und die Überzeugungen der Apostel uns mit wichtigen geistlichen Lehren. Ihr Glaube wurde zu einem geschätzten Schatz in unserem Herzen, denn sie glaubten an das Evangelium, das die Gerechtigkeit Gottes enthält. Deshalb müssen wir...
Cover of Without My Father

Without My Father

A Year of Mourning and Reflection

by Daniel Rose
Language: English
Release Date: May 7, 2019

Daniel describes in intimate detail the days leading up to, and following on from, his father’s passing. Initially in denial that he could ever lose his father, he has to eventually face the inevitable outcome that his father does not have long to live. Daniel’s journey, as he documents his year...
Cover of La Parola che non passa

La Parola che non passa

Edizione critica a cura di Pier Luigi Ferrari

by Primo Mazzolari
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 22, 2018

Don Primo Mazzolari ha raccolto in questo volume i commenti ai Vangeli domenicali di un intero anno liturgico. Si tratta di sapide omelie scritte nelle giornate turbinose della seconda guerra mondiale dal parroco di Bozzolo, una delle figure più limpide del clero italiano nella prima metà del ‘900....
Cover of Le Stelle in cammino

Le Stelle in cammino

Testi inediti. Prefazione di Alessandro Zaccuri. Introduzione di Carlo Santunione

by David Maria Turoldo, Alessandro Zaccuri
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 28, 2017

«L’amore, come passione, non ha un carattere determinato: nel superbo diventa esigente e tirannico, nel sensuale diventa bizzarro e incostante, nell’egoista diventa materiale e volgare, nel geloso diventa cupo e sospettoso, nel sensibile diventa timido e delicato». Nei primi anni Sessanta, David...
Cover of GRACE



by Anelisiwe Mtelu
Language: English
Release Date: January 20, 2017

Grace is a light spiritual and motivatiional book. It is a journey of getting to know God in your life and how to understand the basics and not miss the blessings. This is my first publication and trust that you will enjoy it. _Anelisiwe
Cover of Cristo, nossa Páscoa
by Charles Spurgeon
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 14, 2016

Em Cristo, nossa Páscoa, Charles Haddon Spurgeon nos apresenta um texto simples, baseado na Bíblia, onde nos convida a entender o real significado da Páscoa. Um chamado ao verdadeiro sentido da Páscoa, em um texto dotado de fé e esperança, onde o leitor será levado a um despertar para a verdadeiro...
Cover of Le TABERNACLE (III): Une préfiguration de L’évangile de L’eau et de l’Esprit
by Paul C. Jong
Language: French
Release Date: May 14, 2015

Comment pouvons-nous découvrir la vérité cachée dans le Tabernacle ? C'est seulement en connaissant l'évangile de l'eau et de l'Esprit, la vraie substance du Tabernacle, que nous pouvons comprendre correctement et connaître la réponse à cette question.En fait, le fil bleu, pourpre, et écarlate...
Cover of Preaching to the Core
by Robert Morrin Jr
Language: English
Release Date: February 4, 2013

Preaching to the Core is a book about God’s design in the individual. It is well known that without the empowerment of the Spirit preachers can accomplish little. It is not well known just how empowerment transpires from the heart of God to the hearts of individuals.Most books on preaching...
Cover of El Último Adán 2016
by Emerson Ferrell
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 13, 2016

Todos los espíritus provienen de Dios. Esta significa que todos nosotros conocimos este magnifica plan que dio inicio en Adán y termina donde nosotros empezamos una nueva vida – dentro de Dios y por media de Jesucristo quién es el Último Adán. El corazón de este libro se encuentra en esta...
Cover of Colorful Truths: Minister to Me
by Rick King
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2012

One of the greatest things that we as a Christian can ever learn to do is to Minister to the Lord. This little book shows why this is so important in our walk.
Cover of The Verity of Christ’s Resurrection

The Verity of Christ’s Resurrection

An Appeal to the Common-Sense of the Appeal

by Thomas Cooper
Language: English
Release Date: August 19, 2018

In pursuance of the purpose expressed in the Prefaces to my “Bridge of History” and to “God, the Soul, and a Future State”—I herewith publish the substance of four lectures on the Resurrection of Christ, which I have delivered, wholly or in part, in almost every important town of England...
Cover of Encyclique Quanta Cura et Le Syllabus
by Pie IX pape
Language: French
Release Date: July 4, 2016

Avec quelle sollicitude et quelle vigilance pastorale les Pontifes Romains, Nos prédécesseurs, ont rempli la charge et le devoir qui leur a été confié par Jésus-Christ lui-même dans la personne du bienheureux Pierre, Prince des Apôtres, de paître les agneaux et les brebis, en sorte qu’ils...
Cover of La première épître de Jean (II) - Séries de Paul C. Jong sur la croissance spirituelle, 4
by Paul C. Jong
Language: French
Release Date: October 21, 2013

Si vous êtes un vrai Chrétien, vous devriez connaître l'amour de Dieu de façon plus qu'abstraite. Ceux qui connaissent et croient en Jésus comme leur Sauveur doivent connaître l'amour de Dieu concrètement dans la rémission des péchés accomplie par la Parole d'évangile de l'eau et de l'Esprit....
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