Social Aspects category: 6049 books

Cover of Facebook als Medium des Protests

Facebook als Medium des Protests

Online social networks as an empowering medium using the example of Facebook

by Martin Sopko
Language: German
Release Date: December 21, 2012

Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2012 im Fachbereich Sozialpädagogik / Sozialarbeit, Note: 2,0, Hochschule München, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Soziale Online-Netzwerke wie Facebook sind häufiges Thema in den Medien. Besonders zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt erregen groß angelegte Facebook-Aktionen die Aufmerksamkeit...
Cover of L'umanità È In Pericolo... È Ora Di Svelare Il Perché!
by Francesco Buccolo
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 18, 2012

Mi chiamo Francesco ed in questo libro voglio rappresentare il mio pensiero e quello delle persone che contribuiscono alla libera sensibilizzazione della “comunità umana”. Non faccio parte di associazioni varie, sette religiose o politiche, ma vivo in piena libertà d’espressione, senza vincoli...
Cover of Critica della democrazia digitale
by Fabio Chiusi
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 2, 2014

Da decenni gli esperti si dividono sulla possibilità della rete di permettere una maggiore partecipazione dei cittadini alla gestione della cosa pubblica, fino all’utopia dell’autogoverno del popolo, che secondo molti equivarrebbe a una versione “social media” della democrazia diretta ateniese....
Cover of Esclavos del tiempo

Esclavos del tiempo

Vidas aceleradas en la era del capitalismo digital

by Judy Wajcman
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 28, 2017

La imagen de un individuo hiperconectado y adicto a su iPhone es recurrente. La mayoría de nosotros se queja de que no hay suficientes horas en el día y de que tenemos demasiados correos en nuestras bandejas de entrada. La idea ampliamente extendida de que la vida va cada vez más rápida de lo...
Cover of Nietzsche: Viver intensamente, tornar-se o que se é
by Mauro Araujo de Sousa
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 13, 2014

Este livro pretende levar o leitor a repensar seu cotidiano, sua própria vida e o quanto está preparado para enfrentar a si mesmo em prol de uma afirmação incondicional à vida. Por isso, viver intensamente é sentir o gosto de cada instante da vida, com tudo o que ela nos oferece, com o que nos...
Cover of Vamos Topando

Vamos Topando

Autodefensas Michoacán

by Maria Imilse Arrue Hernández
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 10, 2017

Vamos Topando, es un libro elaborado a partir de las vivencias, aprendizajes y experiencias obtenidas al trabajar y convivir con los Autodefensas, en el marco del trabajo con la Comisin para la Seguridad y el Desarrollo de Michoacn, as como un ao de entrevistas y bsqueda de informacin, 2016. Describe...
Cover of Korruptionsbekämpfung vermitteln

Korruptionsbekämpfung vermitteln

Didaktische, ethische und inhaltliche Aspekte in Lehre, Unterricht und Weiterbildung

Language: German
Release Date: October 5, 2017

​Der Band widmet sich der Vermittlung von Kompetenzen und Wissen zu den Themen Korruption und Korruptionsbekämpfung in unterschiedlichen Bildungseinrichtungen und Wissenschaftsdisziplinen. Es werden übergreifende methodische, empirische und theoretische Themen ebenso behandelt wie verschiedene...
Cover of Pedagogía de la autonomía

Pedagogía de la autonomía

Saberes necesarios para la práctica educativa

by Paulo Freire
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 15, 2014

Paulo Freire vuelve sobre los temas que lo han ocupado a lo largo de su extensa trayectoria como profesor y como ensayista, en particular sobre aquellos aspectos que definen el alcance de la enseñanza. Con el vigor de la palabra oral y la precisión conceptual de quien revisa constantemente sus propias...
Cover of Omofobia come costruzione sociale. Processi generativi del pregiudizio in età adolescenziale
by Sergio Mauceri
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 12, 2015

I risultati di un’indagine condotta su un campione di circa 1.000 adolescenti, iscritti a istituti di scuola secondaria della metropoli romana, che ha voluto ricostruire i meccanismi di natura sociale, relazionale e identitaria che contribuiscono a generare l’ostilità giovanile nei confronti di gay e lesbiche.
Cover of Discours sur l’origine et les fondements de l’inégalité parmi les hommes
by Jean Jacques Rousseau
Language: French
Release Date: December 30, 2015

Le Discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes est un essai du philosophe genevois Jean-Jacques Rousseau publié en 1755. Avec le Contrat Social, il s'agit d'un des ouvrages centraux de la pensée politique de l'auteur. Rousseau y expose...
Cover of Galileo's Middle Finger

Galileo's Middle Finger

Heretics, Activists, and One Scholar's Search for Justice

by Alice Dreger
Language: English
Release Date: March 10, 2015

**New York Times Book Review "[S]mart, delightful... a splendidly entertaining education in ethics, activism and science.” Editors's Choice, New York Times Book Review** An impassioned defense of intellectual freedom and a clarion call to intellectual responsibility, Galileo’s...
Cover of We Are All Stardust

We Are All Stardust

Scientists Who Shaped Our World Talk about Their Work, Their Lives, and What They Still Want to Know

by Stefan Klein
Language: English
Release Date: November 5, 2015

“What distinguishes scientists, in your eyes?”—Stefan Klein “First and foremost, curiosity.”—Roald Hoffmann, Nobel Prize–winning chemist When Stefan Klein, an acclaimed journalist, sits down to talk with 18 of the world’s leading scientists, he finds they’re driven...
Cover of The Wealth of Humans

The Wealth of Humans

Work, Power, and Status in the Twenty-first Century

by Ryan Avent
Language: English
Release Date: September 20, 2016

None of us has ever lived through a genuine industrial revolution. Until now. Digital technology is transforming every corner of the economy, fundamentally altering the way things are done, who does them, and what they earn for their efforts. In The Wealth of Humans, Economist editor Ryan Avent...
Cover of The Industries of the Future
by Alec Ross
Language: English
Release Date: February 2, 2016

The New York Times bestseller, from leading innovation expert Alec Ross, a “fascinating vision” (Forbes) of what’s next for the world and how to navigate the changes the future will bring. While Alec Ross was working as Senior Advisor for Innovation to the Secretary of State, he traveled...
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