Soups category: 516 books

Cover of Finferli, galletti e gallinacci. Alla scoperta del fungo più divertente da cercare.
by Lei & Vandelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 27, 2012

Alla scoperta del fungo più divertente da cercare. Ricette, curiosità e una breve e ironica indicazione delle tipologie di fungaioli più caratteristici. Contiene un racconto originale dedicato al fungo... e per finire... la ricetta per fare il liquore di funghi!
Cover of Soup


fresh, healthy recipes bursting with seasonal flavour

by Vava Berry
Language: English
Release Date: December 12, 2012

With stylish photography and appetising recipes drawn from around the world,Soup!will inspire you and above all makes cooking easy.
Cover of Bone Broth Recipes for Weight Loss, Smooth Skin, and No More Cellulite
by Megan McKenzie
Language: English
Release Date: January 4, 2018

Bone broth is truly nature’s miracle cure-all. It’s better than a multi-vitamin, cheaper than a facelift, and oh, so delicious. What makes bone broth so amazing? Well, for starters, it’s full of: Nearly 20 amino acids that are vital for cellular health and easy for the body to absorb; Minerals...
Cover of Zuppe bruciagrassi

Zuppe bruciagrassi

Dimagrire in 15 giorni con un programma facile ed efficace 100 ricette veg per tutte le stagioni

by Alix Lefief-delcourt
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 15, 2017

Una zuppa al giorno toglie i chili di torno! Hai provato un’infinità di diete inutili, troppo dure, che ti lasciavano un senso di fame e di insoddisfazione e, peggio ancora, i chili di troppo? È ora di cambiare! Lo sapevi che, inserendo una gustosa zuppa al giorno all’interno di pasti equilibrati,...
Cover of Soupes et gazpachos

Soupes et gazpachos

90 recettes simples, rapides et savoureuses

by Marie-Laure Tombini
Language: French
Release Date: September 14, 2012

90 recettes 100 % vitaminées, à réaliser en un tour de main ! Bouillons, veloutés, gaspachos, soupes exotiques ou traditionnelles, minceur ou gourmandes, salées ou sucrées… Tous à la soupe !
Cover of Les nouvelles soupes

Les nouvelles soupes

pour ceux qui en ont soupé du potage

by Bérengère Abraham
Language: French
Release Date: February 21, 2017

Voici venues les nouvelles soupes ! Soupe de butternut aux épices, velouté de cèpes au foie gras, bouillon de légumes au riz noir, soupe crémeuse de petits pois au citron et à la menthe, minestrone de ramen, buddha soupe... Classiques revisités ou recettes du monde, 40 recettes de soupes saines,...
Cover of The Soup Maker Cookbook

The Soup Maker Cookbook

Over 50 recipes for soup making machines

by Maryanne Madden
Language: English
Release Date: December 13, 2013

The Soup Maker Cook Book Over 50 delicious soup recipes for use with a soup-maker. Easy to follow instructions, and tasty wholesome recipes to make the most of your soup maker. Recipes include family favourites like Pea & Ham or Pumkin, Winter Vegetable and Butternut Squash. Also includes helpful tips for using your Soup-maker.
Cover of The Ultimate Soup Recipe Cookbook
by Wendy Ellis
Language: English
Release Date: January 20, 2013

This book includes several delicious soup recipes such as: - Asparagus Soup - Bean Soup - Barley Soup - Cheese Soup - Celery Soup and so much more!   Scroll up... and click on "Buy Now" to deliver almost instantly to your Kobo or other reading device.
Cover of Vegetarian Soup Recipes
by Of Ellya
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2019

If you eat a vegetable soup every day, you are considered to be a healthy person, and you are on a right diet. Instead of a heavy meal in the late evening, it is preferable to eat a vegetable soup as it is a great way to eat many vegetables including many different vitamins at the same time. It is...
Cover of Alimentos Poderosos

Alimentos Poderosos

Fique Jovem por Mais Tempo

by Stela Handa
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: July 22, 2016

Não há dúvida de que a boa alimentação é um dos pilares para uma vida longa e saudável. Mas o que muita gente não sabe é que alguns alimentos são capazes de dar uma turbinada na saúde, evitando o envelhecimento precoce e auxiliando na prevenção de doenças. Neste livro, as receitas contam...
Cover of Österreichische Bäuerinnen kochen Suppen

Österreichische Bäuerinnen kochen Suppen

Die besten Rezepte aus allen neun Bundesländern

Language: German
Release Date: May 12, 2014

Genießen Sie die Köstlichkeiten der österreichischen Suppenwelt! Abwechslungsreich und gesund, kräftigend und leicht, nahrhaft und bekömmlich - Suppen passen immer und lassen sich einfach und schnell zubereiten! Österreichische Bäuerinnen aus allen neun Bundesländern präsentieren in diesem...
Cover of One Pot Wonders

One Pot Wonders

Alles in einem Topf gekocht

by Marie Gründel
Language: German
Release Date: September 9, 2016

Ein Topf - alles gut! One Pot = Eintopf? Weit gefehlt! One Pots sind viel mehr als gewöhnliche Eintöpfe. Ob One Pot Pasta oder Amaranth Bowl: Wir garen auch Nudeln, Reis oder Hirse einfach direkt zusammen mit Sauce, Gemüse oder Fleisch in einem Topf. Das Ergebnis: wenig Abwasch und herrlich aromatische...
Cover of Sopas, potajes y gazpachos
by Monica Palla
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 14, 2016

Potajes, cremas, sopas calientes o frías, entrante ligero o plato consistente, nos trasladan a una dimensión cálida y familiar. Estos platos, poco apreciados durante mucho tiempo, en la actualidad han sido recuperados incluso por los grandes cocineros, que destacan su gran variedad de sabores, texturas, ingredientes y presentaciones.
Cover of Sopas y menestras (Kilodiet)
by Mariane Rosemberg
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 14, 2016

Intentar combinar buena cocina y equilibrio alimentario puede llegar a ser incluso peligroso, pero gracias a los consejos de la doctora Mariane Rosemberg, ya es posible satisfacer este deseo sin culpabilizarse gracias al método KiloDiet®: la dietética no consiste en comer menos, sino en comer mejor....
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