Vegetarian category: 1942 books

Cover of La revolución vegana: Por qué y cómo avanzamos hacia la próxima etapa de la historia
by Joseph de la Paz
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 26, 2015

¿Te interesa el veganismo? ¿Te importan los animales? ¿Te preocupa la situación del mundo? ¿Quieres saber por qué el veganismo es el fenómeno más significativo de nuestra era? ¿Quieres conocer de qué manera está cambiando el mundo? En este apasionante y sorprendente libro, descubrirás:  •...
Cover of Recetas Veganas: Top Recetas Veganas: Rápidas, saludables, fáciles y divertidas
by Mateo Garcia
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 21, 2017

Esta publicación va dirigida a todas las personas que forman parte del movimiento vegano o a las que sienten curiosidad por esta gastronomía. Hemos seleccionado Recetas Veganas fáciles y divertidas como una manera de desmitificar algunas de las creencias que hay sobre estas preparaciones; no necesitas...
Cover of More Quick-Fix Vegan

More Quick-Fix Vegan

Simple, Delicious Recipes in 30 Minutes or Less

by Robin Robertson
Language: English
Release Date: March 4, 2014

More Quick-Fix Vegan is filled with 150 all-new easy, flavor-packed recipes that can be prepared in 30 minutes or less. These healthy new "fast food" recipes have all the ease and convenience of Robin's bestselling Quick-Fix Vegan. This book starts off with a chapter of basic recipes that you can use...
Cover of Robin Robertson's Vegan Without Borders

Robin Robertson's Vegan Without Borders

Easy Everyday Meals from Around the World

by Robin Robertson
Language: English
Release Date: September 9, 2014

Vegan Without Borders shares Robin Robertson's favorite dishes from the great cuisines of the world and shows how cooking vegan makes borders disappear. Whether the recipe hails from Ecuador or Ethiopia, these plant-based dishes invite you to travel the culinary world and sample 150 of Robin's all-time...
Cover of Cook the Pantry

Cook the Pantry

Vegan Pantry-to-Plate Recipes in 20 Minutes (or Less!)

by Robin Robertson
Language: English
Release Date: October 13, 2015

Eating vegan has never been easier...or faster. Make satisfying plant-based meals using ingredients from your pantry. Whether you don't feel like cooking or just don't have the time to cook, you can prepare delicious and nutritious meals in 20 minutes or less. These easy and economical recipes were developed...
Cover of The Nut Butter Cookbook

The Nut Butter Cookbook

100 Delicious Vegan Recipes Made Better with Nut Butter

by Robin Robertson
Language: English
Release Date: August 19, 2014

THIS BOOK IS A REVISION OF NUT BUTTER UNIVERSE WITH A NEW COVER AND A NEW NAME. THE RECIPES AND ALL CONTENT ARE EXACTLY THE SAME. IF YOU OWN NUT BUTTER UNIVERSE, YOU ALREADY HAVE THIS BOOK! "Robin Robertson's cookbook is so unique and creative, you'll want to test every decadent recipe...Chock full of...
Cover of Party Vegan

Party Vegan

Fabulous, Fun Food for Every Occasion

by Robin Robertson
Language: English
Release Date: January 19, 2011

The first and only vegan celebration cookbook on the market It's one thing to cook vegan for yourself, but what about hosting parties and holiday get-togethers for friends and family? Party Vegan has you covered with more than 140 scrumptious animal-free recipes for parties of every kind. Whether...
Cover of Veganize It!

Veganize It!

Easy DIY Recipes for a Plant-Based Kitchen

by Robin Robertson
Language: English
Release Date: March 7, 2017

Vegan pantry staples plus enticing recipes in which to use them This is the ultimate DIY pantry book, doing double duty with recipes for vegan staples, plus ideas on how to use them as building blocks in both new and classic recipes. Many cooks prefer to make their own basics rather than buy...
Cover of 100 Best Vegan Recipes
by Robin Robertson
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2016

Vegan expert Robin Robertson presents 100 of the only vegan recipes a cook will ever need in this must-have, beautifully photographed kitchen companion Expert vegan teacher, chef, and food writer Robin Robertson is more than qualified to provide the quintessential vegan recipes in 100 Best...
Cover of Guided Meditation for Becoming Vegan

Guided Meditation for Becoming Vegan

Guided Meditation, #6

by Elise Thornton
Language: English
Release Date: August 24, 2016

Guided Meditation for Becoming Vegan Is a fantastic way to examine and start to think like a vegan began to be an animal free eater.
Cover of Veg junior

Veg junior

Perché mio figlio ha bisogno di una dieta vegetale e integrale

by Nicla Signorelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 20, 2015

Cibo biologico oppure no? Limitare i carboidrati? E se la frutta è piena di pesticidi? Il lievito madre sgonfia la pancia? Davvero il latte aumenta l'allergia? E le uova, così ricche di colesterolo, vanno eliminate? C'è chi consiglia di ridurre i latticini contro l'asma, chi il pomodoro e le uova...
Cover of Prevenire e curare il cancro con l'alimentazione e le terapie naturali
by Paolo Giordo
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 24, 2015

Il cancro rappresenta uno dei problemi più gravi per le società contemporanee in quanto coinvolge non solo l'ambito sanitario, ma ha profonde ripercussioni psicologiche, emotive e sociali. Alla luce della complessità del fenomeno, questo volume non vuole fornire risposte certe quanto piuttosto...
Cover of Cucinare tofu e seitan

Cucinare tofu e seitan

100 ricette gustose e sane per sostituire senza rimpianti i prodotti di origine animale

by Cristina Franzoni, Barbara Sambari
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 4, 2015

Il tofu detto anche "formaggio vegetale" e il seitan "bistecche di grano" sono due alimenti proteici da impiegare in cucina in sostituzione delle proteine animali: Cucinare tofu & seitan è un ricettario di base per imparare a autoprodurre e cucinare questi due ingredienti...
Cover of Senza latte e senza uova

Senza latte e senza uova

Ricette, appunti e spunti per cucinare senza carne e derivati animali

by Giuliana Lomazzi
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 10, 2017

Uova, latte e derivati: un gruppo di alimenti che compaiono, a volte in abbondanza e troppo spesso, in moltissime preparazioni dolci e salate. Sembra che in cucina non se ne possa fare a meno per realizzare torte, salse, dolci al cucchiaio e tanti altri piatti. Non tutti però li gradiscono, vuoi...
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