World History category: 14642 books

Cover of Dancing on the Edge of the Widening Gyre: A History of Our Times
by Mark David Ledbetter
Language: English
Release Date: May 3, 2018

The American and French Revolutions overthrew the era of kings. The new era would pursue democracy, equality, and liberty, but two different versions. Ledbetter traces the evolution of the two versions - what he calls the American Way and the French Way - into ideologies such as free market capitalism,...
Cover of Coffee


From Bean to Barista

by Robert W. Thurston
Language: English
Release Date: October 8, 2018

This engaging guide traces the history, cultivation, and culture of coffee, as well as the major factors influencing the industry today. Robert Thurston provides a readable, concise overview of coffee from the time the seeds of the coffee fruit are planted to the latest ideas in roasting and making...
Cover of Sports History

Sports History

A Practical Guide

by Martin Polley
Language: English
Release Date: November 22, 2006

Why should we study the history of sport? What primary sources do sports historians use? How can you make your own sports history work more sophisticated and professional? If you are studying sport or history, and are looking for a deeper appreciation of the ideas and methods involved in the...
Cover of Madness


A History

by Petteri Pietikäinen
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2015

Madness: A History is a thorough and accessible account of madness from antiquity to modern times, offering a large-scale yet nuanced picture of mental illness and its varieties in western civilization. The book opens by considering perceptions and experiences of madness starting in Biblical...
Cover of Yellow Fever

Yellow Fever

A Worldwide History

by S.L. Kotar, J.E. Gessler
Language: English
Release Date: February 3, 2017

The terror of yellow fever conjures images of mass infection of soldiers during the Spanish-American War and horrific death tolls among workers on the Panama Canal. Medical science has never found a cure and the disease continues to present a threat to the modern world, both as a mosquito-borne epidemic...
Cover of Gender and the First World War
Language: English
Release Date: January 2, 2014

The First World War cannot be sufficiently documented and understood without considering the analytical category of gender. This exciting volume examines key issues in this area, including the 'home front' and battlefront, violence, pacifism, citizenship and emphasizes the relevance of gender within the expanding field of First World War Studies.
Cover of The Tiger And The Wren
by Fergus Wiggin
Language: English
Release Date: January 3, 2018

The four decades from early 1910 to the 1950s were arguably the most turbulent times in modern history, as they included two world wars, the Partition of India (in 1947) plus pandemic outbreaks of deadly diseases like influenza, which killed millions and disrupted the lives of many more. The author,...
Cover of Gems in the Early Modern World

Gems in the Early Modern World

Materials, Knowledge and Global Trade, 1450–1800

Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2018

This edited collection is an interdisciplinary study of gems in the early modern world. It examines the relations between the art, science, and technology of gems, and it does so against the backdrop of an expanding global trade in gems. The eleven chapters are organised into three parts. The first...
Cover of The Development Century

The Development Century

A Global History

Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2018

This anthology offers a cutting-edge perspective on how development has shaped the history of the modern world. Stephen J. Macekura and Erez Manela have gathered together leading historians to examine development on the international, regional, and national levels, as well as local manifestations...
Cover of 大分流:現代世界經濟的形成,中國與歐洲為何走上不同道路?
by 彭慕蘭
Language: Chinese
Release Date: July 3, 2019

大分流創造的現代世界經濟,即將終結? 唯一費正清獎兩屆得主 彭慕蘭 大師經典之作   在十九世紀以前,西歐並不是世界經濟的唯一中心,中國也曾具有左右世界經濟的能力,但是──   為何只有西歐獲得獨一無二的突破?   為何只有西歐成為世界經濟的中心?   為何只有西歐讓更多人口享受前所未有的高水準生活?   為何西歐踏上資本密集之路,而中國則走進勞力密集的死胡同?   ☆全新中譯本   ★美國歷史學會費正清獎   ★世界歷史學會年度獎   ★美國圖書館學會傑出學術書籍   十八世紀的英格蘭與中國江南比你所想的更相似:兩地老百姓的平均壽命、人口成長速度、營養與生活水平都驚人地相近,也面臨同樣的資源限制與生態困境。江南的市場經濟型態,甚至比歐洲更接近亞當.斯密的古典經濟學理想。   那麼,工業革命為什麼出現在英格蘭,而不是中國江南?或者反過來問,英格蘭為什麼沒有成為中國的江南?為何歐洲踏上資本密集的道路,而東亞則走進了勞力密集的死胡同?為何西方崛起而中國衰弱?   彭慕蘭的全球經濟史經典著作《大分流》,跳脫歐洲中心論,結合史學界對歐洲、中國、日本、印度各地的研究成果,呈現出近代世界形成以前,全球各地多中心的經濟發展。本書以經濟史的角度反駁西方具有先天優勢的論點,翻轉對西方崛起、東方沒落這件事的理解方式。在二十一世紀的今天,全球化的新局勢下,回顧十九世紀東西方「大分流」的起點,將有助於我們理解這個由「大分流」所造就的現代世界。甚至進一步思考,今天我們是否接近分流的終點,正在走向合流,甚至,還將越過合流點朝著反向大分流而去?   ◎榮獲美國歷史學會費正清獎   ◎榮獲世界歷史學會年度獎   ◎入選美國圖書館學會傑出學術書籍 本書特色:   大分流創造的現代世界經濟,即將終結?   【大師經典之作】彭慕蘭是唯一曾兩度榮獲美國歷史學會費正清獎殊榮的漢學巨擘。原文出版後已成任何試圖回答「西方為何崛起」、「中國與東方為何衰弱」者必讀的經典,深刻影響激辯方向。   【重探關鍵問題】中國與歐洲曾擁有相似的經濟潛力,但為何西歐勝出主宰世界?這個由「大分流」所創造出的現代世界經濟勢力,是否正在走向終結?回答這個問題,有助於今日的讀者釐清過去兩三百年來東、西方勢力消長的原因,並反思現代世界是否正走向合流。   【改寫既有觀點】本書跳脫西方中心論,運用「交互式比較法」比較歐洲、中國、印度、日本、東南亞等地的近代歷史與經濟發展狀況,呈現出近代世界形成以前,全球各地多中心的經濟發展,反駁西方具有先天優勢的刻板印象。   【經典鉅著.全新譯本】華文圈最新中譯本。 專業推薦   專文導讀:陳國棟 中研院史語所研究員   專文解說:林明仁 台灣大學經濟系主任   共同推薦:   朱雲漢...
Cover of Forbidden City
by Muriel Molland Jernigan
Language: English
Release Date: January 12, 2017

A fictionalized account of the Empress Dowager of China, Tsu Hsi, last of the Manchus. She was one who “ate life,” one for whom all the power of the Dragon throne could not give her what she sought. This is the story of Nala, born to luxury, who was sent at sixteen to the Summer Palace,...
Cover of Churchill: History in an Hour
by Andrew Mulholland
Language: English
Release Date: April 24, 2014

Love history? Know your stuff with History in an Hour… Sir Winston Churchill was a soldier, journalist, writer, Nobel Prize winner and, above all, a leader. Conservative then Liberal then Conservative again, his political instincts won him a sustained career at the summit of British government,...
Cover of World War 2 U-Boat
by Ronald Ledwell
Language: English
Release Date: April 9, 2013

U-Boat the Happy Times: Shortly after America’s entry into World War 2, German U-Boats were roaming almost at their leisure up and down the East Coast sinking ships, just about entirely unopposed. The Pacific War was drawing all of the assets of the US Navy and none could be spared for the Atlantic...
Cover of World War 2 Waffen Grenadiers
by Ronald Ledwell
Language: English
Release Date: April 9, 2013

WAFFEN GRENADIERS: The Waffen SS, the fighting arm of the notorious SS was employed in every bitter battle on the Eastern and Western fronts in World War 2. They were used as “Fire Brigades” to bolster and hold the line when it appeared that all else was lost, and many times they snatched victory...
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