Alternative Holistic Health category: 7728 books

Cover of L'esprit est son propre médecin

L'esprit est son propre médecin

Le pouvoir de guérison de la méditation

by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Richard Davidson, Zara Houshmand
Language: French
Release Date: May 14, 2014

Dans les traditions orientales, la méditation est une médecine du corps et de l’esprit. Aujourd’hui, les scientifiques du monde entier démontrent les effets positifs de cette pratique sur la santé physique et mentale. Ce livre réunit, autour du Dalaï-Lama, les plus grands chercheurs mondiaux...
Cover of Nitrogeno 02

Nitrogeno 02

International review of Operative Alchemy

by Aa. Vv.
Language: English
Release Date: August 3, 2016

This second review is meant for those who are active, for those who are working in a laboratory as well as for those who love reading about Alchemy. Editorial - the crucibles, how to make your crucibles with clay - Ge-132: how a dream made history. The surprising discovery of an oustanding...
Cover of Nitrogeno 04

Nitrogeno 04

International review of operative Alchemy

by aa. vv.
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2017

Nitrogeno is intended as a powerful tool to pursue the worldwide diffusion of alchemic principles and practices, since is the opinion of the founding crew that the current moment in history is the right time to revive this form of art and knowlwdge. The aim is to make alchemy easy to understand and...
Cover of Illusion of the Body: Introducing the Body Alive Principle
by David Almeida
Language: English
Release Date: January 31, 2012

The Illusion of the Body: Introducing the Body Alive Principle is the divinely inspired work of author David Almeida. This book opens the door to a new understanding in metaphysical thinking. The author draws on the philosophy of panpsychism to support his contention that an unseen ocean of consciousness...
Cover of Homeopathy and its Kindred Delusions
by Oliver Wendell Holmes
Language: English
Release Date: December 16, 2016

When a physician attempts toconvince a person, who has fallen into the Homoeopathic delusion, of the emptiness of its pretensions, he is often answered by a statement of cases in which its practitioners are thought to have effected wonderful cures. The main object of the first of these Lectures is...
Cover of Natural Antibiotics and Antivirals

Natural Antibiotics and Antivirals

18 Infection-Fighting Herbs and Essential Oils

by Christopher Vasey, N.D.
Language: English
Release Date: September 11, 2018

Explains how to use medicinal herbs and essential oils to fight infectious illness, strengthen the immune system, and combat antibiotic resistance • Presents 18 of the most potent antibiotic and antiviral herbs and one beehive remedy, propolis, detailing how to use them and what illnesses...
Cover of Why You're Fat & Sick And How To Fix It

Why You're Fat & Sick And How To Fix It

Our Top 10 Tips To Make You Lean, Sexy, & Healthy!

by Christopher Mitchell
Language: English
Release Date: June 19, 2017

Let me teach you how to become a Self-Published Author in record time. It's fast, cheap, and simple. I'll send you all my best Tips, Facts,and Statistics ABSOLUTELY FREE! The only thing you need to do is submit your Name and Email address right here: This...
Cover of Dolor de cabeza, migraña y cefalea

Dolor de cabeza, migraña y cefalea

Terapias naturales para la curación integral

by Josefina Segno
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Ejercicios, consejos prácticos, estrategias de autocuración. Tratamientos naturales: Yoga Acupuntura Aromaterapia Esencias Florales Fitoterapia Homeopatía
Cover of Flower Remedies

Flower Remedies

An introductory Guide to Natural Healing with Flower Essences

by Christine Wildwood
Language: English
Release Date: January 28, 2016

Developed in the late 1920s and early 1930s by Dr Edward Bach, an inspirational physician and homeopath, flower remedies are now used throughout the world and are widely acknowledged for their gentle yet profound qualities. Now you can discover for yourself how certain flowers have the capacity to...
Cover of La salute con i fiori

La salute con i fiori

Prontuario dei fiori di Bach

by Miria Silvi
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 29, 2013

Questo manuale è il primo che, per guarire il meraviglioso e complesso sistema di corpo-mente e spirito di cui siamo fatti, parte dal disagio del corpo e non da quello della mente. È un utile vademecum che contiene un preciso dettagliato elenco di tutti i disturbi fisici, delle loro varie e sfumate...
Cover of I chakra. Teoria e pratica

I chakra. Teoria e pratica

Per ritrovare armonia, equilibrio e benessere

by Laura Fezia
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 27, 2013

Laura Fezia ripercorre la storia dei chakra e racconta come la concezione olistica dell’uomo sia lentamente penetrata in Occidente, pur incontrando molte resistenze, fa chiarezza su errori e abusi originati dalla massiccia commercializzazione di tutto ciò che «profuma» di Oriente nell’odierno...
Cover of Nature Cure: -
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2015

This book will help understand the methods used by Naturopathy which was given a new definition in India by Dr. Jussawalla several decades ago. There are valuable tips on how to lead a healthy life. You can see why Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Morarji Desai, Meena Kumari and several other well-known...
Cover of Le manuel pratique du corps subtil

Le manuel pratique du corps subtil

Guide complet de guérison énergétique

by Cyndi Dale
Language: French
Release Date: May 1, 2017

Le corps subtil de Cyndi Dale est devenu le guide de référence pour qui désire explorer les différents types de guérison énergétique. Avec Le manuel pratique du corps subtil, elle nous offre une documentation tout aussi précieuse : un manuel d’instructions pratique nous permettant de mettre...
Cover of Introduzione alla Naturopatia

Introduzione alla Naturopatia

La filosofia olistica e le nuove ricerche

by Catia Trevisani
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 12, 2010

Questo libro vuole essere un testo da leggere, studiare, o semplicemente consultare per farsi un’idea finalmente chiara di un termine, naturopatia, oggi eccessivamente abusato. La si vuole differenziare da pratiche improvvisate e spesso discutibili che approfittano di un vuoto legislativo per farsi...
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