Architects Photographers category: 3350 books

Cover of Dalla parte di Zoroastro. Leonardo da Vinci visto da un’altra prospettiva
by Andrea Cocchi
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 27, 2019

A 500 anni dalla morte, l'opera di Leonardo da Vinci è rivista sotto un'ottica diversa rispetto a quella generalmente riconosciuta. Leonardo così annunciava il suo celeberrimo esperimento del volo: "Piglierà il primo volo il grande uccello sopra del dosso del suo magno Cecero, empiendo...
Cover of Anmutig älter werden
by Ruth Maria Kubitschek
Language: German
Release Date: February 15, 2017

"Das Glück wohnt nur in dir selbst, erwecke es." Die beliebte Schauspielerin erzählt, wie sie dem Weg des Älterwerdens am liebsten ausgewichen wäre. Heute weiß sie: Anmutig älter zu werden verlangt ein gewisses Maß Arbeit an sich selbst. Mit Humor erzählt sie viele Anekdoten aus...
Cover of I "Punti" della nostra vita

I "Punti" della nostra vita

La straordinara vita di Nicola Martinelli

by Roberto Allegri
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 17, 2018

La storia meravigliosa della vita di Nicola Martinelli. Nato nel 1925, in un piccolo paese sul Lago di Garda, imparò il mestiere di sarto in una bottega locale, poi emigrò a Milano dove divenne uno dei sarti più celebri ed esclusivi. Costretto dalla salute cagionevole a interrompere la professione,...
Cover of Frank Sinatra

Frank Sinatra

und seine Zeit

by Johannes Kunz
Language: German
Release Date: June 18, 2015

Ob Bob Dylan, Thomas Quasthoff oder Roger Cicero – Künstler aller Genres interpretieren im Jubiläumsjahr seine Songs und zollen so dem verehrten Frank Sinatra ihren Tribut. Mehr als 60 Jahre lang begeisterte er auf den Showbühnen der Welt ein Millionenpublikum – der vollkommenste aller Crooner,...
Cover of Paolo Noël 2
by Paolo Noël
Language: French
Release Date: October 10, 2012

La réussite de Paolo l'entraîne dans un tourbillon où il perd de vue ses priorités. Marié, père de jeunes enfants, il se sent constamment tiraillé entre sa carrière, qu'il veut poursuivre à tout prix, et sa famille. Poussé par son besoin d'amour irrépressible, il va de conquête en conquête,...
Cover of Monuments Men Rose Valland
by Patrick Bunker
Language: English
Release Date: March 19, 2019

Monuments Men Rose Valland By Patrick Bunker Rose Valland was an ordinary French citizen whose actions made an extraordinary impact during World War 2. Rose was a member of The French Resistance, but her acts of fearless bravery made a positive effect on countries all over the...
Cover of Van Gogh

Van Gogh

Le suicidé de la société

by Antonin Artaud
Language: French
Release Date: April 11, 2019

♦ Cet ebook bénéficie d’une mise en page esthétique optimisée pour la lecture numérique. ♦ « Non, Van Gogh n'était pas fou mais ses peintures étaient des feux grégeois, des bombes atomiques, dont l'angle de vision, à côté de toutes les autres peintures qui sévissaient à cette...
Cover of Contad, hombres, vuestra historia
by Alberto Savinio
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 7, 2019

Este libro, el más famoso de Savinio y para muchos su obra maestra, fue publicado por primera vez en 1942 y, sin embargo, su esencia permanece inalterada a pesar de los años. El artista italiano se propone resucitar el arte extinguido de un gran pintor como Holbein, cuya grandeza consiste en captar...
Cover of 国民党特务活动史
by 馬振犢
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Cover of The Exchange

The Exchange

Wild Times and Italian Rhymes

by Jessy King
Language: English
Release Date: February 26, 2016

From the snow drifts and tornadoes of Nebraska, to the white sand beaches of southern Italy, author Jessy King shares his experiences as an exchange student during his senior year of high school. In The Exchange, he tells about traveling and learning abroad in 2001 and 2002 against the backdrop of...
Cover of Szorstkie wino
by Jean-Claude Carrière
Language: Polish
Release Date: January 22, 2018

"W listopadzie winiarze zlewali nowe wino. Były to czasy, kiedy każdy winiarz wyrabiał inne. Wieczorami zapraszali się wzajemnie do domów i próbowali swoje wina, pogryzając pierwsze w sezonie kasztany. Takie wino nazywano „szorstkim”. Nie do końca sfermentowane, miało w sobie...
Cover of Sandstory


The Amazing Tale of How Sand Changed My Life

by Joe Castillo
Language: English
Release Date: January 29, 2014

In his teenage years, Joe Castillo developed a passion for using art to tell stories. Joe has told his WordStories to audiences for more than thirty years. He also created ArtStory presentations that combined those stories with illustrations drawn for live audiences. His newest adventure is SandStory....
Cover of A Feeling of Fullness

A Feeling of Fullness

Insights of a Divinely Guided Journey Beyond Breast Cancer

by Wilhelmina Grant
Language: English
Release Date: March 18, 2016

A book for our times: a book about taking charge of ones destiny through combining what one had to do with what one loves to do. Ms. Grant found her calling by turning to art for healing and renewal. Beth S. Gersh-Nesic, Ph.D.; Director, New York Arts Exchange Wilhelmina Grant has provided women everywhere...
Cover of 顛覆你對文藝復興時期的想像,Hen鬧的吹牛大師:切里尼自傳
by 本韋努托.切里尼
Language: Chinese
Release Date: May 18, 2018

**    「歌德」為德語版進行翻譯,「達利」為英文版繪製插畫   「文藝復興不只文藝,還又瘋又鬧又憂鬱!」   十六世紀藝術家的精彩生活;文藝復興社會裡的亂世浮生**   本韋努托.切里尼,佛羅倫斯人,十六世紀文藝復興時期重要的藝術家。 諸如當代其他的偉大人物,但丁、薄伽丘、達文西、米開朗基羅等,切里尼也有著多才多藝的天才特徵,更有瘋狂駭俗的浪蕩不羈。   作為雕刻家,他為佛羅倫斯公爵柯西莫一世創作了聞名於世的柏爾修斯像;   作為金匠,他為法國國王弗郎索瓦一世製作了著名的鹽盒;   作為罪犯,他為弟弟手弒仇人,最後鋃鐺入獄;   作為軍人,他為教皇克萊門特七世保衛聖天使堡立下汗馬功勞;   作為雙性戀者,他為了愛情慾望,招惹了無數男人和女人。    **  ◎西方經典叢書必收錄書目**   西方有名的經典叢書,《企鵝經典》、《牛津世界經典》、《人人文庫》皆收錄了切里尼的自傳,甚至杜蘭特《人類文明史》與《哈佛經典》叢書,都用龐大的篇幅介紹《切里尼自傳》。它與奧古斯丁《懺悔錄》,羅馬皇帝安東尼《沉思錄》,盧梭《懺悔錄》,美國富蘭克林的《自傳》等作品,並列為西方歷史中最重要的自傳之一。  ...
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