Astronomy category: 2403 books

Cover of Georges Lemaître

Georges Lemaître

The Big Bang Theory and the Origins of Our Universe

Language: English
Release Date: April 10, 2017

Keen to learn but short on time? Get to grips with the life of Georges Lemaître in next to no time with this concise provides a clear and engaging analysis of the work of Georges Lemaître. An unlikely combination of a priest and a physicist who was responsible for the theories of...
Cover of Where Is Science Going?
by Max Planck
Language: English
Release Date: June 28, 2017

First published in 1932, this book by Nobel Prize-winning German physicist Max Planck, a profound humanist as well as a theoretical scientist and professor in Germany between the two World Wars, provides the reader with a great insider’s look at how scientific revolutions unfold from the first sparks of ingenuity to their establishment as accepted paradigms of their current times.
Cover of Passage de Vénus sur le disque solaire
by Anonyme
Language: French
Release Date: March 12, 2016

L’année 1874 est une date importante pour les astronomes du monde entier : au mois de décembre de cette année-là, Vénus passera sur le disque solaire. Ce phénomène, qui n’a pas eu lieu depuis 105 ans, ne se verra plus, après 1874, qu’en 1882, puis en 2004. Il offre le moyen...
Cover of How It Works Book of Space
by Imagine Publishing
Language: English
Release Date: June 14, 2012

From the Sun and the Moon to black holes and faraway galaxies, the Book Of Space takes you through the wonders of the solar system and beyond. If you want to discover how the International Space Station was built or what happens when a star dies, then this is the book for you. Packed with amazing facts...
Cover of Making Beautiful Deep-Sky Images

Making Beautiful Deep-Sky Images

Astrophotography with Affordable Equipment and Software

by Greg Parker
Language: English
Release Date: October 26, 2016

This book is based around the author’s beautiful and sometimes awe-inspiring color images and mosaics of deep-sky objects. The book describes how similar "Hubble class" images can be created by amateur astronomers in their back garden using commercially available telescopes and CCD cameras....
Cover of 8ed The observer of Genesis: Large print - The science behind the Creation story
by Alberto Canen
Language: English
Release Date: February 5, 2017

More than 300,000 books sold! Genesis, the seven days of Creation ... Where does the text that makes up the first part of the Bible come from? Is its text a mere introductory poem ... or is it a narrative? What's behind its words? Alberto Canen has found an alternative way to answer these and other...
Cover of Du ciel
by Aristote, Michel Federspiel, Aude Cohen-Skalli
Language: French
Release Date: January 16, 2017

Le traité Du ciel est l’un des plus importants traités de cosmologie que nous a transmis l’Antiquité. Aristote y livre une physique générale du domaine où se trouvent les astres, et s’emploie à montrer que l’univers obéit à des lois physiques et structurelles qui ont un caractère...
Cover of The Earth Gazers: On Seeing Ourselves
by Christopher Potter
Language: English
Release Date: February 6, 2018

It will soon be the fiftieth anniversary of the first manned mission to the moon, when men first saw for themselves the Earth as a sphere falling through space—they saw a world without borders and these images continue to give hope and inspire. Only twenty-four people have seen the whole...
Cover of Documents inédits sur Gassendi
by Philippe Tamizey de Larroque
Language: French
Release Date: November 24, 2014

Depuis le milieu du XVIIe siècle jusqu’à notre temps, on s’est beaucoup occupé de Pierre Gassendi, dit Gassendi. Biographes et critiques semblent avoir tout dit sur celui qui eut la triple gloire d’être un grand philosophe, un grand astronome et un grand érudit....
Cover of On the Heavens
by Aristotle
Language: English
Release Date: November 25, 2016

THE science which has to do with nature clearly concerns itself for the most part with bodies and magnitudes and their properties and movements, but also with the principles of this sort of substance, as many as they may be. For of things constituted by nature some are bodies and magnitudes, some...
Cover of Visual Art and Education in an Era of Designer Capitalism
by jan jagodzinski
Language: English
Release Date: October 11, 2010

This book offers a unique perspective of art and its education in designer capitalism. It will contribute to the debate as to possibilities art and design hold for the future. It also questions the broad technologization of art that is taking place.
Cover of The Earth Moves: Galileo and the Roman Inquisition (Great Discoveries)
by Dan Hofstadter
Language: English
Release Date: May 10, 2010

A cogent portrayal of a turning point in the evolution of the freedom of thought and the beginnings of modern science. Celebrated, controversial, condemned, Galileo Galilei is a seminal figure in the history of science. Both Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein credit him as the first modern...
Cover of Margherita Hack. Il sole non è adesso
by Margherita Hack, Marco Alloni
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 9, 2012

«Capendo come sono fatte le stelle, come e perché brillano, come insomma esse nascano, vivano e muoiano esattamente come noi, arriviamo a capire più da vicino anche molti dei processi legati alla nostra vita. E alla fne sapere che anche le stelle nascono e muoiono è certamente molto rassicurante». Margherita...
Cover of 黑洞簡史
by 芭杜席雅克(Marcia Bartusiak)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: July 5, 2018

◆全宇宙第一本黑洞的傳記! ◆2017年諾貝爾物理學獎得主的研究焦點! ◆美國物理科學寫作大獎二度得主、美國物理學會安德魯哲鎂大獎(此獎表彰年度物理科學最有貢獻者)得主最新力作 黑洞是個古怪詭異的概念,是時空中的深淵——連光線都無法逃逸!科學家深信大自然不會這麼瘋狂亂來,簡直違反了所有的邏輯! 「黑洞應該隸屬奇幻神話的範疇,是吸血鬼或滴水怪的同類。」 古老格言有云:任何真理都必須經過三個階段——受奚落;引起強烈反對;最後變成不證自明。黑洞,結結實實走過這三個歷程。 「等我們認清宇宙有多奇怪時,才能明白宇宙有多簡單。」 ——惠勒(當代美國相對論泰斗) 高涌泉(國立台灣大學物理系教授)熱情推薦 重量級科學作家芭杜席雅克結合物理專業和俐落的新聞寫作,創作出宛如章回小說的科普佳構。這是關於黑洞如何引起偉大思想家如愛因斯坦、惠勒、霍金等人如何激戰、沮喪、又如何振奮的動人故事,他們的貢獻又是如何完全改變我們對宇宙的看法。 作者也告訴我們黑洞如何替愛因斯坦平反,將他最偉大的成就「廣義相對論」從歷史的陰暗角落帶回物理的亮麗舞台。 直到天文學家發現中子星和黑洞等令人驚異的現象,一度沉寂的宇宙才轉化為愛因斯坦口中的完整體系。這個充滿巨大能量的宇宙秩序,也只有透過相對論才能讓人了解。 本書出版正值相對論問世百周年紀念;2017年諾貝爾物理獎得主索恩等人,更找到了這片宇宙最重要的一塊拼圖——黑洞互撞產生的重力波。 從小道消息、鄉野傳奇到驗明正身、黃袍加身的明日之星, 只應出現在神話或科幻小說的「好主意」,果然真實存在。 尖端科學家競逐聖杯的故事還沒結束,黑洞的研究方興未艾! 【國內外專業推薦】(按姓氏筆畫序) 《黑洞簡史》展示了科普應有的模樣:想知道黑洞嗎?那就別多管傳統的課程,直接打開本書吧! ——余海峯(瑞典皇家理工學院粒子及天體粒子物理組博士) 本書作者娓娓道來黑洞的歷史,不過度著墨學理,卻帶著一種類似章回小說的文學趣味,引人入勝。 ——陳丕燊(國立台灣大學梁次震宇宙學講座教授兼梁次震宇宙學與粒子天文物理學研究中心主任) 黑洞的觀測仍在持續進行中……讀者埋首閱讀之餘,不妨仰望銀河深處,對黑洞這個獨角獸,你仍可充滿幻想。 ——溫文鈺(中原大學物理系教授) 芭杜席雅克的新書是經過透徹的研究,同時洞察科學事業的本質。文筆優美,黑洞迷會深深愛上這本書。 ——萊特曼(Alan...
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