Astrophysics Space Science category: 1588 books

Cover of Telescopen van de toekomst

Telescopen van de toekomst

De nieuwe grote ogen van de astronomie

by Govert Schilling
Language: Dutch
Release Date: March 21, 2018

We staan aan het begin van een nieuwe revolutie in de astronomie. De komende jaren worden nieuwe reuzentelescopen gebouwd, waarmee sterrenkundigen verder in het heelal kunnen doordringen dan ooit. Ze krijgen spiegels met afmetingen van tientallen meters en bieden een blik op de prille jeugd van het...
Cover of Wie sehen Aliens aus?

Wie sehen Aliens aus?

Was die Astrobiologie über Außerirdische verrät

by Nadja Podbregar
Language: German
Release Date: January 20, 2017

Insektenartige Monster, schmächtige Männchen mit großen Augen oder körperlose Lichtwesen – diese Aliens kennen wir aus vielen Science-Fiction-Filmen und Romanen. Aber wie realistisch sind diese Vorstellungen von Außerirdischen? Wenn es im Kosmos andere intelligente Lebensformen gibt, wie sähen...
Cover of Wohnen im All

Wohnen im All

Lebensform der Zukunft oder teure Utopie?

by Nadja Podbregar
Language: German
Release Date: August 4, 2016

Können Menschen im All leben? Wird man eines Tages dauerhafte menschliche Siedlungen außerhalb unseres Planeten bauen und bewohnen? Vor nicht allzu langer Zeit wären Fragen dieser Art als pure Science-Fiction, Fantasien oder bestenfalls als Wunschdenken angesehen worden. Aber inzwischen hat sich diese...
Cover of How the Great Scientists Reasoned

How the Great Scientists Reasoned

The Scientific Method in Action

by Gary G. Tibbetts
Language: English
Release Date: December 17, 2012

The scientific method is one of the most basic and essential concepts across the sciences, ensuring that investigations are carried out with precision and thoroughness. The scientific method is typically taught as a step-by-step approach, but real examples from history are not always given. This book...
Cover of PRESENCE 3 - Dieu, le Cosmos, le Paranormal et les Exocivilisations
by Denis Roger DENOCLA
Language: French
Release Date: June 11, 2013

NOUVELLE EDITION Ce livre est le troisième ouvrage de la série Présence. Il porte la réflexion dans une perspective d’innovation de pensée et de recherche, à partir des éléments contenus dans les documents Oummains. Des résultats cosmologiques transcendantaux expliquant de...
Cover of Metamaterial Multiverse
by Igor I Smolyaninov
Language: English
Release Date: November 29, 2018

Many physical properties of our universe, such as the relative strength of the fundamental interactions, the value of the cosmological constant, etc., appear to be fine-tuned for existence of human life. One possible explanation of this fine tuning assumes existence of a multiverse, which consists...
Cover of Schwarze Löcher

Schwarze Löcher

Rätselhafte Phänomene an den Grenzen von Raum und Zeit

by Roman Jowanowitsch
Language: German
Release Date: November 2, 2016

Kosmische Staubsauger, Wurmlöcher, die Zeitreisen ermöglichen, und alles vernichtende Todesstrudel: vor allem in Science-Fiction Filmen sind Schwarze Löcher allgegenwärtig. Doch was hat es mit diesen faszinierenden Phänomenen im Weltall, die den Astronomen immer noch jede Menge Rätsel aufgeben,...
Cover of Viaggio all'interno di un buco nero
by Andrea Parlangeli
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 11, 2017

Qual è il viaggio più estremo che possiamo immaginare? L'Antartide? Banale. La luna? Già fatto. Marte? Ci arriveremo presto e andremo ben oltre. No, il viaggio più estremo che si possa concepire è al di là dei confini del Sistema solare, a molti anni luce da noi. Un viaggio senza ritorno fino...
Cover of Mars est encore loin

Mars est encore loin

Bref essai précédé d'une lecture critique de la Conquête de l'Espace

by Alain Duret
Language: French
Release Date: May 9, 2016

Le 25 mai 1961, John Fitzgerald Kennedy avait promis la Lune aux Américains. Il connaissait exactement les capacités de ses techniciens, et il avait mis l’argent sur la table. Huit ans plus tard, Niels Armstrong (adieu, l’ami) foulait le sol de l’astre des nuits. A ce jour, personne...
Cover of Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart

Challenging the Skies Great Lives Series

by Susan Sloate
Language: English
Release Date: February 23, 2011

Explore the inspiring life and mysterious disappearance of an American icon with this thrilling Amelia Earhart biography from the Great Lives series.   When Amelia Earhart vanished over the Pacific Ocean in 1937 during her attempt to make the first round-the-world flight via the equator, it sparked...
Cover of Elon Musk Biography: How The World Would Look Like in the Next 30 Years?: Tesla Cars, SpaceX, SolarCity and Other Inventions
by Chris Dicker
Language: English
Release Date: September 12, 2017

Elon Musk, the "TONY STARK" of the 21st century! Unlike Tony Stark, this is not a fiction movie.Elon Musk, self-made billionaire, inventor, and entrepreneur has started a quest for advancements in the technology like Tony Stark in the Iron Man movies. Elon's vision of the future is enormously...
Cover of Mon album de la connaissance du Professeur Génius
by QA international Collectif
Language: French
Release Date: October 2, 2012

Dans Mon album de la connaissance, le professeur Génius nous emmène à la découverte de plusieurs sujets captivants. Passionné de sciences, il nous fait d’abord découvrir les mystères de l’Univers avant de nous raconter l’histoire de la vie et de percer pour nous les secrets du corps humain...
Cover of Let's Explore Mars (Solar System)

Let's Explore Mars (Solar System)

Planets Book for Kids

by Baby Professor
Language: English
Release Date: December 20, 2015

Mars, A.K.A The Red Planet, has been the topic of many alien life speculations for so many years. With this picture book, you will finally learn about Mars; maybe enough to decide for yourself whether life can exist in it or not. Reading a picture book fuels the imagination and makes facts more easily understood. Order your copy today!
Cover of Solar System for Kids: The Planets and Their Moons
by Baby Professor
Language: English
Release Date: December 20, 2015

The solar system is a complicated but very interesting subject to study. The problem is, school textbooks are so heavy with texts, they become very boring to children. The good news is, workbooks such as this exist. Using a hands-on and picture-dominated approach to learning, a child would have absolute fun learning about the star and the planets. Secure a copy today!
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